First time out of the vault

This I agree with. I didn't find the civil war storyline in Skyrim particularly compelling, mainly due to Bethesda's limitations when it comes to story writing and dialogue, but at least the two sides were portrayed in a somewhat balanced and human manner. In my opinion, it compares favorably to what Obsidian did with the NCR-Legion conflict in F:NV. At least the latter side was just downright silly and cartoony evil, without any sympathetic traits, aims or outlook whatsoever. When one side in a conflict is made up of misogynic slavers that crucifies people while running around in silly costumes and the other, like, isn't, I lose all interest very quickly.What I will give them credit for is the concept of the civil war. Two sides, with neither being wholly in the right. Side with the empire, and you sign up for religious persecution and a healthy dollop of authoritarianism, side with the Stormcloaks, and you're helping spread xenophobia, insularism, and destabilising Tamriel at a time when it really needs to be united against external threats. It couldn't be further from the Boyscouthood of Steel from FO3 (although they lose points for leaving the civil war questline far less flashed out than the Kill the Dragons one)