Fallout 4 announced with official trailer

I mean, sure, in a world that ran out of gas, airships make sense, it's just that they come off as more steam punk than retro 50s kitsch.

To me they give a more dieselpunk feel, considering the great dirigibles were built in the 20s and 30s. Also, an atomic zeppelin is actually an idea from back in the 50s.


Sorry, for the cropped links, first post :D
I have a feeling it will end up being bland like Fallout 3 since Bethesda doesn't know what they are doing with the series: "we wanted to go original with Fallout 3 and not to use any ideas from the original Fallout 3 project" - oh, did you now? - going original, as in, just making a game called Fallout by going through a check-list of things from old games since you wanted to be "original" but couldn't come up with anything original? Going through a check-list of Fallout related things and applying them to your game doesn't make a good Fallout game, Bethesda.
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I actually quite like what I saw, and to tell the truth, voiced protagonist isn't so bad, as long as theres both a default Male and Female voice, which could be tweaked too, but it's doubtful. Graphics are quite nice though, even though it doesn't have the dark feeling, the lightning effects might have something to do with it, and the weather too. Hope the storyline is as good as the trailer.
We don't even have a timeframe to place this game in yet. I'm curious where it will fall in line. I also look forward to more info on the Great War, although I am worried about Bethesda telling that story. I'm not sure how I feel about the voiced character since that may detract from the blank slate that we can usually work off of. I didn't see any BoS, Enclave, or NCR so that is a plus in my book...so far.

NMA LIVES. So many new people. Yay.
I think you're all panicking too soon about the Schmault Schmeller talking at the end. If anything that's probably only there to add flavour to the trailer. That's me being optimistic though.
Shedding my biases for a second and trying to be as even-handed as possible:

* The initial impression is that they'll focus much more on the lead-up to the Great War. Might be wrong, mind you, but between the trailer's focus and the leaked casting calls, that's a very strong impression. Not sure what to feel about that. I feel like it's better to never have the full picture of the pre-War world and just experiencing it in bits and snippets, but if they limit it to a tutorial section it might work out okay.

* I'm really unhappy with the prospect of a voiced protagonist. The way I see it, there's no reason for the series to go in that direction, and, unless Bethesda seriously overhauls its storytelling, no commercial/critical benefit can be gained out of it.

* The art direction... well, there's good and bad, and I hope the bad will start looking better once I get to see more of the game and the good will continue to give me a good impression while the shine wears off. First, the bad: the tech level of the game looks a bit.. inconsistent? And the architecture and decors looks a bit uninspired too. Fallout 3 had a really good, consistent tone it aimed for in terms of architecture and technology. There were a few blunders along the way (I still don't really understand the goals of the Super Mutant redesign, and I think the Power Armors were far too busy and lacked strong silhouettes), but overall it was a nice package. From this trailer, Fallout 4 seems to lack that cohesiveness. Some of the tech (the airship) looks like it could fit in Dishonored, other looks like it's ripped from Fallout 3 but made shinier. As for the good, though: I'm pretty happy with their decision to shed the overwhelming color tints they've been using for the past 2 games (3 if you count Obsidian's New Vegas). While the shaders don't look phenomenal, I do appreciate the matte painting-like saturated look of some scenes, and the contrast will undoubtedly make a lot of scenes much easier to read.

* Graphically it's sort of underwhelming. It's not bad, but it reminds me of the first showing of Destiny, except with worse animations. When put against other comparable open-world titles like The Witcher 3, Fallout 4 simply doesn't look up to snuff.

* It's too early to judge, but it does look like Bethesda is actually trying to carve its own place in the Fallout lore this time around. There don't seem to be any obvious references to the Brotherhood of Steel and the Enclave, there aren't even ghouls in the trailer (unless they really *changed* their look the creatures shown in the supermarket section are something completely different), and while there's a couple of creatures that have a suspiciously Super Mutant-like silhouette at one point, they might well be something else too. This is cool! I don't like Bethesda's writing in Fallout 3 outside of a few largely disconnected short stories/setpieces, but I'm more willing to give them a chance on something new. If it doesn't work, no biggie either, because the failure wouldn't be on the shoulders of an old, beloved character and/or faction.

* There's a dog in the game. Not a Hairworks dog but I'll take it. A dog's a dog.

Overall, a lot of stuff that will make or break the game simply isn't part of the trailer. There are simply no elements to judge the writing, character progression systems, quest design, and world design. I'll leave those first impressions for when we actually get a look at them at E3.

Hm. It seems a bit early for a Sunset Overdrive sequel.

I'd be happy for a more cartoony/pulpier-looking Fallout, but I don't think that was the intention here.

Don't forget what Lexx said though, it is just the first of probaly many many trailers and teasers. In the end Fallout 3 was nothing like the first trailer. And from what Todd said I had very different expectations from the game - for example I actually thought that the inner city of DC was under full controll of the Enclave.

Did the Fallout 3 teaser trailer really look *that* different? I mean, the tech was what we got in the final game, and it did a pretty good job at conveying the general tone and atmosphere. That said, we might be talking about different things: do you mean the Fallout 1-like in-engine cinematic that ended with the Brotherhood of Steel dude looking at the camera?

Best articulation of my reaction to the trailer that I've read thus far. This is also my first (or second?) [EDIT: Turns out I have about 14.] post on this forum, but I plan to make a lot more. FO4's announcement isn't all bad, at least we're getting more members.
I just wanted to say something I said over in tO:

I think Witcher 3 looks better graphically due to not rendering as many objects, as in you can't loot everything that isn't bolted down. This frees up a lot of room to make everything prettier. You don't see graphics like GTA V in Bethesda games due to that. I'm not an expert, but I believe that to be the case.
Is it me, or is the design of the dog just really, really off? I mean German Shepards are nice, they look lovely in reality, but on an engine where it makes hair look like blocks of wood with a nice coat, the German Shepard just look plain weird. They honestly should've went with a Rottweiler or any other stockier, short-hair dog, it would give it a better look and with dark fur, a harder time to see the "LOL" issues with the texture.
Is it me, or is the design of the dog just really, really off? I mean German Shepards are nice, they look lovely in reality, but on an engine where it makes hair look like blocks of wood with a nice coat, the German Shepard just look plain weird. They honestly should've went with a Rottweiler or any other stockier, short-hair dog, it would give it a better look and with dark fur, a harder time to see the "LOL" issues with the texture.

Yeah, the dog wasn't very convincing. It isn't just you. Tons of people have mentioned it across the web.
Is it me, or is the design of the dog just really, really off? I mean German Shepards are nice, they look lovely in reality, but on an engine where it makes hair look like blocks of wood with a nice coat, the German Shepard just look plain weird. They honestly should've went with a Rottweiler or any other stockier, short-hair dog, it would give it a better look and with dark fur, a harder time to see the "LOL" issues with the texture.

Yeah, the dog wasn't very convincing. It isn't just you. Tons of people have mentioned it across the web.

Sorry, didn't want to sound like a 'lel unique snob' ,I just wanted to be sure I wasn't seeing shit @_@
I hate the airships a lot less now that I remember they were in fallout tactics.

Voice protagonist: are we going to still have a choice between male and female?
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Trailer looks fine i guess, dont have high hopes for the game tho. Maybe there will be obsidian spinoff again.
I suppose the reaction here is to be expected.

The trailer got me pretty psyched up, rumors are the protagonist was cryogenically frozen .

You clearly see him getting out of the Vault. Not Cryogenically frozen.

He could have been cryogenically frozen in the vault, so he still remembers life before the war. Would be kind of an interesting twist, instead of the typical vault dweller growing up in the vault.

Rumor it takes place 10 years after FO3, no gender select for main game, tons of DLC planned including an expansion. l third person isometric option basically to "appease old schools" takes place in Boston. May be released on 360/PS3. Runs on skyrim engine. Expected release date ~dec this year

Sounds like Bethesda's MO alright. They basically set up their own timeline but added no logic to how long between the nukes and "present day." Looks like little to no NEW tech, barely any true rebuilding (still using scavenged supplies instead of finally creating some semblance of an infrastructure) and probably very little in the way of world logic to coexist with game design logic (I can believe small amount of farming to supply a large town... not a 6ft by 6ft garden and 1 brahmin for the size of Megaton. You can't say "we didn't show it because it's boring/unimportant" when you make a completely open near seamless world.

Just a reminder. America is only 240 years old next year. It's been 210 years since America was nuked by the setting of FO5. You can already visit parts of chernobyl directly affected by the disaster without protection other than a geiger counter to stay away from hotspots. You can live in many places in and around Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
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Just a reminder. America is only 240 years old next year. It's been 210 years since America was nuked by the setting of FO5. You can already visit parts of chernobyl directly affected by the disaster without protection other than a geiger counter to stay away from hotspots. You can live in many places in and around Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

It's well established at this point that the effects of radiation in FO are based on 1950s pulp science fiction, not actual nuclear physics. If we're going to go down that route, than we'd have to agree that many of the basic locations and concepts established in FO1 also make no sense in terms of how radiation actually behaves.

As for the trailer, it was not as bad as I'd imagined. The worst parts for me are the possibility of a voiced protagonist and the badly animated dog, but overall I think the art design is intriguing, and I'm definitely eager to see more of the game. I won't be able to play for it a while though, since I have an old PC and last-gen consoles.
More thoughts on the trailer:

What if Ron Perlman voiced a character in this? Someone not the narrator I mean.

The Power Armor in the garage does look modified to me.

The zeppelin is not lore breaking in any way whatsoever.

I like the Power Armored troops shown in the pre-war flashback. Actually I like everything about that segment, which I am certain is part of the tutorial. Showing the baby, then the boy walking around the town, suddenly the bombs are incoming and they rush to the vault. Will everyone be let in though? That is the question.

The bomb does appear to land outside of Boston. I didn't see it land on the city, maybe I'll watch it again. Looked like a crowd did get wiped out. The Vault could only take a certain number of people.

Board Game named Blast Radius?