Fallout 4 does not make sense

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Did you guys know that the Gunners also have Vertibirds? Yeah, those vehicles that only the Enclave had access to in Fo2 and after that only the NCR and the DC BOS could maintain.... now some raider gang has a bunch of those.... yeah...

Dude, the Gunners are mercenaries, not raiders. Big difference. One group shoots you on sight, the other wears military style clothing and then shoots you on sight!
personally, I like the skeletons. Its something to look at. I like the attention to detail in how they are set up and the liltle stories they tell.

sure, it Int realistic. Boo Hoo. Go live under ground in a desert if you want a slightly more realistic post apocolyptic feel.

Would you really rather stare at a nice clean dirt floor and 100 candles? Or what?

Maybe you'd like just one weapon, ability to carry 50lbs, virtual piss stops, and inability to play past your bedtime.


Oh goody a typical 12 year Bethesda fanboy. Please keep gracing us with your amazing intelligence and spelling errors.

Wow I guess the Bethesda fans enjoy those wacky skeletons that shouldn't be there in dusty run down places that serve no purpose and should've been renovated! Environmental "storytelling". That's what you get when you pay $60 to Bethesda. They give you a sandbox to make your own stories because the writers couldn't write anything to save their lives so you have to use your "imagination" for a story. People pay money for THEM to make a story not for us to do their job. Makes me sick.
I love how you automatically assume and get so irritated by a simple criticism of NMA's complaints that he's a Bethesda fanboy. How cancerous.
personally, I like the skeletons. Its something to look at. I like the attention to detail in how they are set up and the liltle stories they tell.

sure, it Int realistic. Boo Hoo. Go live under ground in a desert if you want a slightly more realistic post apocolyptic feel.

Would you really rather stare at a nice clean dirt floor and 100 candles? Or what?

Maybe you'd like just one weapon, ability to carry 50lbs, virtual piss stops, and inability to play past your bedtime.


Oh goody a typical 12 year Bethesda fanboy. Please keep gracing us with your amazing intelligence and spelling errors.

Wow I guess the Bethesda fans enjoy those wacky skeletons that shouldn't be there in dusty run down places that serve no purpose and should've been renovated! Environmental "storytelling". That's what you get when you pay $60 to Bethesda. They give you a sandbox to make your own stories because the writers couldn't write anything to save their lives so you have to use your "imagination" for a story. People pay money for THEM to make a story not for us to do their job. Makes me sick.
I love how you automatically assume and get so irritated by a simple criticism of NMA's complaints that he's a Bethesda fanboy. How cancerous.

If it's so "cancerous" then why are you here?
As for the criticism, it seemed more like they were making an ass out of themselves with hostility in an attempt to defend Bethesda's bad design choices.
personally, I like the skeletons. Its something to look at. I like the attention to detail in how they are set up and the liltle stories they tell.

sure, it Int realistic. Boo Hoo. Go live under ground in a desert if you want a slightly more realistic post apocolyptic feel.

Would you really rather stare at a nice clean dirt floor and 100 candles? Or what?

Maybe you'd like just one weapon, ability to carry 50lbs, virtual piss stops, and inability to play past your bedtime.


Oh goody a typical 12 year Bethesda fanboy. Please keep gracing us with your amazing intelligence and spelling errors.

Wow I guess the Bethesda fans enjoy those wacky skeletons that shouldn't be there in dusty run down places that serve no purpose and should've been renovated! Environmental "storytelling". That's what you get when you pay $60 to Bethesda. They give you a sandbox to make your own stories because the writers couldn't write anything to save their lives so you have to use your "imagination" for a story. People pay money for THEM to make a story not for us to do their job. Makes me sick.
I love how you automatically assume and get so irritated by a simple criticism of NMA's complaints that he's a Bethesda fanboy. How cancerous.

If it's so "cancerous" then why are you here?
As for the criticism, it seemed more like they were making an ass out of themselves with hostility in an attempt to defend Bethesda's bad design choices.
It's "cancerous" to me because you automatically assume the individual is a "Bethesda fanboy" without any real indication whatsoever other than he/she doesn't find the issues THAT glaring.:razz:
The Survivalist was a single skeleton at the top of a mountain, it was on lying on the ground and the bones could be moved as it wasn't a Skeleton statue, it wasn't a bunch of skeletons in dynamic poses surrounded by animals and somehow staying in place for 200 years.

Context, ever heard of that? Not all uses of skeletons are the same, and the criticism here is about how nonsensically they place and use those.

So your argument boils down to 'When Obsidian did it, it was alright'? Bullshit by one company is equal to bullshit from another. No exceptions.
The Survivalist was a single skeleton at the top of a mountain, it was on lying on the ground and the bones could be moved as it wasn't a Skeleton statue, it wasn't a bunch of skeletons in dynamic poses surrounded by animals and somehow staying in place for 200 years.

Context, ever heard of that? Not all uses of skeletons are the same, and the criticism here is about how nonsensically they place and use those.

So your argument boils down to 'When Obsidian did it, it was alright'? Bullshit by one company is equal to bullshit from another. No exceptions.

I don't think you get the point. Using skeletons for "environmental storytelling" is not a bad thing as a concept, but as with everything, you have to use it right. A single skeleton is fine, but if you get a bunch of them in every single damn building you explore, that's where it is too much and turns to shit.

I don't think anybody minds the very fact that Beth uses skeletons. It's the manner in which they do it.
What we need is the power to Obsidian to cancel out the root. And the equation, becomes nice and clean again.

Assuming that Obsidian is contracted to do another Fallout game, and assuming that it matches or exceeds the quality set by New Vegas. Nothing has been said about the future yet, but I know I do not want to wait another five years for the next game, and I would prefer that it is not one developed by Bethesda, but all further games will involve Bethesda, since they own the franchise now.
Sawyer was showing off some things on Twitter/Instagram hinting at a future project, when people pressed whether it was a Fallout game he flat denied it. While that doesn't shut the door on an Obsidian developed Fallout completely, given how much work they are putting into the development of other titles and the size of the studio, I think it's safe to assume Obsidian will not be making a Fallout game in the foreseeable future.


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Sawyer was showing off some things on Twitter/Instagram hinting at a future project, when people pressed whether it was a Fallout game he flat denied it. While that doesn't shut the door on an Obsidian developed Fallout completely, given how much work they are putting into the development of other titles and the size of the studio, I think it's safe to assume Obsidian will not be making a Fallout game in the foreseeable future.



To be honest, after what happened with the metacritic rating last time, I don't really want them to. I'd rather they continue to be successful with their own titles.
Sawyer was showing off some things on Twitter/Instagram hinting at a future project, when people pressed whether it was a Fallout game he flat denied it. While that doesn't shut the door on an Obsidian developed Fallout completely, given how much work they are putting into the development of other titles and the size of the studio, I think it's safe to assume Obsidian will not be making a Fallout game in the foreseeable future.



To be honest, after what happened with the metacritic rating last time, I don't really want them to. I'd rather they continue to be successful with their own titles.
New Vegas didn't resonate well with folks as well 3 did, I guess. Still, better that Bethesda has a hold of the IP rather than Ubisoft or EA. Would love to see what CD Projekt Red can do with the Fallout series.
To be honest, after what happened with the metacritic rating last time, I don't really want them to. I'd rather they continue to be successful with their own titles.

I agree with you 100%. I don't want Obsidian to be in the position of having to let anymore of their talent go due to contract snafus. We'll always have New Vegas to go alongside Fallout 1 and 2 and while I'd love a new Fallout game, rather than a game inspired by Fallout like we're getting, I'd rather talented studios work on their own projects.