Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

Rareness? But aren't they bosses in the first quest?
yeah, but since then I've only seen one other in the stream and that was at a special location. It seemed to be guarding something, you could say it was, Powerful? It was also a little more difficult without groups of raiders around, seems they'll be fewer, but stronger.
Brotherhood of Steel mentioned over the radio by one of the new announcers. They sound more like the assholes from the older games when compared to the Minutemen.
Just read the big plot twist in the codex thread that toront linked to. Not going to post it here, go over there if you want to see it. But basically that spoiler confirmed what I've been saying about this game's plot being similar to another game that I won't mention but have said before and put in spoiler tags. >_>
Yeah, I predicted a lot of the plot twists too. They are pretty easily telegraphed if you know how cliche Bethesda stories can get.
Anything interesting or funny you guys are seeing from the streams?

Companions will now do stuff if you are just standing around. Piper went and sat on a chair(she thinks she is a person) when the streamer stopped to scratch his balls or something.