Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

God that Sentry Bot looks unpractical. At lest with 3/NV there seemed to be some logic with its design. And don't any of you F**K Head Beth fan boys tell me that the Sentry Bot now looks "intimating" and "cool". It just looks comical now.
God that Sentry Bot looks unpractical. At lest with 3/NV there seemed to be some logic with its design. And don't any of you F**K Head Beth fan boys tell me that the Sentry Bot now looks "intimating" and "cool". It just looks comical now.
It's like they got that comic book artist, the one obsessed with muscles, to draw it. Rob Liefield?
Really? Accessing memories like Remember Me and Assassins Creed? Not really giving a shit anymore are you Bethesda? :whatever:
Ah, come on. Granted this is Bethesda, but I'm sure there are plenty of other memory ready stories and such other than assassin's creed and Remember me out there.

I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't done in such a hackneyed way. Speaking of which this reminds me of that quest in Skyrim, Waking Nightmare, in which you had to go into the memories of a priest in order to progress through that quest: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Waking_Nightmare
So Beth is more or less copying Skyrim and adding stuff from Skyrim into Fallout. Wonderful. :whatever:
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I wouldn't mind it if it wasn't done in such a hackneyed way. Speaking of which this reminds me of that quest in Skyrim, Waking Nightmare, in which you had to go into the memories of a priest in order to progress through that quest: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Waking_Nightmare
So Beth is more or less copying Sktrim and adding stuff from Skyrim into Fallout. Wonderful. :whatever:
Wow, I don't agree personally, but I definately see where you're coming from. Bethesda sure does like repeating stuff don't they? I was hoping that maybe they were fans of Philip K. Dick and that the memory den was more like "We Remember It For You Wholesale."
Interesting reference.

Edit: Something is seriously messed up with this forum. Can't edit to insert spoiler tag.


  • lMp2yIm.png
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- Legendary wild mongrels contain aparantly fusion cells when you loot them?

- You can enter your power armor, no matter what kind of clothes you have on

- No surprise Piper is so shiiaaaaat, if she's always runing around in her default clothes. Can the companions even use armor?

- You can see little rain drops on your screen with Power armor in first person! I like that.
Oh they are now touching the lore of the west coast? This should be good and by that I mean its going to be painful! :puppy-dog:
I think they have a weird sort of respect for it to be honest. They'll mention it sure, maybe show some stuff from there. But placing a game there? I just don't feel they'll do it. Actually I remember a designer shooting Avellone a tweet about seeing him soon, might have been for e3. But maybe they asked for him as a consultant on how to represent the west coast in small scenes?
The dude is now just testing weapons, I wish he got into the Power Armors to see better how they look. Also, holy shit, those are some bigass weapon models... And no FOV options... are they seriously profesional game devs?

The Super Sledge looks like ass....

The Powerfist also looks ugly as sin... why do all the weapons look like junk now?
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