Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

Ok, I'm going to say something ''optimistic'', I can't wait to see what Obsidian will ''cook'' (:wiggle:) from this upgraded engine, they will probably do better job again in like 13 months than Bethesda have done in 4-7 years.. :puppy-dog:
Or Bethesda will not allow them to do so, so Obsidian will not embarrass them again :surprised:

I kinda doubt, that Obsidian gonna do another project with / for Bethesda. They didn't get their bonus for FNV, because of the "low" metacritic score (which is still, imho, pathetic) and they are deep in Pillars of Eternity. Doing "The White March II" and probably doing already some pre production on PoE 2.

That's just my theory. Would love to see another Obsidian Fallout
I doubt we will see another Obsidian Fallout anytime soon. They're working on Armored Warfare now, and it's the type of game that has to be developed continuously.
Didn't some guy rave about how hacking and lockpicking is now so suuuper intuitive and awesome?
I mean, it's the same minigames as in Fallout 3 oO
Well, if you ask Bethesda fanboys everything is awesome inthe leaks. Even the Dog on fire, the enemies ignoring you and the dog falling off the tower. I read the Fallout 4 leaks subredditt.... my god, this is why I don't use redditt.... Mostly fanboyism, people even wondering why "the babies" are complaining about the AI.... like seriously? Who can defend the AI? The characters are walking off ledges to their death on their own....

Robot named Professor Goodfeel

Looks like BGS tried to copy Old World Blues' humor and failed.

Or they just tried to do humor.

Robot named Professor Goodfeel

Looks like BGS tried to copy Old World Blues' humor and failed.

Or they just tried to do humor.

I can imagine someone suggesting this name during production. People laugh because of how stupid it would be, and therefore it is deemed an good joke for the game.
There is people defending the removal of skills and dialogue as "Evolution of the genre!".

No idea why people think that losing options could constitute as a good thing in any genre... These people will bend over backwards to defend companies getting lazier while they keep givingthem their money...

Fuck Reditt, I ain't reading that shit ever again in my life...
What makes you think it's a desert? I would say it simply shows elevation, down left corner is a small rising, a mountain if you will. Makes sense for the coast to be lower than inland... It's hypsometric tints.
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What makes you think it's a desert? I would say it simply shows elevation, down left corner is a small rising, a mountain if you will. Makes sense for the coast to be lower than inland...

Well, they did put a lot of desert around Washington DC. I may be a Euro-snob, but I'm pretty sure DC isn't in the desert.
What makes you think it's a desert? I would say it simply shows elevation, down left corner is a small rising, a mountain if you will. Makes sense for the coast to be lower than inland...
everything i've seen from gameplay vids seems to indicate a mostly desert, with a little bit of swamp. To be fair, I could be wrong on that count.
I've just created an account to thank you guys for saving myself from spending 60$ on this turd. I almost gave in to the hype like a sheep I was, so really, thank you. Keep "fighting the good fight," guys.

The only thing I'm looking forward to about Fallout 4 is a mod/remake of New Vegas in the new engine now....
Well, they did put a lot of desert around Washington DC. I may be a Euro-snob, but I'm pretty sure DC isn't in the desert.
I was willing to accept that as a result of D.C being completely pulverized by bombs. What bothers me is Oasis and Point Lookout show us that Bethesda is fine with making green wastelands, they just aren't smart enough to know that grass can grow again after 200 fucking years.