Must have gone gold a while ago if they have shrink-wrapped retail discs there. Gold means they pressed their gold master for replication. Those boxes are from replication.![]()
Those are probably empty cases that were ready weeks ago.
Must have gone gold a while ago if they have shrink-wrapped retail discs there. Gold means they pressed their gold master for replication. Those boxes are from replication.![]()
But all of those Let's plays will be fanboy let's plays. Also my Youtube channel is about analyzing movies and games with animated presentations so I can then make an expose on why I think the game is balls with cutout puppets.
If you set yourself apart by doing something well enough and original, kind of like what thenthapple did with his own lore series, you can build attention fast.
In case anyone missed it you also get a Dota 2 announcer pack from pre-ordering on Steam. I will definitely be pre-ordering it now. Not because I think the game will turn out good of course.![]()
tbh what I think is lacking right now is really critically-minded deconstructions of more independent titles on a large scale, as well as a philosophical analysis of modern titles. People evaluate games like SOMA for their corner-peeking mechanics (ignoring the transhumanism, existentialism, moral deconstruction, deconstruction of freedom etc etc) whereas they give awful shit like The Beginner's Guide a 9/10 because it touches on Roland Barthes in the most pathetic and logically-devoid fashion.
Like the most decent LPer I follow is Jim Sterling and that says it all. Sure, he's great at rhetoric and makes pretty cogent arguments for the most part, but he's so fucking theatrical. I'd love to see in-depth, plain analyses of games that MATTER rather that bullshit like Fallout 4.
In terms of publications there's Kill Screen and not many more. A few decent writers for major newspapers. A bunch of independent writers surrounded by critics who give either 1/10s or 10/10s with no mid point and no detailed analysis.
Maybe I'm just a boring old man.
But all of those Let's plays will be fanboy let's plays. .