Fallout 4 pre-order

Pre-order "Fallout" 4? Hell no.
Only pre-ordered a game once and regretted it about 1 hour after downloading. Not making that mistake again, definately not with a Bethesda game.
Seeing how quickly Wolfenstein The Old Blood was sold for half the price after its release date I also have come to the conclusion that people in general should not pre order games.
There is some exclusive mission, map, skin etc? Just wait for a while, it will probably be sold loose in time anyway (see Alien Isolation) or some modders or hackers will find a way to put it in the game.

BTW, all of you who love Return to Castle Wolfenstein (and even Wolfenstein 2009 like I do), I would in general not waste much time/money on this game unless you have played pretty much all somewhat sci-fi ish/supernatural shooters and are looking for something new to go through.
I got burned by Eidos when I pre ordered Thief, so no, no Fallout 4 pre order for me. Will I buy it when it comes out? that remains to be seen...
Pre-Ordering makes absolutely no sense in a world with digital copies. They will never run out. It only made since when your local store had X number of copies and you may not get one.
A friend went out of his way to buy a new copy of Borderlands 2 for me as a birthday present, despite the fact ALL I did was tell him it was my birthday and invite him over to a birthday dinner at a restaurant I was checking out, and despite the fact I never played BL1 AND had no interest in the series whatsoever. So while I will 100% not pre-order FO4, and I'm currently undecided whether I will pick it up on launch or within a few months of its release, chances are high that I'll end up owning it, whether I bought it myself or otherwise. XD
I've only pre-ordered 3 games, New Vegas, Rage (what a disappointment that was) and now Metal Gear Solid V. Personally, I prefer physical copies over digital and plus I'm hoping for some sort of midnight launch.
Midnight releases are pretty cool. You get to hangout and eat free food and chat with generally cool gamers for however long you arrived before midnight, then get in line and get your sweet game when the time comes..... or just leave cause you only came for the free food and company. XD
Midnight releases are pretty cool. You get to hangout and eat free food and chat with generally cool gamers for however long you arrived before midnight, then get in line and get your sweet game when the time comes..... or just leave cause you only came for the free food and company. XD

I pretty much did that for the PlayStation 4 launch. I didn't get a PS4 or anything, but I did win a Vita and got given free pizza. Met some great people and stayed awake for a total of 40 hours or so. It was a pretty sweet evening. I ended up with a PS4 about a year later through so it wasn't a big deal.
Never preordered a thing in my life. Also, i'm cheap, so most often i will wait for the % to appear where the price is.
Since pre-order is available I have a question for fallout fans. Are you going to buy/pre-order Fallout 4 or are you going to pirate it? And explain your choice please.

You should never ever pre-order a game. Like. Never. It is really the worst thing you can do. Why? Well think about how much other stuff you pre-order outside of games. That many? Exactly. Almost zero. And now think about why you're not doing it.

Yet. Gamers feel fine with it. At leas some. And those gamers later complain eventually about their choice. How the game is full of bugs. How it's not like the developer promised it. And so on. Well ... no shit. Games are known by now for having issues at release. That you should eventually wait for at least the first patch. But as long a large group of people pre-orders stuff, maybe even to get some of those super-hyped pre-order bonus-content-thingy developers and publishers will continue to throw out eventually unfinished games and eventually spending less time on optimization.
Pre-ordering is only for those cases where you fail your saving throw against "hype." I've been around long enough, and learned enough about the nature of marketing that this very rarely happens (I think I've preordered/kickstarted like 4 games this century.) If they're not going to run out of copies (and they don't run out of copies of AAA games, particularly ones that have a digital release) don't preorder it.

My general feelings towards Fallout 4 lean more towards "trepidation" than "excitement" anyway.
What would the CE for FO4 have? Special Editions have become extremely lame in the recent years unless is made by Atlus.

I have no clue. Last time I bought one was for New Vegas. I think I ended up paying $80 for it.

It doesn't really matter what it is. I would be happy with a statuette, more playing cards, another bobblehead, a hardback comic, even a map or instruction booklet would be fine.

Comes with the Pipboy frame for you to wear, a manual for the Pipboy (dunno what's in here), plus a giant poster with all the perks on it.

All inside a metal case.

I got mine on pre-order.

Worst comes to worst, I can always scalp it for high, high prices.
