Fallout 4 rumors of sort & other Fallout tidbits

While the anticipation for Fallout 4 is killing me I think I would actually jump off a cliff if it's set in the Capitol Wasteland again. Fingers crossed Three Dog has decided to move on to better pastures, or that he has a long lost twin or something.
If I never have to go through another generic metro after generic metro ever again for the rest of my life boy oh boy will I be thankful.
If Bethesda were to outsource it again, after the Prey 2 fiasco, I'd think any studio dealing with them would be wise to be very wary and not take any bullshit.
I'm not hyped for Fallout 4, in fact I'm just the opposite, I get a sick feeling in my stomach when I think about it, because I just know that it will be a Fallout 3 2.0, but even more streamlined and casual then before, and everyone will go apeshit, it will be a financial success and everybody will love it.

Godamn it Bethesda, why must you do this?

I'm gonna make a prediction now, it will be set in the north so they can reuse snow assets from Skyrim.
AlphaPromethean said:
...I'm gonna make a prediction now, it will be set in the north so they can reuse snow assets from Skyrim.

Heh, makes sense. What do you think are the chances that there will be mutated flying scaly evil animals spitting fire? And finally they will be able to give tha audience what was long overdue: dual wielding pistols, although with a holstering animation for a single gun. :crazy:

Happy days...
Arden said:
AlphaPromethean said:
...I'm gonna make a prediction now, it will be set in the north so they can reuse snow assets from Skyrim.

Heh, makes sense. What do you think are the chances that there will be mutated flying scaly evil animals spitting fire? And finally they will be able to give tha audience what was long overdue: dual wielding pistols, although with a holstering animation for a single gun. :crazy:

Happy days...

Are you implying that dual wielding pistols is a bad thing?
That monopoly game looks bad ass. Dude must be talented as hell, and spent alot of time researching Fallout (since he wasn't the fan).
Courierdroid said:
While the anticipation for Fallout 4 is killing me I think I would actually jump off a cliff if it's set in the Capitol Wasteland again. Fingers crossed Three Dog has decided to move on to better pastures, or that he has a long lost twin or something.
If I never have to go through another generic metro after generic metro ever again for the rest of my life boy oh boy will I be thankful.

I just hope it won't be set in the West. After seeing Skyrim I have low expectations for "Fallout" 4 anyway, so it won't bother me if it's set in the Capitol Wasteland or somewhere close.
The Generic Dungeons (tm) is a bethesdian trademark, presented proudly since 2002. It doesn't rely on Skyrim or Capital Wasteland at all.
I would rather say the "walking/hiking simulation" is a Beth trademark, because generic dungeons sure existed before Bethesda :P
Onholyservicebound said:
Are you implying that dual wielding pistols is a bad thing?

Not as such, I think it's a bit silly but cool. I just made a comment about it because in skyrim there is dual wielding, so of course they will use it in FO4 too like a lot of other things. This is not a bad thing as such, it's just so typically bethesda to leave things half finished and then reusing half finished stuff. If you take the trouble to make dual wield animations and skilltrees and equipment, why not include dual sheaths?

So I guess they will have dual wielding guns (ok) and dual wielding firing animations (good) but i bet they will not have dual holsters with a corresponding holstering animation. Because of lazy. Lazyness on bethesdas part being the reason for my post (dragons) and probably alphadrops (snow) too.