Fallout 4 teased? Three Dog returning


But best title ever!
VideoGamesUncovered has caught an interesting tidbit from the twitter account of Erik Dellums*, Three Dog's voice actor, concerning the return of the radio DJ in some form. Apparently Dellums has been given permission to release that tease, meaning that this could be the start of a viral campaign.

For what? Now, assuming this isn't just an elaborate fake, this could be a tease for Fallout 4, which would mean that the title will most likely take place in the Capital Wasteland or in some nearby area (given that it's fairly improbable that Three Dog could have traveled further than that), some kind of spin-off, either in terms of media (improbable given Bethesda's protectiveness of its own IPs and reluctance to publish stuff such as toys, comic books, etc.) or video game (something similar to New Vegas, using Skyrim engine but not quite being a generational leap, though I see this as even more improbable than the other option). There are probably other options I'm not considering too, but for now that's all I could think this could be related to.

* While Dellums' Twitter account is unverified, the chances it's a fake seem slim at best. It also should be noted that plenty of Twitter accounts are also unverified, including Brian Fargo's and Chris Avellone's.

Thanks, VG247.
Good job, WUE.

Great thinking there. "Let's start teasing Fallout 4 with the absolute dogshit worst character of Fallout 3". Well ok fine, maybe there were some worse (like the kids), but Three Dog was pretty damn annoying.

I'd be somewhat surprised if Three Dog is in Fallout 4 so my first thinking here is that it's for some kind of spin-off or inbetween media teaser release (like an extended trailer about the move up from Washington to Boston, if those rumors are true). But who knows, maybe he'll show up in Boston (again, if those rumors are true), further FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT with his voice on the radio. I'm rolling my eyes pretty hard here.

Pax East in Boston in late March is what I'm looking at for more news on the inevitable Fallout 4. But who knows, Bethesda can be unpredictable.
I would be suprised if this was announced. I personally think beth would rather wait for Xbox 720 before developing Fallout 4 [Consoles come first don't you know?']
Putting a bullet between his eyes was the best thing I did in Fallout 3. And probably the only choice in the game that actually had a consequence.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
Putting a bullet between his eyes was the best thing I did in Fallout 3. And probably the only choice in the game that actually had a consequence.


Like this?
I'm at a loss for words. If this is true, man is it telling of how terrible they are at deciding what makes an interesting character. Somehow I'm still not surprised.

Oh well, more tragicomical news to follow at least?

The Bethesda hype machine shifts into first gear, starts grinding its wheels over the world's media. Those few who are old enough shiver in fear in their castles, hovels and farmsteads, for they remember when last the machine scourged the lands. The young, though, turn their heads toward the machine with a smile, dreams of glory and profit filling, poisoning, their minds. The long summer of calm has finally ended, and knives are being sharpened in the dark.

Brace yourselves.

Bethesda is coming.
SumsoluS said:
I would be suprised if this was announced. I personally think beth would rather wait for Xbox 720 before developing Fallout 4 [Consoles come first don't you know?']

Console manufacturers send dev kits to develop launch titles on, and rumors point out to a new Xbox announcement this E3 (of course, rumors also insisted for an announcement last year, but apparently both microsoft and sony pulled out last minute), so it wouldn't really surprise me if Bethesda announced this without announcing the consoles it's meant to be released for. That's what other publishers are doing for a lot of titles that are more or less tacitly implied to be slated for next-gen consoles or to be transitional titles (both current and next-gen), after all, like Watch Dogs.
WorstUsernameEver said:
(given that it's fairly improbable that Three Dog could have traveled further than that),

Especially because I shot him, repeatedly, in the face, in several playthroughs of that bit.
Alphadrop said:
WorstUsernameEver said:
(given that it's fairly improbable that Three Dog could have traveled further than that),

Especially because I shot him, repeatedly, in the face, in several playthroughs of that bit.

Well, that's par of the course in Fallout, isn't it? Save importing has never been part of the series, and characters from earlier games had cameo (and non-cameo) roles before, like Harold.
They probably reckon the Beth fanbase loves him, he WAS one of the very only people in FO3 with a hint of a personality, even if it was an incredibly annoying one. I mean, look at how they litterally jumped on Serana, a Skyrim DLC character, purely because she was anything more than a completely generic unperson.

As for FO4, shucks. I wanted Obsidian to handle that. I guess it can't be worse than what they did for the third game, but Beth simply cannot do Fallout.
SumsoluS said:
I would be suprised if this was announced. I personally think beth would rather wait for Xbox 720 before developing Fallout 4 [Consoles come first don't you know?']
i think FO4 will be running on Skyrim engine, so there are no need for next gen consoles...
Ilosar said:
As for FO4, shucks. I wanted Obsidian to handle that. I guess it can't be worse than what they did for the third game, but Beth simply cannot do Fallout.

Expecting Obsidian to handle anything but another New Vegas-like spin-off has always been wishful thinking, to be fairly honest. Bethesda has always been fairly clear about buying Fallout to do more than one game themselves.
The problem is they don`t feel it. Mechanics aside they can`t/won`t work with their characters to make tham more deep and fitting with presented reality. Too much gimmick goofy stuff to less dark reality.
So anyway, if it's set in Boston as the rumours indicate... Wasn't that android feller on that Carrier ship city connected to "the Institute"?

Let's play Fallout 4: Fighting the good fight at MIT.

I guess that was already alluded to in the probably false rumor news post from last year.
In a perfect world Bethesda should have realized how much Fallout 3 sucked and would let Obsidian to make Fallout 4.
But since that wont happen i at least expect Bethesda to notice many of the errors of their game in comparation with New Vegas and try to fix them.
And also many of the errors in the Creation engine, droped objects being reseted is anoying as hell
And the combat, dungeons, critters, etc. in Skyrim were simplified...If Fallout 4 is gonna have lineal dungeons, more flat characters, and a borrowed history from another game, then I WILL PUKE ON THEIR SOULS!!

Its funny to see how many people killed Three Dog :) I personally used mi Minigun on him until the Bloody Mess perk made effect and he was splattered all over the place :)
the only thing I really fear is all this people coming back again just to post here all the time
