First time out of the vault

Made a video discussing 4's minor factions, and more specifically, their dullness. Hope everyone here enjoys 

http://sugarbombed.com/forums/threads/chris-avellone-interview-part-1.21018/to the retconing of various important plot points previous established in lore (Jet,.
SB: One last Fallout 4 related question. Bethesda, specifically the lead BGS writer Emil Pagularo, have taken some heat for multiple lore inconsistencies found in Fallout 4. For example, according to Fallout 4, jet was available pre-war and not created by Myron in Fallout 2. Also, there is an Enclave Power Armor suit at Nuka World that was also made pre-war (when it explicitly states in the game it was created post war), among other inconsistencies. How much is making sure all the lore in your games adds up and is consistent something you focus on in your games? And do you take issue with Bethesda at all for these lore inconsistencies?
CA: Do I take issue with them? No. (And considering what jet was originally made from, that lore point should make a lot of players happy.)
Even so, when inheriting a franchise, sometimes I, too, take exception to previous decisions as well (talking deathclaws in F2, talking animals, ghosts, Wannamingoes that look like HR Giger knock-off monsters, etc, etc.), even stuff I've done that I realized later was the wrong decision for the sake of a cheap joke (esp. 4th wall-breaking jokes).
Uh, he never said they werent inconsistencies. He merely said they didnt bother him and then made a joke about jet being made out of Brahmin shit. What was your point?
And that's incredibly dumb. Why would using a genetic modification virus allow you to make robots. That's just silly.The Institute actually acquired FEV after the war(and nothing suggests it was from Mariposa). The Institute's experiments into FEV were the result of them trying to perfect FEV strains so they could use it as part of the synth project(as synths are made using FEV).
"Supermutants fight and not talk, supermutants share with other supermutants" doesn't count as depth. It certainly doesn't explain how every single Supermutant in the entirety of the Commonwealth shares exactly the same culture and values.We also learn from Strong, as well as conversations the super mutants have with themselves, and things they yell at you while attacking, that the super mutants in the Commonwealth region have developed a communist like society, sharing everything among themselves, with nothing really being "owned" by anyone.
Because the creatures that are presented as generic dumb-dumbs throughout the entire game, are somehow clever enough, to each individually come to the conclusion that they are a superior species, and they want revenge.Their primary goal is to kill humans, partially because they see themselves as a superior species, and partially out of revenge for humans making them.
They still feel completely unfleshed out.Unrelated to the super mutants, we do learn the origins of the Triggermen in Fallout 4. when going to rescue Nick in the main quest, we can overhear a human Triggerman talking to a ghoul Triggerman about how seemingly wrong it is to build a Vault in a subway, since subways are not air tight. The ghoul triggerman respond by pointing out the Vault was likely a con job to keep people on the books, and being paied,while they prepped another site, and mentions that he used to pull this kind of con all the time before the war. The Triggermen, or at least the people who originally founded it, are/were ghouls of pre-war mafia members, who continued their traditions after the war.
Wait, how does a virus actually facilitate the creation of bio-mechanical beings? The FEV only mutates cells. In fact, synths would look even more conspicuous if they were made with FEV.The Institute actually acquired FEV after the war(and nothing suggests it was from Mariposa). The Institute's experiments into FEV were the result of them trying to perfect FEV strains so they could use it as part of the synth project(as synths are made using FEV).
I can theorise some answers:What are there aims?, How do they make money?, How do they gain new members?
Gen 3 synths aren't robots. They are genetically engineered artificial humans, with a chip implanted in their brains that allows them to be controlled. The "perfected" form of FEV used in their creation is what provides with the the myriad of unusual characteristics they have, such as biological immortality(Gen 3 synths do not age, they do not need to eat or sleep, they are incapable of getting fat or losing weight, and they are very resistant to most diseases), as well as their increased strength, speed, and, in some designed cases, increased intelligence, compared to normal humans.And that's incredibly dumb. Why would using a genetic modification virus allow you to make robots. That's just silly.
They don't, which is why we see some break away clans, such as the group led to Far Harbor by the Behemoth named Grun. We also see exceptions in cases like Strong, and Erickson, who aren't totally hostile."Supermutants fight and not talk, supermutants share with other supermutants" doesn't count as depth. It certainly doesn't explain how every single Supermutant in the entirety of the Commonwealth shares exactly the same culture and values.
Because the creatures that are presented as generic dumb-dumbs throughout the entire game, are somehow clever enough, to each individually come to the conclusion that they are a superior species, and they want revenge.
How come you never see any exceptions to the rules? ,Or different groups of Supermutants?, They all seem to have somehow adapted an ideology with little explanation as to where it originated.
Why wouldn't they? If someone decked out in weapons and armor is walking to your base, and you don't know who they are, and ypu haven't been told that someone should be coming, the logical asnwer is to shoot them before they can attack you. Especially in a place as dangerous as The Commonwealth.Why do they shoot the moment anyone approaches there base?
What are there aims?, How do they make money?, How do they gain new members?, ect.
But that basically destroys the whole point in Synths in the first place.Gen 3 synths aren't robots. They are genetically engineered artificial humans, with a chip implanted in their brains that allows them to be controlled
The Far Harbor Supermutants are practically identical to the normal supermutants, in that they are generic dumb dumbs who attack on site.They don't, which is why we see some break away clans, such as the group led to Far Harbor by the Behemoth named Grun. We also see exceptions in cases like Strong, and Erickson, who aren't totally hostile.
"I felt physical pain a couple years ago, and now I'm going to kill everyone who isn't me." Quality writing right there.Most super mutants are borderline crazy due to the sheer pain they experience when transforming, as we learn from Fawkes in Fallout 3, which is why they attack everyone who isn't them.
What?Their culture is implied to be programmed into them by the FEV itself.
If they immediately shoot at people with weapons and armor, that means that they'll shoot anyone who comes near there base, supposing that everyone in the commonwealth is armed to the teeth to avoid fighting the threats of the commonwealth.Why wouldn't they? If someone decked out in weapons and armor is walking to your base, and you don't know who they are, and ypu haven't been told that someone should be coming, the logical asnwer is to shoot them before they can attack you.
Ah yes, the racetrack that shoots any newcomers that try and enter it on site.They also operate places like the racetrack in East City Downs, and occasionally perform hits for wealthy people like Marowski, and Malcom Latimer.
Then how come you can negotiate with the Triggermen?, Talk to them or anything.And they recruit people in Goodneighbor in the same manner people go to Goodneighbor to hire out people like the Gunners for jobs.
Not really. As Shaun states when talking to him about it, synths are designed to have near human intelligence, placing emphasis on the word near. They are not designed to be as smart as people, or have human level awareness(except in very rare special cases). They are designed to be just very very smart monkeys. Which is why the Institute constantly asserts that synths don't want freedom, they only think they do because they are confused, and don't understand the emotions they feel.But that basically destroys the whole point in Synths in the first place. If Synths are practically identical to humans, then the whole artificial intelligence debate centered around them basically collapses in on itself.
-Never said they weren't. I said they were a different clan.-The Far Harbor Supermutants are practically identical to the normal supermutants, in that they are generic dumb dumbs who attack on site.
-As for Strong "Me want to find milk of human kindness" is the sole reason he's actually with you and not them.
-Erickson: "I was mutated by the fog of Far Harbor" is probably the dumbest explanation ever, especially considering it's radiation that stops all supermutants from coming out of the vats as super geniuses in the first place
-Its more like "I felt every single bone, organ, and piece of my body, quickly and rapidly expand and mutate in such a way no human mind is capable of understanding, as you never feel this in any normal existence. And it drove me crazy."-"I felt physical pain a couple years ago, and now I'm going to kill everyone who isn't me." Quality writing right there.
-And if that's the solution to all this, how come the Mariposa Supermutants were able to blend in with human society.
A. Vault 87 and Institute super mutants aren't dipped, they are gassed.What? Being dipped in a Vat of FEV somehow defines there entire lifestyle and actions? So how come the same doesn't apply to Mariposa Supermutants? Why would Vault 87 even allow that? Who first programmed that culture in to it in the first place? That response makes 0 sense.
That is why no one makes deals at their bases, they make deals in neutral places like the Third Rail, like any smart person would do. Only an idiot willingly walks into someone's base to make a deal that could be turned down, and possibly cause them to be shot by an enemy that has the advantage of being in their own base. What crime show have you watched where two rival groups or w/e agree to meet at one groups base? None, they all meet in neutral places like "down at the docks" or w/e the cliche for that show is.If they immediately shoot at people with weapons and armor, that means that they'll shoot anyone who comes near there base, supposing that everyone in the commonwealth is armed to the teeth to avoid fighting the threats of the commonwealth. And an organisation with its ties to the mafia, can't honestly shoot every average Joe that comes towards there base. That would just be horrendous business practice, which would lead to nobody actually being able to make any deals with them.
If you payed attention to who is at the racetrack you would see its all Triggermen or raiders, aka, people already part of The Commonwealth criminal element. They don't accept average Joes into the place. And criminals have their own underworld of connections and ways to meet.Ah yes, the racetrack that shoots any newcomers that try and enter it on site. I wonder how a racetrack that never accepts new customers keeps its profits going.
Because the Triggermen have no reason or desire to talk to you. Same with the Gunners, and the average raider clan.Then how come you can negotiate with the Triggermen?, Talk to them or anything. If the Triggermen recruited people in Good neighbor, that would have given Bethesda a perfect chance to allow the players to perhaps negotiate with them, stop them from being immediatly hostile, and allow you to move through the Nick Valentine Vault without having to mow down waves and waves of faceless enemies, but no, obviously Bethesda missed that opportunity, because what good is a game where you actually have a chance to avoid mowing down enemies.
Wrong. Shaun's DNA is not pure, he witnessed a nuclear explosion and bathed in radiation. And I'm pretty sure that molecular teleportation could shake up the Shaun's DNA too.That is why they needed Shaun in the first place for his pure DNA.
You are aware that expose to radiation =/= instant mutation? You spend all day being bathed in radiation from tons of sources including the sun, and your DNA isn't instantly mutated because of it.Wrong. Shaun's DNA is not pure, he witnessed a nuclear explosion and bathed in radiation. And I'm pretty sure that molecular teleportation could shake up the Shaun's DNA too.
You are aware that expose to radiation =/= instant mutation? You spend all day being bathed in radiation from tons of sources including the sun, and your DNA isn't instantly mutated because of it.
There are people, IRL, whose job it is to dive into nuclear reactors to fix parts on the inside of them, who don't suffer from death, or terrible mutations, since they spend only a limited amount of time in them.
In Fallout 4, the bomb we see in the intro was over 16 miles away, we are only exposed to the shock wave for a few seconds, and we pass through a radiation screening before entering the vault proper and are given an all clear.
Its perfectly possible, based on real world science, that Shaun, Nate, Nora, and everyone else standing on that platform, suffered zero radiation damage from being far enough away, and being only exposed for a few seconds.
And Fallout 1 was a bad attempt as hooking the player into the story with a "MUH FRIENDS IN THE VAULT!"Who cares? The entire plot was a bad attempt at hooking the player into the story with a 'muh baby' mcguffin.
When asked why they needed a baby with pure DNA, the explanation is some horse shit about holding the secrets to near-human 3rd generation synths. They can't even completely explain why they wanted 3rd generation synths.
And Fallout 1 was a bad attempt as hooking the player into the story with a "MUH FRIENDS IN THE VAULT!"
And Fallout 2 was "MUH FAMILY IN ARROYO!"
And Fallout 3 was "MUH DAD!"
And Fallout 4 was "MUH SON!"
Its almost like every main series Fallout game had played the family/friend card as the main motivator to get you into the plot. Hell, even games like Baldur's Gate roped you in with "GOTTA FIND OUT WHO KILLED MUH DAD!". Its a pretty common staple of RPGs.
And they do explain why they wanted 3rd Gen synths. The synth program was created to be a perfect workforce that could adapt to any situation that arose with no human oversight, without falling into programming loops like the Mr Handy robots do, were they constantly keep at a task even after its obviously become pointless. This was so actual people could spend all of their time doing whatever they wanted, and generally bettering themselves, without having to spend time doing things like building maintenance.
Sources on what part exactly?Lul, gonna cite some source there or are you just inserting headcanon in place of something malleable from the game's lore?
Supermutants are healed by radiation?-Radiation damages human cells, which makes super mutants stupid. But super mutants themselves are healed by radiation. Being exposed to the fog likely fixed something in his head, which allowed for more rationality.
Doesn't it at all bother you that these Supermutants have nothing to do with what Supermutants were originally about?-Never said they weren't. I said they were a different clan.
-Which is something most other super mutants wouldn't even be able to think about.
In real life torture victims often become constantly anxious, suffering constant trauma from the event. Running head first in to a battlefield would probably be the last thing they'd want to do after that sort of event.-Its more like "I felt every single bone, organ, and piece of my body, quickly and rapidly expand and mutate in such a way no human mind is capable of understanding, as you never feel this in any normal existence. And it drove me crazy."
That's not the point.-Mariposa super mutants are dipped into FEV. Vault 87 and Institute super mutants are gassed with an aerosol form of FEV. Different means of delivery result in different transformation processes. Not to mention the Mariposa and V87/Institute strains of FEV are different.
Because Mariposa would probably have studied FEV carefully. If they had even the slightest idea that it would program people in to murderous psychopaths, they'd probably change it as a health and safety hazard.A. Vault 87 and Institute super mutants aren't dipped, they are gassed.
B. Mariposa super mutants are made using a different strain of FEV.
C. Who says anyone "allowed" it? Or that anyone deliberately programmed it into the FEV? Vault 87 Super mutants all died in like three weeks after transformation during testing, and after they made the successful batch of super mutants who didn't die in three weeks, the super mutants broke out, and forcibly mutated the rest of the vault personnel. No one had any time to study V87 super mutant existence for any period of time to make changes to the FEV.
Well surely the Triggermen could have just warned you "Turn Back, this is Triggerman territory". Shooting someone who could have had no idea you were in charge just seems like a dick move.That is why no one makes deals at their bases, they make deals in neutral places like the Third Rail, like any smart person would do. Only an idiot willingly walks into someone's base to make a deal that could be turned down, and possibly cause them to be shot by an enemy that has the advantage of being in their own base.
Still, a Race Track that shoots random travelers who are simply passing through the area, does not seem like it would last for long. Don't they have better things to do than shoot at complete strangers.If you payed attention to who is at the racetrack you would see its all Triggermen or raiders, aka, people already part of The Commonwealth criminal element. They don't accept average Joes into the place. And criminals have their own underworld of connections and ways to meet.
A. The Triggermen are supposed to be The Mafia. The Mafia kinda needs to make deals with people to get business, otherwise they have no basis for organised crime.Because the Triggermen have no reason or desire to talk to you. Same with the Gunners, and the average raider clan.
The device you were supposed to retrieve in Fallout 1 was a Waterchip, a device that could save an entire vault's worth of people.And Fallout 1 was a bad attempt as hooking the player into the story with a "MUH FRIENDS IN THE VAULT!"
And Fallout 2 was "MUH FAMILY IN ARROYO!"
Wasn't it possible to create a robot that could work without human oversight WITHOUT giving it sentience?And they do explain why they wanted 3rd Gen synths. The synth program was created to be a perfect workforce that could adapt to any situation that arose with no human oversight
Synths are workers, designed to never break down, and never stop working.
In order to prevent the quote wall from growing.snip
You completely missed the point. It isn't for shit and giggles, its for achieving a state of efficiency and lifestyle no one has ever truly experienced before.You've more or less just ironed out what we already knew. They do stuff around the Institute and they were created 'just because.' Gen 2's were already doing/capable of the same tasks the Gen 3's were doing, with the exception of infiltrating settlements.
I was hoping for something a little more concrete than just 'for shits and giggles.' If they had stated their intended goals as being "we want to infiltrate the commonwealth and control them on the inside," I would have been more sympathetic to the idea that the Institute was a well-written faction.