Wept for Zion
I do love Brian Fargo. Now if only we could get some Bethesda-bashing tweets from J.E. Sawyer, Tim Cain, and Chris Avellone. That would be such a delight to my soul.
YOU STOP TWEETING AND MAKE WASTELAND 3 RIGHT MEOW!I wasn't going to snip another Tweet, but A. it's funny and B. I like the mention of Wasteland 3.
Random Fallout reddit dude said:It's the hearthfire of fo4, it caters more to the people who want to immerse themselves in the already established parts of the game than having an all new story. I would gladly pay double the asking price for it personally. different people have different wants.
What the hell am I reading?Random Fallout Reddit dude said:I would gladly pay double the asking price for it personally.
What the hell am I reading?
I'm curious to see if it really does turn out as a paid mod or if it has some level of polish that can actually justify it being produced as a DLC. I'd say the $5 price for Workshop MIGHT be reasonable depending on whats in it. $10 for Automatron seems to be too much according to most reviews but I would like to see for myself. I still haven't decided one way or the other on buying them. Bethesda is not going to shed a tear if people don't buy such DLCs, they made probably more than 1 billion dollars in sales on this game already.So you all bitch about it over and over and over yet "I will probably buy every fucking DLC just to see what it is and stuff but it really sucks amirite?"
Why does Bethesda keep making this shit DLC? Hmmmm....
*Goes and buys all the shit DLC*
So you all bitch about it over and over and over yet "I will probably buy every fucking DLC just to see what it is and stuff but it really sucks amirite?"
Why does Bethesda keep making this shit DLC? Hmmmm....
*Goes and buys all the shit DLC*
Do people genuinely still care about this game? If I didn't come to this website every now and then I would forget about its existence.
Well, of course they're not gonna release mod tools before they release their glorified mods.What a name Bethesda.. (for me it's ''Wandering Wh*res'' Lol)
P.S. Looks like CK/GECK will not be released this month/anytime soon...
Based on the article where it said they were planning on going back to paid mods in some fashion, I expect Elder Scrolls VI to be the first implementation of some kind of system that starts paid mods again.My guess is the GECK being held up is someone in management dotting i's and crossing t's on selling mods to console users.
I hope those Bethtards enjoy it because I don't plan on buying another BGS game. I own all the FO4 DLC because it was part of a gift, but I haven't played FO4 in months and even my son who was playing it went back to whatever the hell Roblox is weeks ago.Fallout 5 Red Boots DLC might end up being an actual thing.
@Dranlord seems like a pretty cool guy.