I should save my game in a whole new slot
Their Elder Scrolls card game is on the way. That may surpass Failout 4 as their dumbest game (seeing how they're going up against CDPR's Gwent).It's funny, if you click on Bethesda Game Studios in the developer link on the Steam store page, it shows all the BGS games. The only thumbs down are for Fallout 4 stuff. LOL.
Seriously, congratulations Bethesda. It's your dumbest game yet. Maybe you can title Fallout 5 "Baby's First Fawwout!"
It's not over yet. The overall user reviews are still Mostly Positive and Nuka World is up next. The seeds of disgust is only now sprouting and growing but Bethesda may still win back the mindless with Nuka World.Good job everyone

Unless Nuka World completely fails on arrival. Then we cheer.
EDIT: Out of morbid curiosity, I decided to look at the comments for the highlighted Steam User reviews for Vault-Tec Workshop and as I expected, the Bethesdrones are already trying to defend it with their usual tactics and insults. It's like differing opinions don't exist in that rather cancerous mass of so-called consumers.
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