Fallout 4 - What's The Big Secret?


It Wandered In From the Wastes
I enjoy Fallout games. I really do.. To the point I had put (combined all chars) 400+ hours into Fallout 3 during my last vacation.. Now I've been playing Fallout New Vegas close 500+ hours. The games never make me feel boring or quit. I don't know it's the only reason I turn my rig on. So here's my question,
If they are planning to relese/reveal the next game with next gen consoles, why haven't we heard anything from them yet? (xbox one is sitting out there). The tweets by Tod, are they fake? Is he just 'tweeting his jokes' to keep the fans excited? What's the big delay? DA3, Witcher 3, etc.. are rolling out 2014 and no Fallout? I just want to hear what you guys think and discuss the upcoming, like how I get angry when people cry for vehicles in a fallout game (except Fallout 2)..
Ditch micro stutter in favor of smaller more focused areas traveled to via world map.

They should show something... at least a kiss to build a dream on.
Even if they eventually release FO4 it will be nothing more than Skyrim with plasma rifles, so don't get your hopes up.
Mameluk said:
Even if they eventually release FO4 it will be nothing more than Skyrim with plasma rifles, so don't get your hopes up.
Yeah, that the biggest problem. It has me worried a lot. True that when you take Fallout 3/NV is just TES:Oblivion with guns. The way they built FO universe from scrach on that engine is great work.. Honestly, Bethesda knows how to do something right. On the other hand, Obsidian, I don't even know what kind of shit they had in their heads when they decided to do FNV on the same old engine. I've played Oblivion (2nd gate, never finished) and I can say even when the engines are same, the world looks very different, no deja-vu shit from TES to NV.. I don't know, for me it's like imagining S.T.A.L.K.E.R. in CryEngine 3 (would have been great, better than the game it was made for but devs had no budget to afford the stuff). I remember posting on XCOM's forums and people saying they were done with the game till the 3rd person shooter is out. The next thing you know is fireaxis coming out with fire crackers and neon lights with XCOM:EW. For some reason I just feel it's dead. I guess they're done with it afterall..
The fallout series is dead anyway. So who cares what silly number stands behind an empty AAA+ word?
The big secret is that Beth is cooking up another "EPIC FEATURE©" for it.

You can strike off your list:
Demon Invasion
Giant Robot

So now it's gonna be some fucking other crap to entice the younguns. It'll be real cool for a year and then start to fade untill you never hear from it again.
Every game has flaws. Minor and major. Modders do the part they have and fix both minor and major problems with a bit of the taste of their own liking. That's better then leaving a hole outright open. Anyway, every-time-I-google for Fallout 4, there's always some new article going on the net for google to show me. Feels like the world is crying like a baby to be fed near its dead mother.
They probably haven't even started production yet, altho considering Tod Howards beliefs the planning and conceptualizing phase should take about 5 hours at the most.

I just hope we get another Obsidian made Fallout after whatever Beth does to Fallout 4.
Dienan said:
[quote="Mameluk" On the other hand, Obsidian, I don't even know what kind of shit they had in their heads when they decided to do FNV on the same old engine.

Because they didn't have a choice? They had to use Bethesda's license, and I'm sure one of the clauses was "must use Beth's shitty engines and graphics"
Look at the original Witcher. It uses Bioware's Aurora (heavily modified, according to wikipedia). The game is so heavy on my 7950 DCU2. Reaching well over 68 cels. Uses GPU power more than XRAY engine does. Then they gave us Witcher 2, a small step in a series but a huge leap in graphics. Made using their own engine. It's all being lazy and 'shit, let's get this over with' attitude towards a great game..
Also Obsidian were given HALF of the development time of Fallout 3 (1 and a half years) so they had no option of modifying the engine too much, they still added a lot of new systems and had 3 times the content...
Why you play it so much?

The Bethesda formula. In short, you can sum it up with the following sentence: "Carrot on a stick." You keep finding new places, get experience points, find loot, find quests, complete them. It's a similar process to drugs, you keep wanting more rewards.
Yeah, but with drugs you at least get the hit itself. With Beth it's only the promise of a hit. The sideffects are the same though.

And the secret? The secret is Beth's hype machine gathering speed. All Todd has to do is drop a vague remark somewhere and there is speculation and anticipation on forums and gamesites worldwide. Not a dime spent yet of the PR-Budget but blood pressure and dicks are on the rise.
Akratus said:
Why you play it so much?

Well, I guess I'm a Fallout addict then. I couldn't get myself to beat Fallout 2 but I'm buying it tomorrow. Found a great deal, both games for 9.99 :D
Anyway, it's just that I love Fallout, 40K and Halo universe. Although I have never played anything beyond Halo 1, I love the universe, the lore and the characters. Whenever I play FNV I feel there's so much potential that was never used and the universe is so huge, you can shoot through Fallout 10 and people would still love it if done the right way. I mean, look at Splinter Cell Black List. People say it's ok but compairing it to Pandora Tomorrow makes Black List look pathetic.. Seriously, I've played it a little and gave up because I had hoped that after they doomed the series with Conviction, they'd not make the same mistake again. HECK, they did it again.
Now, Fallout hasn't fallen there. We still have things left and questions without answers. Like how some peeps can remove the pip boy at will and some others got their hands cut off to have them (pip) used elsewhere. Wish they did a Fallout 3 Bible to tie up the loose ends..
Akratus said:
Why you play it so much?

The Bethesda formula. In short, you can sum it up with the following sentence: "Carrot on a stick." You keep finding new places, get experience points, find loot, find quests, complete them. It's a similar process to drugs, you keep wanting more rewards.

That's every game ever. You are given a goal and you keep going until you complete it.
Walpknut said:
Also Obsidian were given HALF of the development time of Fallout 3 (1 and a half years) so they had no option of modifying the engine too much, they still added a lot of new systems and had 3 times the content...

They got half the time but used most of the things from F3 or ideas from mods. To be honnest both games fell short and right now it feels like they should hand it over to some better group with maybe the exception of writing and lore.
They made a lot of art assets and made their own systems, just because a mod implemented Weapon modifications doesn't mean they can just pull it out of a hat because it existed in another form somewhere else.