Fallout 76 Really Sucks. People Act Shocked.

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This raises a few questions:

Did Bethesda paid them to "marry"?
Are they just in need of attention?
Does the game even has a married/wedding system/mechanic?

This raises a few questions:

Did Bethesda paid them to "marry"? - Entirely plausible.
Are they just in need of attention? - Most Likely.
Does the game even has a married/wedding system/mechanic? - I will lose all hope for humanity.
Why? - Why have people ever subjected themselves to FO76? Some questions will never have an answer.
fucking gross. this is why gays are superior. you won't see us doing cringey shit like this. much less in fallout 76. the gays have got notoriously great taste.

Idk man, i wouldn't say so, for example, the first thing that came to my mind while i was reading your comment was this guy on Failout 76 that got randomly "harassed" by some teens that claimed to be "cleaning the wastes of gays and queers", basically just goofing around kinda like uganda knuckles, turns out this guy happened to be gay, whined about it to daddy Cuckthesda, then they proceeded to ban them for life.
Do gay people have great taste? sure, do ALL gay people have great taste? hell no, as always there's gonna be whiny bitches everywhere, whether the whiny bitch is gay or not.

Anyway, this marrying stuff is plain cringeworthy to say the least.
Sounds like the whinny bitches there are the kids who can't take getting banned for breaking the community rules :shrug:
fucking gross. this is why gays are superior. you won't see us doing cringey shit like this. much less in fallout 76. the gays have got notoriously great taste.
Sounds like the whinny bitches there are the kids who can't take getting banned for breaking the community rules :shrug:

Odd, the ones complaining were not the banned, but the one that reported them, plus, i agree that they indeed deserved a ban, but for life? are you fucking kidding me? they payed for thay game, shitty or not.
Even alcohol can't dull the sheer failure of Fallout 76:

Apparently the Nuka Dark rum tastes terrible as well:
how does that product even make sense? nuka cola is a soda company.

its worse than how the vault boy appears on robco products. because no the fallout company lore is being contradicted in literal real life.
how can you ruin a product that's already famous for ruining minds, bodies, and entire lives?

inb4 bethesda somehow proves me wrong and somehow gets even worse.
Au contraire, meth is the single greatest thing I ever experienced, hence why it was my favorite vice. My two other favorites, alcohol and sex, don’t even come close.

That being said, meth is awful and it ruins lives, my own at one point, but I was more talking about how Beth would prob ruin the experience of it.
Both, believe it or not. Just like my love for pumpkin spice, my love for all people, regardless of being male, female or trans, is boundless. And in their hair.

I may look like an emo jock, but I’m actually a basic bitch stuck in a hunks body. It’s a curse.