Fallout 76 roadmap

I still need to watch this movie.

The hilarity of the "you just hate change" argument is the same people that said that to any detractor of Fallout 3 eventually became the same as those detractors when they started to complain about 4 and 76. Jim Sterling became the same when he started to bitch about 76, the "old man yelling at the clouds", which is so damn funny in hindsight.

The "hating change" argument can be valid when someone just hates change for no reason. Besides ignoring the validity of the detractors's arguments, the Bethesda fans use this counter-argument poorly, or really in a way that doesn't make sense. So they are failing twice at refuting anything the detractors claim.
>Steel Dawn
>Fractured Steel
>The Brotherhood returns to find new tech

Just...I...why? They sure do love the BoS don't they?
Because Bethesda, like Micheal Bay, have a hard on for the military and military tech. Likewise, their fans also have a hard on for the military and like walking around like badasses in the Wastes with their power armor. It's a power fantasy for 12 year old boys which is also Bethesda's main audience.
Jim "Fallout 4 is a good game" Sterling. :lmao:

I do admit i have agreed with Jim in quite a few things, mainly the bullshit AAA industry tries to pull off. But he's also has claimed so much bullshit and tried to make people that criticize the games he likes seem like manchildren. He's an hypocrite in a lot of ways.

This is similar to how I stand with Jim. I love hearing updates about what shit the AAA developers are up to, but I stay far far faaaaaaaaar away from his game opinions because of his reactions to responses.

With regards to the topic on Fallout 76, I chose to wait and see because I was not liking the way Bethesda was describing how they were going to implement an online environment for the Fallout franchise. Glad to see with this roadmap and with the reactions and playthrough videos I didn't spend my money on this game, but now I'm filled with the dread of Bethesda sinking development efforts into fleshing out this crap instead of possibly trying to fix the franchise with a Fallout 5 or a New Vegas style spin off.
I like Jim Sterling, I mean, it's obvious I'm not going to agree with everything he says, and if he like Fallout 4 while I didn't, I don't exactly think I'm better than him because of it.

Saying 76 is a bad 4 is funny, because 4 itself was a pretty naff game.
Yet I'll be the first to admit there were things I liked in F4, that didn't exactly work in game but with the right developer could work rather well.
F76 felt like a stripped down version of that.

This 76 roadmap will most likely fail, I think it's too late for that game now.
The People who play will continue to play while us who kept far away from it will continue to do so.
Bethesda may as well stick to appeasing that audience instead of trying to branch out, because as we've seen, they are poor as trying to branch out their audience.
Like the great Dunkey once said, "you don't have to see eye to eye on every single game to put your trust in someone."
Well, yeah. It's just the irony that people see Jim as someone to agree with now when he was more loathed before. And my point is, it's not hard to agree with a lot of what he's saying now when it comes to live services, loot boxes/battle passes/premium shops, games being sloppily rushed and released far too early. Sure, there's a space for them (the live services and whatnot) but everyone wants in on it and that's not a good future for games, it's really hard to be like nah Jim's an idiot on those topics.

Like why does Doom Eternal have a battle pass thing? For fuck's sake. And no, no one wanted Fallout 76. Not even Bethesda fans. They wanted the same Fallout style of games like Fallout 3 but with the option of bringing a friend along.
I hate Jim Sterling's fat fucking face and his snarky retardation. It's like you don't have the right to be condescending when you aim for low hanging fruit and shovel shit in your fat mouth all day. Fallout 4 is just one example. He has hated on plenty of great games too for idiotic crowd mentality reasons, so I no longer pay attention to his shtick. I hope his career plummets into irrelevancy as better reviewers take the spotlight. Where they are I do not know.
I wouldn't mind if Jim liked Fallout 4 if not for the fact that he pulled the same bullshit he did with 3. In his video review there were these passive aggressive butthurt jabs at people that dislike the game.

Not to mention most of his praise to the game is that you can be gay. Which is contradicted by the fact you were married to a woman (or man if you play as a the female character), and it feels extremely rushed that you suddenly become gay for really no reason. This would only work if your character is much more of a blank slate, or it was established your character can go both ways in the intro, which is not the case in 4.
I hate Jim Sterling's fat fucking face and his snarky retardation.
I know he does it as a character piece, as in he's not actually like that. But sometimes when I listened to his videos I could hear the line becoming thinner. Like it became hard to tell when it was an act and when he was genuinely being this smug about something. It's not all the time but there's been more than once where I had to just exit the video. I burn through videos to listen to at work while driving around, I drive a lot, so sometimes I would check out his stuff. Not so much anymore. Every time I see a recommendation recently, he seems to be covering shit I either don't give a fuck about or things very late and everyone else has already discussed and moved on from.
Pretty much. It's like you can tell AVGN is a big fucking act. With Sterling you are like this dude is a prick that occasionally rips on games I don't like but is usually wrong about everything barring the horrible shitty games he reviews for laughs.
I remember when people dug through the code of Fallout 76 and found that the Scorch Beast Queen was a copy paste job in relation to animations and code, from the Skyrim Dragons. Bethesda defenders said it wasn't like that, to just look at them both flying around to see they were different...

On this latest free Fallout 76 weekend, a Codexer had an old Skyrim bug where dead dragons keep following the PC around, but this time it was the dead Queen that was following his character around to his base... If this doesn't prove that not only Bethesda copied Skyrim dragons, it even copied the bug too (and didn't fixed it either)...

This bug was fixed by modders 3 years ago, but Bethesda never fixed it.
Yeah I never got the appeal of Jim Sterling. Literally everything about his videos and him as a person seem massively unappealing to me. I wasn't aware he was a BethFallout apologist but it makes complete sense to me. Complete garbage.

Noah Caldwell-Gervais is a much more intelligent, well-spoken and insightful as a video game reviewer. He's got a clear passion for Fallout, particularly the Black Isle games if you check his channel, and yet his video on Fallout 76 is thoughtful and critical without disappearing up its own ass with the typical reddit tier bullshit that most video game content is nowadays. Sterling is the ogre-like face of a part of the internet that gives me a fucking brain tumor.

I remember when people dug through the code of Fallout 76 and found that the Scorch Beast Queen was a copy paste job in relation to animations and code, from the Skyrim Dragons. Bethesda defenders said it wasn't like that, to just look at them both flying around to see they were different...

On this latest free Fallout 76 weekend, a Codexer had an old Skyrim bug where dead dragons keep following the PC around, but this time it was the dead Queen that was following his character around to his base... If this doesn't prove that not only Bethesda copied Skyrim dragons, it even copied the bug too (and didn't fixed it either)...

This bug was fixed by modders 3 years ago, but Bethesda never fixed it.

Yeah I never got the appeal of Jim Sterling. Literally everything about his videos and him as a person seem massively unappealing to me. I wasn't aware he was a BethFallout apologist but it makes complete sense to me. Complete garbage.

Noah Caldwell-Gervais is a much more intelligent, well-spoken and insightful as a video game reviewer. He's got a clear passion for Fallout, particularly the Black Isle games if you check his channel, and yet his video on Fallout 76 is thoughtful and critical without disappearing up its own ass with the typical reddit tier bullshit that most video game content is nowadays. Sterling is the ogre-like face of a part of the internet that gives me a fucking brain tumor.

I agree with Noah about 76 verse 4. 76 admits what it is, 4 tries to act like it's a RPG.
I agree with Noah about 76 verse 4. 76 admits what it is, 4 tries to act like it's a RPG.

I have not watched the entire video yet as it is quite lengthy but I also agree on this. It is more pure Bethesda Fallout playground without a lesser degree of the pretentious writing (it still has some) which can pretty much be ignored.
Still a shit Fallout game but I guess in a way it admits it can never compete with Fallout 1, 2, and NV and just gives Bethesda fans lots of crap to play with.
I have not watched the entire video yet as it is quite lengthy but I also agree on this. It is more pure Bethesda Fallout playground without a lesser degree of the pretentious writing (it still has some) which can pretty much be ignored.
Still a shit Fallout game but I guess in a way it admits it can never compete with Fallout 1, 2, and NV and just gives Bethesda fans lots of crap to play with.

Yeah I always maintained that 76 is better than 4 in that it's total absence of story and characters is better than the active irritation of 4. I also think Applachia is visually more interesting than the Commonwealth and they've both got equally shallow content.

If you want quality content, do look up Noah's video on "The Real Life Landscapes of Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas". It's like Joe Pera or Bob Ross but for Fallout fans.
Here is the latest FO76 "update" from a Codexer that has been playing the game recently:
A little update on the "current state of the game".

  • VATS is still broken, most of your shots will miss. When I tested it, it seems that it locks on to the empty space beside your target. And hits that emptyness with deadly accuracy.
  • Enemy HP is rubberbanding. You hit, he dies.. except not. He heals back up. Or he displays dmg taken but his HP bar does not move.
  • Sneak attack bonus not applied half of the time. But sometimes gets applied without sneaking. The game is really confused about it's own rules right now.
  • Shotguns heal enemies. Too much dmg, buffer overflow.
  • Sneak is random as fuck, you often get locked into permanent "Danger" mode. Even after fast traveling half across the country. Fkn cheating enemies...
  • Player vendors disabled since.. for at least 2 weeks now. The intern must be busy making cash shop items. Priorities!
  • The molemen treasure hunter event is supposed to be in the Ash Heap only. But they also pop up everywhere in the Mire. Because they were supposed to be in the Mire (makes sense, whey would you search for treasure in your front lawn) before Beth changed it last minute. "Hey intern! Add them to the Heap, remove them from the Mire, mkay?" ... hey, at least he did half of his job without breaking everything amirite?
  • To throw players a little bone, Beth promised the Fastnacht event for thursday. After all the other stuff that broke with Wastelanders, it did not occur to Beth to test an event that ran ONCE last year beforehand. So.... 5 mins before it should start it was canceled. Because they could not figure out how to make squirrels spawn. Which was a bug last year actually, they of course did not fix. Because there was no way it would come back to haunt them, right? RIGHT?

Was pretty sad to see all those players standing in Helvetia wating for an event that never comes. And players nuking Helvetia to sabotage the (not existing) event for everyone again, because Beth could not even be arsed to learn form last year and make it a no-nuke zone.

You can't make this up. It's comedy. Sad comedy. Judging by the angry shitstorm everywhere, it seems even the biggest appologists are now canceling their Todd subscription "uNtIl tHe BuGs ArE fIxEd!!!"
Yeah I always maintained that 76 is better than 4 in that it's total absence of story and characters is better than the active irritation of 4. I also think Applachia is visually more interesting than the Commonwealth and they've both got equally shallow content.

If you want quality content, do look up Noah's video on "The Real Life Landscapes of Fallout 1, 2 and New Vegas". It's like Joe Pera or Bob Ross but for Fallout fans.
Just watch anything Noah did that the title piques your interest. His stuff is very good. I wish there were more Youtubers like him. He's probably one of my top 5. And yeah 76 also adds in a bunch of new mutants, which is something they should have been doing in 3 instead of reusing old mutants from the West Coast. I mean they still have supers in 76 which is stupid.

Fallout 76 is truly an amusement park that is modeled after the recognizable icons and imagery found in Fallout over the course of 5 or so games. No one should expect permanence or choices to really matter. You just hop in, look at the "super duper cool thing" and you log out.
Yeah it's a real shame a lot of good visual design elements were wasted on that game. Cranberry Bog and the ropevine region where shit like planes and tanks are all caught up in this mutant flora is awesome, and a lot of the mutant designs are great.