Fallout 76


For hate's sake.
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Board Cop oTO

So, the next Fallout game will be Fallout 76. That's all we really know, so let the rumours begin and have some weaponized autism dissect the teaser trailer until we actually learn something substantial at E3!
So the game possibly takes place 25 years after the bombs, which is a nice change I think.
I really hope it's not a pure multiplayer game, I'm just not into that stuff.
There's also this, where a Reddit user predicted the name a few hours before it was released. He claims to be "just a guy with his ear to the ground" and says this:
It's a full game, it's centered around building base camps etc and it's online

It will be fully released this year.
Sounds reasonable, these users seem to have actual insight, unlike basically every other pseudowhistleblower before Fallout 4.
Reposted from thread I shouldn't have posted it in:

More info/rumors from Schreier at Kotaku:

Originally prototyped as a multiplayer version of Fallout 4 with the goal of envisioning what an online Fallout game might look like, Fallout 76 has evolved quite a bit over the past few years, those sources said. It will have quests and a story, like any other game from Bethesda Game Studios, a developer known for meaty RPGs like Skyrim. It will also feature base-building—just like 2015's Fallout 4—and other survival-based and multiplayer mechanics, according to those sources. One source cautioned that the gameplay is rapidly changing, like it does in many online “service” games, but that’s the core outline.
Notice all the latex and rubber (baloons) and the fact that all the toys are dirty.

Sexorz confirmed.
Reposted from thread I shouldn't have posted it in:

More info/rumors from Schreier at Kotaku:

As expected, it seems no true major franchise nowadays can't have its own multiplayer centric kind of installment. Maybe a true MMORPG that might have come in the noughties a'la ESO isn't all that fashionable in this age. I bet they'll say the same things about this one that EA/Bioware will be saying about Anthem: that it can be enjoyed as a singleplayer experience as well as a multiplayer one, but I know anything about these types of games, it willl heavily favor co-op multipllayer survival whathaveyou. They'll want that to be a thing that can be supported for many years beyond the usual DLC season a singleplayer game might have had.

Course, games of this nature often have some kind of insidious monetization scheme as as reason for the upkeep and continued support. Now I don't expect them to buy into lootboxes considering how ugly they look right now, but I'd be suprised if they promise completely free content post-launch.

One thing I'm certain of however; there willl be even less of an aderrence to western-RPG mechanics in this one than there was in 4. There likely won;t be no set role players will be forced into; you'll likely play a more blank state kind of character. But if anyone goes into this expecting meaningful choices, being able to influence various factions to their end, stuff like that. They can just about forget it. The very nature of a online game works against such ideas.

Anyway that's what I think.
Well I do see a pip boy 2000. So Ayyyyyy. But other that. I hear it's going to be set in year 2102 so about 25 years after the war and set in West Virginia.....Oh come on. West Virginia....Of all places you had to choose WV. But the idea of hunting in the Appalachians sounds fun
...I have to admit, I do see slight appeal in a co-op feature: namely, having somebody else to watch your back that isn't working on crappy ai-programming (does-not-know-how-to-stealth, suicidal charges, blocking the dang doors, etc.). There's also the nice idea of having the other player specialize in a different area so that the both of you can have more options early on.

Of course, that's an idealistic dream in the face of the more likely everybody's-the-same-shooter a la most modern FPS games...
I don't hate the idea tbh, as I posted previously I think a Fallout spinoff set shortly after the war and focused around building settlements could be enjoyable, if rather different from the main games. I just don't have a lot of faith that Bethesda will be able to pull it off without fucking it up somehow (finding some way to crap on the lore even further, cramming it full of shitty microtransactions, making the online component mandatory so you have to deal with kids telling you they fucked your mom all day...). Also, the settlement building mechanics would need major improvements, if it's the same shit from Fo4 it would get old fast.
This game takes place supposedly 25 years after the Great War so pre FO1 and FO2. Any predictions on how the lore will be retconned this time? I think they'll have Super Mutants in the game even before the Master began his experiments.
This game takes place supposedly 25 years after the Great War so pre FO1 and FO2. Any predictions on how the lore will be retconned this time? I think they'll have Super Mutants in the game even before the Master began his experiments.
Not to mention Deathclaws, Radscorpions, and Mirelurks, despite the fact that none of those species have any business being in fucking West Virginia.
This game takes place supposedly 25 years after the Great War so pre FO1 and FO2. Any predictions on how the lore will be retconned this time? I think they'll have Super Mutants in the game even before the Master began his experiments.

all of them.

Brace yourselfs, a new lore is coming.
Just let fallout fucking die. I don't want this game to even exists.

Todd Howard, the ultimate necro-poster.

Brace yourselfs, a new lore is coming.

Assuming you take anything Bethesda writes seriously. Just because they paid for a name doesn't mean we have to listen to their dumb asses. Real fans know that the Tim Cain/Josh Sawyer Fallouts are the only ones where the narrative actually matters.
It's a shame. I think a true Fallout RPG with a 70's aesthetic would have been great.

Actually, the whole Vietnam War climate would have fit in quite nicely in a New Vegas sequel where the NCR come home from the Mojave defeated.

Damn, now I'm really disappointed that's not the case.