Fallout 76

It's a shame. I think a true Fallout RPG with a 70's aesthetic would have been great.

Actually, the whole Vietnam War climate would have fit in quite nicely in a New Vegas sequel where the NCR come home from the Mojave defeated.

Damn, now I'm really disappointed that's not the case.
Wait for E3; Bethesda could surprise us. They almost certainly aren't going to, but they could.
I rolled my eyes so hard when I saw this recommended to me on Youtube earlier. But, maybe the Bethesdaboys are awakening from their brainwashing?

Plot twist. The classic Fallout RPG community and the modern Fallout exploration shooter fans join forces in their mutual hatred of both Bethesda and Fallout 76.
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Plot twist. The classic Fallout RPG community and the modern Fallout exporation shooter fans join forces in their mutual hatred of both Bethesda and Fallout 76.
Not likely. The majority of Fallout 3/4 supporters seem quite willing to adapt to whatever shit Bethesda tosses at them. Many of them don't actually care that much about even the more atrocious changes made in Fallout 4, insisting that "It can be different and still be a good Fallout game".
Bloody Heretics, the lot of them.
Plot twist. The classic Fallout RPG community and the modern Fallout exporation shooter fans join forces in their mutual hatred of both Bethesda and Fallout 76.

Absolutely not. Their sucking of Bethesda's dick helped cause this decline, if they feel disgruntled because Bethesda's Fallout 76 does not appeal to them then they shouldn't expect help from the people they themselves insulted for "Living in the past" and not "Accepting all change is good" to stand by them when they start complaining and whining on the Bethesda forums, facebook page etc.

I don't forgive and I do not forget.

This turd is on your hands gamers with short attention spans that think that every game and franchise needs to appeal to you.
I honestly don't care about the future of the Fallout series anymore. The franchise has become such a lifeless husk under Bethesda's ownership, and it's depressingly obvious that they'll continue to milk it for all they can to make as much money as humanly possible. It's sad to think that we probably won't ever get another half-decent Fallout game again (apart from fan works), but no matter how many terrible games Bethesda shits out, we'll always be able to continue enjoying the originals and New Vegas, as well as new material that the developers of those games are creating.
That moment when Bethesda tries to redeemed themselves from Fallout 4 by making a game with no sign of Obsidean
Not likely. The majority of Fallout 3/4 supporters seem quite willing to adapt to whatever shit Bethesda tosses at them. Many of them don't actually care that much about even the more atrocious changes made in Fallout 4, insisting that "It can be different and still be a good Fallout game".
Bloody Heretics, the lot of them.

Yeah, you've got a point. If they ate up the blatantly exploitative consumer garbage that was Fallout 4, then I doubt much else would push them over the edge.

I still think it's possible that a radical shift in gameplay now could lead to a small subset of Fallout fans existing who only like Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4, however.

Absolutely not. Their sucking of Bethesda's dick helped cause this decline, if they feel disgruntled because Bethesda's Fallout 76 does not appeal to them then they shouldn't expect help from the people they themselves insulted for "Living in the past" and not "Accepting all change is good" to stand by them when they start complaining and whining on the Bethesda forums, facebook page etc.

I don't forgive and I do not forget.

Hey man, if anything now they'll know how it feels to watch a game franchise you love raped and transformed into a lazy cash grab.

That moment when Bethesda tries to redeemed themselves from Fallout 4 by making a game with no sign of Obsidean

That moment when Bethesda tries to redeem itself from Fallout 4 by doubling... no, tripling down on the changes that pissed fans off in the first place. A multiplayer Fallout game focused on settlement building. JUST WHAT EVERYONE FUCKING ASKED FOR.

Just fucking kill me

Yeah, you've got a point. If they ate up the blatantly exploitative consumer garbage that was Fallout 4, then I doubt much else would push them over the edge.

I still think it's possible that a radical shift in gameplay now could lead to a small subset of Fallout fans existing who only like Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4, however.
They would probably still defend it since "It's okay to swap the genres since it's just a spin-off game and not actually a numbered fallout!" Just remember that these people are used to way worse shit from companies like EA and Activision. Based on recent history, they would probably only turn against BGS and F76 if they tried to make skill checks available after 40 hours of gameplay, or even "worse", added a female protagonist.

Hey man, if anything now they'll know how it feels to watch a game franchise you love raped and transformed into a lazy cash grab.

Of course, their complaints will be perfectly fine, and absolutely nothing like those salty assholes over at NMA.

That moment when Bethesda tries to redeem itself from Fallout 4 by doubling... no, tripling down on the changes that pissed fans off in the first place. A multiplayer Fallout game focused on settlement building. JUST WHAT EVERYONE FUCKING ASKED FOR.
Well, with the current obsession with build-ey multiplayer shooters like Fortnite, it probably is what a depressingly large number of people asked for.
Fallout 4 took steps forward, but more steps back then forward. One step is personal preference (a much better BoS in 4 then in 3 imo). The power armor, it was a step forward in 4. The game visually looked good as well. Steps back in RPG department, and I mean the games systems, the gameplay itself when I say this, it was about as in depth as Far Cry. Steps back with too much of a focus on base building. Finally steps back with having the player character fully voiced.

The time and resources spent on the steps back could have been spent on better things imo.

Now Fallout 76 I won't speak my mind on because of that chance Bethesda could surprise me. Most of us play multiplayer games, they are out there, we play them. Fallout imo is that game series I never want to see go online multiplayer in any form. Of course I said that about TES, and ESO happened, what we are going to get with Fallout 76 is not surprising, but admittedly disappointing.
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I wonder how much damage could Fallout 76 do if it retcons stuff from all the way in Fallout 1?

Seeing how the game may be a prequel, it could irreparably change the franchise even more than 3 and 4. Perhaps this is Bethesda's way of emulating Elijah; to wipe the slate clean and begin again...

Don't be absurd. Bethesda these days would never make a fallout game as good as BOS. Todd Howard simply wouldn't allow it.
How about... BOS Remastered?:revolution: