Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2 revealed

We Portuguese too. Euro 04, out they go at the semi-finals (you silly germans didn't even make it to the knockout stage ahah), World cup 06, out they go at the round of 16 (even though you damned germans stole our third place in the end... :shakesfist: ), and Euro 08 you silly germans got in second to croatia (omg XD) but then owned our team 3 against 2 -_- Well, at least netherlands got owned themselves, but by russia, who then got owned by our spanish neighbours just to show them, and then they went and owned those silly germans too, for what they had did to us. Serves them right.

Enough with the offtopic though.

I fail to understand. Is the storyline linear in like a one way railroad or is it something like diablo where you can go back and stuff?

Also, why do these design documents look worse than the utter pure crap I made in highschool? And I'm talking about game design, not appearence (with photos and shit). Both were pure derivative works, but still... :\
It''s a one way railroad, aside from a return to Lone Star at one point and some choices along the way.
Ok, so i'm the guy who scanned this in, here's the story.

I've worked in the game industry for about the last 10 years, i've always been known as something of a collector. I have one of the largest private collections of videogame development hardware in the world.

A few years ago, after interplay folded, a friend who worked there passed this document along to me. I had never played a fallout game and hadn't really thought much of it. I own dozens of completed games that were never announced, a design document never meant much in the grand scheme of things.

When amazon sold the Fallout 3 LE for $40, i picked it up and played through the game. After i finished it the second time, i remembered i had the design documents for BoS2 in my closet.

I did a quick google search and saw there was virtually no information on the game, so i went to the wiki i used as a guide for Fallout 3 and found their IRC channel. I gave them the link on my website to the design doc and here we are.

I know virtually nothing about fallout, i've never played any of the other games, I haven't spoken with the guy i got the document from in several years. I don't even know his real name.

If you poke around my website, http://GameoftheArt.com you'll find a bunch of other unreleased concept art and screenshots from unreleased games.

If you have any questions, i'd be glad to see what i can come up with. Since the fat boy seems to be an item of contention, i'll take a clearer pic of that page and post it to my website tonight.
Cool, thanks.

So, got any other leaked Interplay stuff? Like maybe a full version of FO3 Van Buren, completed in secret by former IPLY developers? :P
Unfortunately the guy who bought out interplay's equipment and discs turned out to be a jackass, he tried to sell the stuff on the black market and ended up scamming a bunch of people out of about $10,000. The guy disappeared after that, never to be seen again.

There's another guy who has a copy of all the discs from interplay's vault, his site is here: http://oldengineer.com

Good luck getting any information from him though, he and I haven't really gotten along very well over the years. He's not really opening to sharing information like I am.
Also, why do these design documents look worse than the utter pure crap I made in highschool?

Its worse even than that Starcraft fanfic I made when I was fourteen.

Also, that blurry border make me head ache, so maybe there are things man is not supposed to know. Report to NMA if you begin to babble something about "The Old Ones" or talk in weird languages that make your tongue bleed.
POS was the most horrible 10 minutes of my life.
honestly, there was NOTHING Fallout there nor anything fun.
POS2 would have probably driven me mad, if it was POS cranked up to 11.

Tactics was okay and fun. POS was a POS
You guys actually played that crap?! God, I must be so evil to diss it so badly for all these years without ever having seen the box, let alone play it. I say some videos and some screenshots and some critics and it was quite enough.
Actually Morbus, I played it, and I actually finished it!

It has given me a lethal hatred towards people who are dumbing down quality things for the sake of selling more to the average dumbass.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Actually Morbus, I played it, and I actually finished it!

It has given me a lethal hatred towards people who are dumbing down quality things for the sake of selling more to the average dumbass.
See? I don't need any more hatred than the one I already have. Besides, I don't think playing FOPOS would tech me anything I don't know already. People are greedy, and in their greed they're stupid. It just happens that, since the people they sell their stupidity to are even more stupid most of the times, their greed is rewarded. It didn't happen with FOPOS, but it happens all around all the time.
generalissimofurioso said:
An evil conspiracy involving Fallout 4, The Illuminati and a giant inflatable pig, that's why.


Is the inflatable pig the one from the Peter Frampton concert off the Simpsons?

Err. this document dreamed up the "Fat Boy" ... You mean, Beth stole an awful idea and made it more awful?
I'll try to secure a copy of the script for Interplay's canceled Fallout movie next (from ca. 2000).
A movie?

They were actually planning a Fallout movie?

I had heard that Interplay wanted to use some of their ICs for movies when that started to take off, but Fallout?
Maphusio said:
generalissimofurioso said:
An evil conspiracy involving Fallout 4, The Illuminati and a giant inflatable pig, that's why.


Is the inflatable pig the one from the Peter Frampton concert off the Simpsons?
