Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel 2 revealed

"We're not considering BOS and Tactics canon"

~Bethesda, sometimes during their development

Not that this is the first time this lie surfaces, but it makes it bigger.
juM8o said:
wow this is the new shit... So everyone claiming bethasda to be idiots because adding shit like Fat Man and flaming sword to fallout can now shut the fuck up since those were ideas of interplay's...

If you're new here, you should know that ideas from Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel aren't exactly respected in these parts. Even Bethesda considers it non-canon.

Not that this is the first time this lie surfaces, but it makes it bigger.

Well, they said nothing about FO:BOS 2, did they? And they consider Tactics semi-canon, as does Chris Taylor.
Morbus said:
What? There is no "soon" on Van Buren. You must have misunderstood him.
What is this then? :?

Something you misunderstood.

Sometimes I wonder if you guys think we have the code of Van Buren as far as it got, all its design docs and the Fallout 1/2 source-code all nested away. Well, uh, long answer short: we don't. We got nothin'.

juM8o said:
wow this is the new shit... So everyone claiming bethasda to be idiots because adding shit like Fat Man and flaming sword to fallout can now shut the fuck up since those were ideas of interplay's...

I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but we hate F:BoS more than we do Fallout 3. The only thing BoS has going for it is that at least it doesn't claim to be a sequel.
Say It Ain't So 4too!

Say It Ain't So 4too!

I'll keep this at the antidotal level of accuracy, any corrections welcome.

Used the PS2 for a kid sitting device between watching movies and sampling the few games that got my attention.

Got several of the Snow-blind engined Dark Alliance 'Gauntlet' clones and we all played them through to completion.
The favorite group play was a form of 'hot seat' where each present would take a turn driving the player character.

The kids knew of the FO's, but never really got past the Hub, the Den, or the second BOS bunker.

Being the mean spirited delinquents their mothers always predicated they would be,
because they had to be cattle prodded to eat green food, and food that touched green food,
and court ordered to limit the spread of the natural wet lands that were their bivouacs,
these touched by 'teh diabow-lick evol' acquired a copy of FOBOS to blight my arcane residence.

Ran the guns akimbo babe through the 1st level and never went back. So "meh-didn't finish" seems as good a reality check that FOBOS is entitled.

Don't recall any 'asploding heads' so I doubt the present guardians of bad taste will bother to re-animate this zombie in some X-Box compilation,
but been told there are jumping puzzles in FOBOS like in the Dark Alliance games (if i wanted a jumping puzzle I 'd mountaineer the mammary physics of Lara Croft),
so that one dubious hand-eye feature alone, jumping puzzles, (or in pairs-triples? with breasts) may attract the marketeers and lactose tolerant nex gen apologists.

Don't recall if the FOBOS dual wielding babe jiggles on demand, but we know if the purveyors of prurient entertainment lie about it enough ... it will be so.

Be afraid, tit physics alone empowered those volley ball / lurking lesbo DOA epics -->

Funny if DOA volley ball had more RPG -social- elements then FOBOS, some may infer the seduction/friendship game described was more RPG then FO3! ;)

Be afraid ... the first shoe/boob - FOBOS - has already dropped, and in the universe of video game entertainment the cup of eye candy akimbo always 'runneth over". :look: :look:

:hide: :hide:

And they consider Tactics semi-canon

When did this happen? I remember they specifically said they don't. Maybe after the release of the game when they were confronted with it? Pretty sure their criteria for choosing was what fit with their own distorted view of Fallout.
They originally said they don't consider it fully canon, and they still don't. But they do consider the high-level events, like the existence of the Midwestern Brotherhood canon, and it is mentioned in FO3.

Chris Taylor (who actually worked on FOT, although he did not have the final say over some design choices) also considers it semi-canon as long as it doesn't contradict FO1 and FO2.
juM8o said:
wow this is the new shit... So everyone claiming bethasda to be idiots because adding shit like Fat Man and flaming sword to fallout can now shut the fuck up since those were ideas of interplay's...
So you're saying that NMA would never criticize a FOBOS game and especially so because it had the Interplay name on it?

Where the fuck have you been boy?

What Chris Taylor says is and isn't canon is great and all, but Bethesda as owners of the IP are the ultimate arbiters now, and I doubt they give a shit what he thinks.

Whatever is cool and expedient is canon for Bethesda.
I just had a look at this design document.

Ugh, storywise I myself find this as bad as FOBOS and Fallout 3.

Why did they made the Ciphers into anti technology raiders?
I liked their original concept a lot more.

I guess evil FEV mutated jungles really aren't my thing.
4Too said:
in the universe of video game entertainment the cup of eye candy akimbo always 'runneth over".

(4)Too true. The time I spent working as an illustrator for a budget game company specializing in man-manly FPS games that invariably had to have some Bruce Willis clone were dreadful months indeed. The worst was designing the box art for 'sexy' games.

It was always the CEO's idea of 'sexy' of course. Meddling in the damn designs every two days or so, he could greenlight a piece one had been doing for a week, then trash the whole idea justifying his decision with "oh yeah, the guy has a helmet on the box art, it won't sell".

The horror... the horror...
wow this is the new shit... So everyone claiming bethasda to be idiots because adding shit like Fat Man and flaming sword to fallout can now shut the fuck up since those were ideas of interplay's...
Bad ideas are shit no matter who comes up with them. I am sure if FOBOS 2 came out it would receive flak for a portable nuclear bomb.
Brother None said:
Sometimes I wonder if you guys think we have the code of Van Buren as far as it got, all its design docs and the Fallout 1/2 source-code all nested away. Well, uh, long answer short: we don't. We got nothin'.

Translation: "Soon."
Brother None said:
Sometimes I wonder if you guys think we have the code of Van Buren as far as it got, all its design docs and the Fallout 1/2 source-code all nested away. Well, uh, long answer short: we don't. We got nothin'.
Don't you go all Netherlandish on me! It's right there on the e-paper! And after sending him a pm asking what it was all about, he answered "soon" once again...

But yeah, I do feel something that NMA's back-backoffice holds treasures untold. But I kind of know it's not true. Well, just like I kind of know Bethesda's next game will be crap. It's probably true, but you never know, right? ;)

Per said:
Brother None said:
Sometimes I wonder if you guys think we have the code of Van Buren as far as it got, all its design docs and the Fallout 1/2 source-code all nested away. Well, uh, long answer short: we don't. We got nothin'.
Translation: "Soon."
See?! WTF?! :confused: