I agreed to fight Garl in the ring and got smacked around a bit, but then I managed to knock him out with one good punch. He said something like "take the girl and get out of here", and then I was teleported back to the raiders map. I now had all of Garl's stuff in my inventory, including a metal armor, Desert Eagle, Spiked Knuckles, and Garl himself was nowhere to be seen, although his buddies talked about him as if he was still there.
Did I just become the new Garl? If this is in the vanilla game then I must have missed that. But if it's something from FIXT then congratulations on an absolutely legendary new feature. I'm going to have to go back to the Khans after I've finished banging Tandi and see if they have any new dialogue.
Other than the numbers (and the ammo meter, but I'll give that one a pass) I love what I've seen of the mod so far.
I'm pretty sure this is how it worked in vanilla game

Fo2-engine version of Fixt will add several things to Khans, such as joining. As for now it's pointless since you won't get a quest entry or Perk. But when engine conversion done I plan to have a "Khan" perk like they did with Made Men in Fo2, as well as "quests" for killing the slaves, joining, becoming their new leader, helping them reaid Shady Sands, etc. Raiders in Fo1 was a potential for a lot of cool stuff that I think the developers could have had fun with.
lol @ ammo meter comment. Should I have that be disabled by default? YOU HAVE THE POWER TO DECIDE THE FATE OF THE METER. CHOOSE WISELY.
EDIT: Yeah here we go, from Per's guide:
Fight him one on one (without weapons, Stimpaks and stuff). Despite what he says about the rules, he'll kill you if he knocks you out. If you win (talk to Garl after combat ends, or kill him), you'll get whatever was in Garl's inventory. Note that Garl does not return to the camp afterwards.
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