;Set to 1 to speed up the hp/ac counter animations, set to 2 to update hp/ac counter instantly
SpeedInterfaceCounterAnims=0 (2 is a new option/description?)
;The initial speed at game startup
SpeedMultiInitial=100 (was 110)
;The speed of flow of time in the game (higher - faster; valid range: 1..10; Default is 1)
;The modifier key you have to hold down to change any speed settings
;If set to 0 if you don't want to use a modifier key, or a DX scancode otherwise
;Set to -1 for either ctrl key, -2 for either alt key or -3 for either shift key
SpeedModKey=-1 (was 0)
10 speed slots changes, Numpad 0-6, whatever.
;A key (LShift) to press to toggle the highlighting of all items on the ground on the current map
TurnHighlightContainers=0 (was 1 - very nice, I used that in F1 for the first time and actually found a never seen before hidden alien in the Crater

;Time limit in years. Must be between -3 and 13
;Set to -1 to remove the time limit, and automatically reset the date back to 2161 each time you would have reached it
;Set to -3 (or -2) to remove the time limit, automatically reset the date and override fallouts function to return the correct year
TimeLimit=-3 (isn't that in your custom install somewhere?)
;Prevents you from using 0 to escape from dialogue at any time.
DialogueFix=0 (was 1)
;Choose the damage formula used to calculate combat damage.
;0 - Fallout 1 default
;3 - Fallout 2 default (checks for all ammo stats; require modified pro-files/use AmmoFile with a configured ini-file)
;5 - Haenlomal's Yet Another Ammo Mod (require modified pro-files/use AmmoFile with a configured ini-file)
;Set to 1 to prevent you from saving in combat except at the start of your turn
;Set to 2 to block all saving in combat
SaveInCombatFix=0 (doh, haven't saved in combat in quite a while, but I haven't gotten to the dangerous parts yet, Followers vs Mutants, where you have to sniff out the dangerous ones ^^ - this is new as well, despite me commenting on it!)
;Set to 1 to force the player to play the idle animation when reloading their weapon
PlayIdleAnimOnReload=0 (was 1)
;Set a number of milliseconds to idle each input loop
;Set to -1 to disable
;Set to 0 to idle only if other processes are waiting for processor time
;Set to 1 (or some higher number if needed, max 100) to prevent 100% cpu use
ProcessorIdle=10 (was 1)
;Set to 1 if using the hero appearance mod
;Set to 1 to add additional pages of save slots
;Set to 1 to speed up the hp/ac counter animations, set to 2 to update hp/ac counter instantly
SpeedInterfaceCounterAnims=0 (2 is a new option/description?)
;Modify the maximum number of animations allowed to run on a map. (Default is 21, and the maximum is 127)
;Set to 1 to remove the limits that stop the player rolling critical successes/misses in the first
;few days of game time
RemoveCriticalTimelimits=0 (was 1)
;Prevents you from using super stims on a critter who is at full health.
SuperStimExploitFix=0 (what exloit is this? as far as I know super stims only kill in F2? I suppose it's a "don't uselessly use resources "exploit"?" - but you can waste stims as well?...)
;Turns off the effects of drug abuse to prevent skill, books and perk gain exploits
DrugExploitFix=0 (was 1 - yet I had no problem getting my stats down to 1?? bug?? However, I couldn't get perks with stat points from drugs. First time for everything, huh?

;To set highlight color of NPCs not in your line of sight
;0=disable, 2=red, 4=gray, 16=yellow, 32=pink
;ColorLOS=16 (was 1 -> ;1= animated red (FALLOUT DEFAULT) -> apparently he forgot to include this)
;To set highlight color of NPCs not in your line of sight
;Set to 1 to remove "Friendly Foe" perk, but have the effect active
RemoveFriendlyFoe=0 (was 1)
;Set to 1 to enable sale of earlier used Geiger Counter/Stealth Boy
;Controls the speed of animation of time in pipboy (lower - faster; valid range: 0..127)
;Set to 1 to displaying reply numbers instead of dots in dialogue options
NumbersInDialogue=0 (wut? - whatever this is, this is new as well. wait, do we only have dots? In any case, numbers would remind me of like Baldur's Gate. And the answers right now are beautiful. Dots are beautiful. Simple is beautiful.)
;Set to 1 for additional checks on a blindness and direct visibility in the engine function is_within_perception_.
;Disable internal credits
;Set to 1 to disable weapon animation (put away/take out) when searching containers and doing other stuff
InstantWeaponEquip=0 (is in your customs; but yeah, if you haven't compared yet, you should probably know that it's active by default now. Or not. There's really no point in someone other than you comparing the lists

;Russian language encoding for character names and savegame descriptions.
;1251 (1C)
;866 (Fargus)
;Assigns a keyboard button to switch russian language encoding in-game
;4 = Scroll Lock, 2 = Caps Lock, 1 = Num Lock
;Set to 1 to fix the issue with doors being able to dodge bullets.
;Set to 1 to skip the executable file size check
;If you're testing changes to the falloutw.exe, you can override the crc that sfall looks for here
;Sduibek testing version: 0xf43d208c
;Public release version: 0xf0fd4d53
;These option control what output is saved in the sfall-log.txt, the debugging version is required
;Prints messages duing sfall initialization
+ Keycodes