Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

@Sduibek What are companions skills % with the NPC mod? Because on this page it actually is 0% Energy Weapons for Katja, when in Fallout wiki she has 56% – http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_NPC_Mod

Would this Add-on you want to make work only in a new game, or for a started game too?

Considering Small Guns gets bumped up on a level up, I guess starting values for companions (from FO wiki) for this skill are good. I'd put Big Guns and Energy Weapons around 75-80% for all of them. Of course it'd be good for these two skills to be bumped up at level up too, then they could be lower in the beginning, but that probably requires more work.

And you want to make those values fixed, rather than choosing them on installation of your Add-on, correct?

P.S. Can I check companion levels somehow? Because I think Tycho isn't leveling up for some reason, and I'd wanna make sure.
I will add some installer options for hirelings regarding Energy Weapons / Big Guns and levelups. But yeah the stat changes NPC Mod made to their base stats before leveling up (small changes to their skill% and SPECIAL stats) I will just fix because those shouldn't have been changed and weren't documented anywhere except for the page you linked.

Speaking of which, their stats/skills don't match http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_NPC_Mod either, so that wiki page is quite wrong.

I can also add an option to Fixt and the standalone NPC addon to display their skill % and levels. Will keep you posted :)

Their skills besides tagged skills in the game itself match normal skill formulas, which is why they all have EW & BG of 16% or less.
Man just don't forget the modded NPC files I've sent you via email (after You requesting them in another thread). All human party NPC have HP boost equal to what each of your party npc's would've gain after 4 levels evry level. (they get one lvl each 4 of players so why not pretend that they've gained 4 levels at once) It's based on game HP/lvl formula and their endurance. Additionally most of their skills is set to 200%. As I've stated in the email I could in theory work with their skills so that they would be back to vanilla on their base lvl and their total skill boost each lvlup would be equal to 4x skillpoints/lvl based on their intelligence (but i would work only on can wear armor& change appearance +all weapon animations proto files, because i see no point in doing this for anything else).
Besides the only point in playing this way with Party NPC's is to have CombatControl=2
option set in sfall so that player gets to control what his minions do in combat.
The best way to do this is with Sfall 1.7.6 for fallout 1 made by Crafty wich is a lot newer Sfall than the one used by default in FIXT 0.81a

and @Sduibek
I also hope You'll Upgrade Your 7z executable for the installer as my antivirus software claims the one You used is vulnerable to stack overflow or something and that it should be updated to the newest one there is asap. and so I did but I'm not sure everyone else is aware of this issue.
You can enable it at any time in ddraw.ini along with various other things :)

I don't have much info about that specific feature because I never use it
Man just don't forget the modded NPC files I've sent you via email (after You requesting them in another thread). All human party NPC have HP boost equal to what each of your party npc's would've gain after 4 levels evry level. (they get one lvl each 4 of players so why not pretend that they've gained 4 levels at once) It's based on game HP/lvl formula and their endurance. Additionally most of their skills is set to 200%. As I've stated in the email I could in theory work with their skills so that they would be back to vanilla on their base lvl and their total skill boost each lvlup would be equal to 4x skillpoints/lvl based on their intelligence (but i would work only on can wear armor& change appearance +all weapon animations proto files, because i see no point in doing this for anything else).
Besides the only point in playing this way with Party NPC's is to have CombatControl=2
option set in sfall so that player gets to control what his minions do in combat.
The best way to do this is with Sfall 1.7.6 for fallout 1 made by Crafty wich is a lot newer Sfall than the one used by default in FIXT 0.81a
Thanks! I will make sure to look into this for the next release. Apologies for the silence, I don't check that email very often. Only so much time :#

I also hope You'll Upgrade Your 7z executable for the installer as my antivirus software claims the one You used is vulnerable to stack overflow or something and that it should be updated to the newest one there is asap. and so I did but I'm not sure everyone else is aware of this issue.
Could you be more specific? Are you talking about an actual .7z file for a patch version or one of the .exe installer files?

My old computer had a super-old version of 7-Zip on it so that's probably what you're encountering. I have a new computer and update programs so that won't be an issue now. But the .exe files definitely shouldn't be giving that kind of error.

Also where is the ddraw/Sfall Sfall 1.7.6 you're talking about? That doesn't exist. Crafty's most recent version came out just a few weeks after Fixt 0.81a came out, and it's version 1.4: https://github.com/Ytfarc/sfall1/blob/master/Changelog_en.txt
Thanks! I will make sure to look into this for the next release. Apologies for the silence, I don't check that email very often. Only so much time :#

Could you be more specific? Are you talking about an actual .7z file for a patch version or one of the .exe installer files?

My old computer had a super-old version of 7-Zip on it so that's probably what you're encountering. I have a new computer and update programs so that won't be an issue now. But the .exe files definitely shouldn't be giving that kind of error.

Also where is the ddraw/Sfall Sfall 1.7.6 you're talking about? That doesn't exist. Crafty's most recent version came out just a few weeks after Fixt 0.81a came out, and it's version 1.4: https://github.com/Ytfarc/sfall1/blob/master/Changelog_en.txt

Be sure to use 16.04 version of 7z or later as earlier release has a vulnerability that allows a hacker to use it in malicious ways at least that's what my AV states when i run vulnerability scan.

as for the sfall 1.7.6 it *does* exist. just check out dobrovik's archive /sfall/crafty's sfall/ and download the sfall1 with most recent upload date of 2016-08-04:


Just a reminder i have no way of reading cyrylic font on my pc although i know russian a bit the untranslated parts are not in russian but what looks to me as a freak accident when converting cyrylic to latin alphabet in .txt file so Your only hope in translating the untranslated parts from the changelog would be a russian person who knows english
Also I stand corrected! I guess he just didn't update his GitHub repo. Nice to see the explosives crash was fixed! Fuckyeah. @gustarballs1983

Edit: Wow yeah the versions since Fixt 0.81a fixed a lot of super-annoying longstanding bugs. ALL HAIL CRAFTY.
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to me the best all in all function is "extra save slots"

unfortuneatly 1.7.6 also has some minor bugs, like I've found that it does not display player age correctly on character sheet. I've set character age to 34 and after game start and passing an ingame day worth of time I'm suddenly at age 47. Wierd, however it's probably related to this new sfall function that streches possible age fork during character creation from 16-35 to 16-99. I haven't got around to test if this is the case yet. also ocasional cashes do happen.

and Yes
We and I Thank You CRAFTY.
We and I Thank You Sduibek.


Unfortuneatly Dobrovik didn't translate everything, there are still some things left untranslated in the changelog, and it's neigther english nor russian, it's just russian thrown into latin encoded .txt and composes of strange characters that are of neighther language. My guess is that only a person with Cyrylic encoding in notepad.exe could be able to see the russian letters at all so maybe Azat11's help might proove to be nessecary here.
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I'd just like to say I finally got Fallout Fixt to work and I am having a blast playing Fallout. I finally can see the ending because the Cathedral crash stopped. Whoop! whoop!
Crashes is not good :(
By saying "ocasional crashes do happen" i meant that ocasionally You'll get kicked out of the game and it throws some strange error (as I said ocasionally = NOT often) all it happens is that You'll get kicked out of the game and that's it. reloading from most recent savegame always gets you right where you left off, so I wouldn't worry unless for some ironman freak who doesn't save their game state. besides this and the age issue i haven't found any more problems yet.
I'd just like to say I finally got Fallout Fixt to work and I am having a blast playing Fallout. I finally can see the ending because the Cathedral crash stopped. Whoop! whoop!
Awesome, glad to hear it! :D

By saying "ocasional crashes do happen" i meant that ocasionally You'll get kicked out of the game and it throws some strange error (as I said ocasionally = NOT often) all it happens is that You'll get kicked out of the game and that's it. reloading from most recent savegame always gets you right where you left off, so I wouldn't worry unless for some ironman freak who doesn't save their game state. besides this and the age issue i haven't found any more problems yet.
What would matter most to me is knowing whether these crashes are due to Fixt or due to ddraw/sfall.
untranslated in the changelog, and it's neigther english nor russian, it's just russian thrown into latin encoded .txt and composes of strange characters that are of neighther language. My guess is that only a person with Cyrylic encoding in notepad.exe
Use Notepad++ with cyrylic encoding Windows-1251
I Never thought I'd say this but thank You "Mr.Stalin" :D
Notepad ++ automatically detected the language in the changelog and converted giberish to russian.

fixt is mostly fine as with fixt's native sfall i only had vanilla crashes (for me) related to Adytum takeover fight, when killing red colored neutral dog in adytum or missed a shot and accidentally killed an adytowner with it instead of a regulator. but not doing the above always ended the event correctly.

the crashes I'm talking about emerged when i switched to new sfall. As i said.. ocasionally during playing i had like 1 every 4 hrs or even less. With new sfall i decided to go for a hard playthrough with both settings game and combat set to hard. so savescumming and stealing evrything from everybody takes a lot more time than I'm used to. Now i'm in the middle of stealing from raiders before getting tandi back. I've started from scratch because of a mistake that i made, wasteing doc morbid before attempting to find out about bob's secret ingredient's in bob meals, ending in beeing unable to put bob behind bars. As this option was not present during conversation with hub cops and neighter with bob himself.
During this time (of robbing everyone) i had like 5 crashes and the whole gameplay took me around a day and half in real life, until i decided to take a little break from Fo1.

Now after beeing pissed on diablo 3 servers after continously beeing screwed over by blizzard and their aproach to d3 game, And after beeing totally pissed at Fallout 2 for it's slow running when i switch internet off (this was the case for me since like sfall 3.7.3), I may actually return to Fallout 1 and provide further analysis.