With any luck however, it should be more stable than the previous release (since these files fix several bugs and crashes).

It also includes Sfall1 (ddraw) v1.7.6 by Crafty! Lots of new stuff with it, check out ddraw.ini
1) Back up your current Fallout Fixt installation.
2) Drop these into your Fallout Fixt folder.
3) Say yes when asked to overwrite.
New features:
- Can now perform in-game customizations via the Vault 13 door control computer!
-- Console message and float message display upon game start, to remind players about in-game customization.
- Can re-watch the endgame slideshow via the Vault 13 door control computer, if you've already beaten the game with that character.
- Customization options allowing play to continue after/if: Vault 13 runs out of water, Vault 13 is invaded, player dipped.
-- If player chooses to continue play after being dipped, the following applies:
--- Weapons are limited to Big Guns / Energy Weapons / Thrown / Melee, just like other Super Mutants.
--- Armor cannot be worn, and stats are modified due to dipping process.
--- Supports "running" (walk animation sped up) because walking at Super Mutant speed is just painful after a while.
New OPTIONAL customizations:
- There is now a No Knockback version of the Sledgehammer and Super Sledge. You can swap out the versions via Vault 13 Door Computer.
- Smitty can now hotwire multiple Plasma Rifles for you.
- Miles can now harden multiple Power Armors for you.
- Can now choose to have hirelings level up or not, independent of whether Fixes Only mode is enabled.
- Can choose whether hirelings level up every [1 to 8] player levels. (default in NPC Mod was every 4 player levels)
- Can have hirelings level up based on current player level rather than relative player level - as if you'd hired them at player level 1.
Other new features:
- All quest-related holodisks are now automatically discarded when no longer needed. (Many of them already were in vanilla Fallout, but my most recent release broke it by accident)
- Console message now displays when automatically dropping explosives at your feet from active hand slot.
- Katja now has a unique Combat AI entry just for her, like Ian and Tycho always have.
- Hover description for the Vault Dweller will display player's title after their name. (Titles are from official game manual)
- During endgame sequence with the Overseer, items are unequipped first so that the player appears in their Vault suit (to match the ending cutscene).
- When killing the Overseer, instead of a wimpy 10mm Pistol firing animation and sound effect, 14mm Pistol is now used.
- Updated items received at game start. Breakdown here:
- Map load message now displays on "Ruins" maps post-destruction for Military Base and Children's Cathedral, like with other maps in the game.
- Message when hirelings gain a level is more clear (and indicates that level 3 is max level for them).
Comprehensive version confirmation to assist with troubleshooting:
- Versions listed at bottom-right of main menu screen confirms Sfall1(ddraw) and executable OK.
- Info at bottom-left/bottom-middle of the starting screen confirms text and dialog OK, installer customizations OK.
- Results of performing an Examine(Binoculars) on the Vault Dweller confirms scripts OK, global variables OK.
Crashes fixed:
- When giving quest holodisks to people.
- When getting quest holodisks.
- When leaving Military Base if you recruited the Brotherhood's Crack Assault Paladins.
- When setting destruct sequences on the Vats Control Computer.
- When exiting or entering certain worldmap encounters in specific circumstances.
Text fixes:
- "Error"/mismatched/empty holodisk PIP-Boy entries.
- Centaurs and Ghouls in random encounters are no longer ever called Floaters.
- Clarifed that Bonus HtH Attacks/Damage also applies to melee weapons, in the title and description of these Perks.
- Berserker karma status changes are now notified via the message box, as its Karma entry was broken and interfered with the display of other karmas.
- "You earn 10000 experience" messages for The Vats and The Master are more clear now, and always display.
- Weapons with special perks (Penetrate, Knockback, etc) now have these effects mentioned in the item descriptions.
- Vault 15's door is no longer called "Wall" on its hover name.
- Some fixes for messages received when examining and using the Vault 15 elevator shafts.
- No longer will any Super Mutants have a "human female" description when examining.
Bug fixes: (these bugs all existed in Vanilla Fallout)
- Can no longer get infinite Karma by using explosives repeatedly on Radscorpion Caves wall.
- Ian, Tycho, Katja now always use their respective Combat AI settings.
- Slideshows for The Vats / The Master no longer have their order of completion reversed.
- Some minor fixes in the code used to determine whether or not you kill the Overseer during endgame sequence.
- All messages that were supposed to display while exploring Vault 15, do actually display now.
- During endgame sequence with the Overseer:
-- Animations and audio/video are now in sync, and they last an appropriate amount of time.
-- Party members are hidden while player interacts with him. (this was necessary to prevent some issues)
-- It's no longer possible to run away and otherwise interfere with or break the interaction.
-- If you kill him you're no longer left with a free phantom 10mm Pistol.
-- Death sound effect now actually plays if/when he dies.
-- Once dead, his body is no longer obscured by the Vault door platform art afterward.
Fixt feature fixes:
- Invasions are now checked properly for the Restored Good Endings addon.
- Fixed WAB1XXX2 at 2.5x volume to replace WAE1XXX1 (14mm & .223)
- Lieutenant no longer starts with Vats Control Computer keycard in his inventory. (He wasn't supposed to)
- Better tracking of "every 5 seconds" updates in MilBase and for Master, incl during combat.
- Flares giving light while held in hands should now be glitch-free! [Note that the Fallout1 engine destroys lit flares when moving to a new map. This is an engine bug.]
- When the Brotherhood Crack Assault Paladins leave the Military Base via a screen fade, time won't pass due to it (because that triggers the explosion).
- Fortune Finder and its associated customization once again work properly.
- Initiating dialog with Crack Assault Paladins in Military Base will cause them to move, so they can't block you anymore.
Fixt feature changes:
- Crack Assault Paladins in Military Base now leave upon arriving at Level 3. (Necessary for the crash fix)
- If you selected Fixes Only or Purist, items at game start will now be identical to vanilla game.
- For other install types, items on start are now better balanced and based on difficulty level chosen. More info at:
Fixt features removed:
- Player is no longer given any kind of warning or special message upon loading saves from old Fixt versions. (not really needed anymore, just ruins immersion)
- No more 'darkness' msg on game start (was a restoration but realized it was totally unnecessary)
- Removed the "angry" step aside option for NPCs and Dogmeat - left the normal ones intact obviously.
- No longer find extra items in Vault 15 that weren't included in the vanilla game. I realized this restoration was silly and unneccesary and didn't serve much purpose.