Better check this:
Originally, Ian (Big Guns) & Katja (both) had been trained (bonus points) in energy and/or heavy weapons...
It's odd. Per's guide lists very different skill percentages for the companions than the one I found, so what I said about Ian & Katja may be off. Normally, Per's guide is on point. Although, it does not mention that having Outdoorsman tagged cancels getting the training from Tycho (apparently). At least in 1.35 & 0.81 I did not get the option with 30% tagged, but I did with 64% untagged.
EDIT: My bad, it appears to be IN (6 worked, 5 didn't) while tagging Outdoorsman actually doubles the bonus (to +10). There are so many factors in FO that one shouldn't jump to conclussions. You'd thought I learned by now, but there you go: "Fire indeed hot".
My Fallout 1 version is patched by 1.2 & 1.35. But neither seems to change any critter but Mr. Handy, Egg & Mother deathclaw (probably a gender fix)
I used ProtoManager v1.1.4. (I can't figure out how to get a full screen with FO12_critters_editor).
In order to use ProtoManager, I had to extract PRO_CRIT.MSG from my master.dat and put it into the game folder and rename the folder under text to “english”, otherwise ProtoManager v1.1.4 would crash when I tried to open the critters tab, or not open at all.
That's how I got my numbers.
My version not being english may cause the issue. However, other than the skill percentages, it's the same as in Per's guide and the same as in Cubik's FO12_critters_editor (at least the bit I can see, the skills are outside the window).
EDIT: (this uses Per's numbers)
while the individual pages (,, etc.) (use the numbers I found).
EDIT: This has been figured out, I calculated the skill-base according to FO2 rules, which are different to FO1.
It would also be nice if Katja could spawn a floater like “I may be able to crack it” when the player tries to open one of the quest doors she can unlock. Alerting the player to her ability to open a door would be neat.
However, I'm not really sure how to toe the line between restoration and improvement. Or how Fixt wants to handle it.
For example, fluff wise it could also make sense if Tycho would be better at Outdoorsman. He is a Nevada Ranger and can teach the player survival-skills. Perhaps a total value of between 40% to 56% would be more appropriate than his current 24% (EDIT correct is 11%). However, I'm not sure if that's a good idea. In FO2 it would help the player when travelling (although, that may not apply in FO1, dunno?). Anyway, not sure if Tycho should help the player with that early on. Although it would make sense. At least, more sense than hiring a Ranger with 24% (EDIT cough, 11%, cough) Outdoorsman (derp-a-derp).

(EDIT: I'm the real derp-a-derp, here actually
