Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Yes he can one shot but they are not insta kill (not the ones with less damage than critter life) one shot kill comes from dealing more damage than max critter hp
Seems to me it just changed the instakill message to display all remaining HP from the critter. An enemy with HP 62/70 will be insta-killed with message saying "...hit for 62 points...". IMO it's fine as long as the corresponding critical message is displayed correctly and the target is killed in one hit.
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well in that case it might be ok.. it bugged me constantly why after killing almost 6k deathclaws there was no message that I hit for less damage than critter life and killed it. But Since You said what You said than it must be the case.. Your word is final in such matters anyway.

Thanks for clearing it up.
hi everyone!
Sduibek, thank you so much for your time and efforts!
I noticed one minor bug with the new 1.0 version - when starting a new game the age of the character changes, the game adds 13 years to the specified age.
@TONYGAN Just making sure I understand the request - does it work fine when you run the "Play Fallout Fixt" shortcut in Fallout directory? And is the reason you want this because you want to run it through Steam (or GOG) interface instead?

I'm using the GoG version. Now, your original method is functioning properly. I run the game with your shorcut and is fine, but that's because of that method of installation. If the path have been changed when the mod overwrites vanilla, the shorcut wouldn't work.

I'm just saying the main reason to ask for the overwriting method, is to save disk space. Anything else is subjective.


@Sduibek by the way, there's a little bug with a holodisk, specifically the "Power Armor specs." When I seach for the downloads in the Pip-Boy, I notice a empty space between files. I've happened to click that space, and turns out to be the "Power Armor specs" disk.

It's not annoying or something, but it'd be great if you fix it in this future version :) In fact, you can release two versions of the gamma (the common installer as always, and the ZIP version for advanced users). Think about it :D
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hi everyone!
Sduibek, thank you so much for your time and efforts!
I noticed one minor bug with the new 1.0 version - when starting a new game the age of the character changes, the game adds 13 years to the specified age.

That's because sfall is setup to change the starting date for some reason. I'm not sure why
In earlier versions of sFall1 by Crafty, the time limit was disabled. It conflicted with the time change in the Fixt fashion. Currently, this mode is disabled by default in sFall1, and Sduibek itself removed this edit in the mod. When you create a character and use sFall1 the age can be increased to 60 years.
That's because sfall is setup to change the starting date for some reason. I'm not sure why
@darthbdaman Enabling ddraw/sfall fix for 13-year limit (game crashes after 13 years) messes with the start date. This is a mistake by Crafty in how he coded the fix, not something I did.

To fix the incorrect start date I had to work around it by specifying a custom start date in ddraw.ini

I'll see if I can manually roll back character age via script at game start.

In earlier versions of sFall1 by Crafty, the time limit was disabled. It conflicted with the time change in the Fixt fashion. Currently, this mode is disabled by default in sFall1, and Sduibek itself removed this edit in the mod. When you create a character and use sFall1 the age can be increased to 60 years.
@Foxx tbh I've always found it dumb and totally unnecessary that ddraw/sfall increased the range of start ages available. I wish I could disable that silly "feature"...
In earlier versions of sFall1 by Crafty, the time limit was disabled. It conflicted with the time change in the Fixt fashion. Currently, this mode is disabled by default in sFall1, and Sduibek itself removed this edit in the mod. When you create a character and use sFall1 the age can be increased to 60 years.
@darthbdaman Enabling ddraw/sfall fix for 13-year limit (game crashes after 13 years) messes with the start date. This is a mistake by Crafty in how he coded the fix, not something I did.

To fix the incorrect start date I had to work around it by specifying a custom start date in ddraw.ini

I'll see if I can manually roll back character age via script at game start.

@Foxx tbh I've always found it dumb and totally unnecessary that ddraw/sfall increased the range of start ages available. I wish I could disable that silly "feature"...

It is working as intended in sfall1 v1.8 and TimeLimit=-3 I found this bug long time ago and Crafty managed to fix this since like v1.7.27 or was it 1.7.28. It's all in this thread only waaaay too many pages back for anybody to care.
@Foxx tbh I've always found it dumb and totally unnecessary that ddraw/sfall increased the range of start ages available. I wish I could disable that silly "feature"...
This variable is not used by default. If it is not included, it will be as before. In the first part and there is nothing to do 13 years)))
@Foxx tbh I've always found it dumb and totally unnecessary that ddraw/sfall increased the range of start ages available. I wish I could disable that silly "feature"...

Starting age change is cool.. How else Could i set it above 35? I'm turning 36 soon, so how will i be able to reflect my age when vanilla settings allowed 35 max?

Besides the feature that fast forwards the game at start by 13 years in v1.7.6 is already fixed in v1.8.

1.8 is stable i only got it to crashing once after reloading game as a consequence of me killing a party member. but this is vanilla engine bug not sfall i think. It's only one crash on 2 full playthroughs. I think it is as good as it gets.

As for the latest terst-version.. there are still bugs with chests in BoS bunker Level3 saying error on opening when theyr're sepose to say that the chest is locked. Though the chests can be lockpicked normally and then opened. (vanilla bug). Locked Lockers on that level say error too.
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Thanks for the info about v1. 8 @gustarballs1983 ! Glad to hear it's been stable for you and the 13yr bug is fixed.

I'll make sure to include v1. 8 in my next test release :)

I can try to duplicate that bug about crash after party member dying if you provide more details. I do recall in much older version of Fixt there were crashes after killing a party member sometimes, but it should have been fixed now.
Better check this:
Originally, Ian (Big Guns) & Katja (both) had been trained (bonus points) in energy and/or heavy weapons...
It's odd. Per's guide lists very different skill percentages for the companions than the one I found, so what I said about Ian & Katja may be off. Normally, Per's guide is on point. Although, it does not mention that having Outdoorsman tagged cancels getting the training from Tycho (apparently). At least in 1.35 & 0.81 I did not get the option with 30% tagged, but I did with 64% untagged.
EDIT: My bad, it appears to be IN (6 worked, 5 didn't) while tagging Outdoorsman actually doubles the bonus (to +10). There are so many factors in FO that one shouldn't jump to conclussions. You'd thought I learned by now, but there you go: "Fire indeed hot".

My Fallout 1 version is patched by 1.2 & 1.35. But neither seems to change any critter but Mr. Handy, Egg & Mother deathclaw (probably a gender fix)
I used ProtoManager v1.1.4. (I can't figure out how to get a full screen with FO12_critters_editor).
In order to use ProtoManager, I had to extract PRO_CRIT.MSG from my master.dat and put it into the game folder and rename the folder under text to “english”, otherwise ProtoManager v1.1.4 would crash when I tried to open the critters tab, or not open at all.
That's how I got my numbers.
My version not being english may cause the issue. However, other than the skill percentages, it's the same as in Per's guide and the same as in Cubik's FO12_critters_editor (at least the bit I can see, the skills are outside the window).

EDIT: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_companions (this uses Per's numbers)
while the individual pages (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Ian_(Fallout), http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Katja, http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Tycho etc.) (use the numbers I found).

EDIT: This has been figured out, I calculated the skill-base according to FO2 rules, which are different to FO1.

It would also be nice if Katja could spawn a floater like “I may be able to crack it” when the player tries to open one of the quest doors she can unlock. Alerting the player to her ability to open a door would be neat.

However, I'm not really sure how to toe the line between restoration and improvement. Or how Fixt wants to handle it.
For example, fluff wise it could also make sense if Tycho would be better at Outdoorsman. He is a Nevada Ranger and can teach the player survival-skills. Perhaps a total value of between 40% to 56% would be more appropriate than his current 24% (EDIT correct is 11%). However, I'm not sure if that's a good idea. In FO2 it would help the player when travelling (although, that may not apply in FO1, dunno?). Anyway, not sure if Tycho should help the player with that early on. Although it would make sense. At least, more sense than hiring a Ranger with 24% (EDIT cough, 11%, cough) Outdoorsman (derp-a-derp). :) (EDIT: I'm the real derp-a-derp, here actually :))
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Well so far I'm really digging sfall v1.8! The randomization of weapon sfx for weapons which have multiple associated sfx files is a lot of fun. It seems to also be randomizing hit sounds as well, not just firing sounds. Nice.
Got that crash with the Master's Vault guards fixed.

Interestingly, this is actually a crash that occurs in the vanilla game. It's just such a specific scenario that I don't think most people encounter the situation. (You have to approach them in robes, exit dialog without combat initiating, then open inventory, and remove the robes + equip a weapon before exiting inventory.)
It's odd. Per's guide lists very different skill percentages for the companions than the one I found, so what I said about Ian & Katja may be off. Normally, Per's guide is on point.

Could it be that the skill percentage you are looking at is raw proto data, while what Per has listed is in-game values (when agility and strength bonuses etc has been added on)?
Could it be that the skill percentage you are looking at is raw proto data, while what Per has listed is in-game values (when agility and strength bonuses etc has been added on)?
I think it might be this. I've noticed discrepancies too.

Anyway it's of no consequence as I'll be auditing all of the party member PRO files.
Thanks for the info about v1. 8 @gustarballs1983 ! Glad to hear it's been stable for you and the 13yr bug is fixed.

I'll make sure to include v1. 8 in my next test release :)

I can try to duplicate that bug about crash after party member dying if you provide more details. I do recall in much older version of Fixt there were crashes after killing a party member sometimes, but it should have been fixed now.

It is difficult to have this bug with party members dying as You need to targed an enemy and miss that enemy *and* that shot must accidentaly kill your party member. that stuff is easy when toying around with turbo plasma rifle and dogmeat is in the way. DOgmeat has almost no protection aginst plasam so he gets 0wn3d by the shot. This is probably an engine bug since if combat armored blades during assault on adytum miss a regulator and accidentally hit adytowner and kill him/her the game crashes too. Well at least it used to I don't know if it has been fixed.

Could it be that the skill percentage you are looking at is raw proto data, while what Per has listed is in-game values (when agility and strength bonuses etc has been added on)?

I've been toying with party protos myself and i can confirm that base protos from TeamX NPC mod are different than vanilla ones. In my add-on for the mod listed couple of pages back I've reverted some of those changes as base protos for Ian and Katja get crippled by TeamX, tycho though gets a huge buff to his small guns skill.
Could it be that the skill percentage you are looking at is raw proto data, while what Per has listed is in-game values (when agility and strength bonuses etc has been added on)?

However, when you say “Strength and Agility bonuses have been added”, do you mean the base value on which the bonus is added. Because those I've taken into account. Like Tycho's HP is 60 (33+27), which is his base of ST 6 & EN 6 (33), plus the bonus (27)).

I figured that out while looking at the stats of FO2 companions on Nukapedia which are sometimes the total and sometimes only the bonus. Confused me a lot at the time.

Is there anything else?

I've been toying with party protos myself and i can confirm that base protos from TeamX NPC mod are different than vanilla ones. In my add-on for the mod listed couple of pages back I've reverted some of those changes as base protos for Ian and Katja get crippled by TeamX, tycho though gets a huge buff to his small guns skill.
Odd, the numbers I have basically reduce Small Guns (and more) of all three (including Tycho).

And again, as the edit to my last post may have been missed.

Per's number are the same as found here: http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Fallout_companions

While the ones I get are these: (http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Ian_(Fallout), http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Katja, http://fallout.wikia.com/wiki/Tycho