Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

June 2021
Hello all,

i have decided to give fallout 1 another run after 2 1/2 decades. Very glad there is something like FalloutFixt, i intend to install "Fixes Only". i have installed the vanilla core fallout 1 from the Interplay Fallout Trilogy (although after installation i think that is 1.2 not 1.1), and the .exe inside the fallout folder is "falloutw.exe" i do not see any default "fallout.exe". Nukapedia wiki says core fallout without mods should be officially patched to 1.1 only, so i am confused.

Anyway, I have searched and found that 0.81alpha is ready, but through google i learnt that the developer decided release an update in 2020, so i was wondering if there is any newer version.

it would be appreciated if someone could tell me :-

1. which vanilla core fallout 1 i should install,
2. what is the latest falloutfixt i should download (if 0.81a is not newest)
3. will hi-res patch be included with the falloutfixt, and
4. is there any way i can force fallout 1 to 16:9 ratio (if possible to 1920 x 1080 res, but half of that is good too, priority for me is 16:9 ratio).

Thank you very much. Would be good if u direct help corresponding to items 1-4 above, as i get easily confused.

thanks in advance.

@Pale Rider :you can now play Fallout 1 in the Fallout 2 engine for a better experience. You will get a greater experience that way I think by having all the little conveniences added in Fallout 2. It's called Fallout et tu and can be found here.
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Thanks so much for clearing that up. I remember reading on the Fallout wiki that you needed either a kit or bag to fix them, or at least that's what the writing suggests. We should get you lot here to create a better wiki, hah.
...I think that got mixed with fallout tactics(another game). But Don't give up your hope on Wiki, it is accurate most of the time, despite what some redditors think.
hi, i had this mod installed years ago but got a new laptop running W11. when i first tried running fixt, it gave me a display error (along the lines of "this display is not supported") so i went to the config, tried different resolutions, 16 or 32 color, DX9 or DX11, etc. now it does not let me run fixt at all and says the app is not supported by my device!
has anyone dealt with this? the program is totally inaccessible to me now
hi, i had this mod installed years ago but got a new laptop running W11. when i first tried running fixt, it gave me a display error (along the lines of "this display is not supported") so i went to the config, tried different resolutions, 16 or 32 color, DX9 or DX11, etc. now it does not let me run fixt at all and says the app is not supported by my device!
has anyone dealt with this? the program is totally inaccessible to me now
I had a similar issue when I recently loaded Fallout 2 from a CD with the new RPU mod on Windows 10. I have a desktop connected to a wide-screen tv. What worked for me was temporarily altering the computer's display resolution setting, (PC: start - settings - system -display), from 1366 X 768 wide-screen to 800 X 600. Fallout 2 loaded using those settings and from there I could switch back to the original 1366X 768 setting. I got a Windows 10 error message and when I clicked on that I almost immediately got a Windows 10 update that addressed the problem. I still had to play around with the Fallout 2 screen settings to get the best match. I think I ended up using the 1776 X 1000, (or very similar), pre-game screen preference option. Hopefully this helps.
For Fuck's sake.. Fallout FIXT comes natively with High resolution Patch a.k.a "HRP" for fo1 ( built in ) hust go to f2_res.ini set colour bit depth to 32 bit resolution to 1920x1080, and begone with it.. if somebody has slow scrolling, set your art_cache_size= in fallout.cfg to a decent value, the native 4 is too little for such a high resolution, try 261, and If Your GPU is integrated and You don't have that much vram, than stop playing fallout on a total potato.
When is the next official release coming out? Also, can you not have the player start with items depending on certain tag skills? Such as a Flamer if you have Big Guns tagged. Some of us players are purists and we don't really like this. Et Tu also changes too much the feel of the original game, so I'm just using the unofficial Fallout 1.3.6 patch available for download at Nuclear City.
Nevermind the guy, Lexx. He seems just to be trolling.

Let him wait on the next version of fixt... heh
Et Tu adds features you would only see in Fallout 2, such as a vehicle, new weapons, enemies, caverns, etc. Seeing as how I am a purist, I want to keep the feel of the original game, but I'll take bug fixes and patches any day.

And I am not trolling.
Bro, you are totally trolling. Except for the (rare) Fo2 weapons, you can disable all that shit and I already told you about it. I thought you would answer something like "the critter in location x is not standing in the right position" or something like that, and not provide a list of stuff that actually can be disabled. :lol:

Fixt "purist" is also not "purist" -- if you want no changes at all, your only choice is to play the original unpatched Fo1.
I did disable it, and yet the merchants still offer Fallout 2 Armor. And stop accusing me of trolling. I'm not looking to cause trouble or seek attention, I only want want all other players want: the best possible experience ever. You don't have to like me, but you need to treat me with respect and dignity as a person and a member of this forum.
accept what you apparently are looking for isn't available. weird thing is that you're like the only one having these "purist" issues with Et Tu.
If you dislike it and want to original unchanged buggy experience, just rock the official patches. Sduibek seems to have moved on from modding FO so best to let it go now.
Purity! Untainted purity! :)

Anyway if one wants a "true" pure experience why not it be one with all original bugs too? For the extra nostalgia factor.
Thank you so very much for still keeping this up to date!! I haven't gone back to Fallout since it first came out and I am excited to play again with your work.
Thank you so very much for still keeping this up to date!! I haven't gone back to Fallout since it first came out and I am excited to play again with your work.
You should try Fallout Et tu that let's you play Fallout 1 within the engine of Fallout 2. It comes with a lot of improvements.
I am sorry to be terribly annoying, but I am having trouble locating the latest version of Fallout Fixt. Could anyone by chance be able to help out a first time Fallout fan? Thank you in advance.
Just download 0.81alpha from the links in the first post, any newer versions are solely test builds and might give you more trouble than it's worth.
Although personally I don't recommend new players to play FO1 with FIXT, even the "fixes only/purist" version isn't really just bug fixes.
Hi everyone

I am playing Fallout 1 with the fixt mod and really enjoying it, but I have a strange issue in the game. People in the game are disappering and reappearing when I move around in Shady sands and Vault 13(that is how far I have reached in the game). For example: If I go to a specific corner in shady sands people appear, but when I go away they disappear even though I can see the entire part of the city?

Could it because I play with the higher resolution then the original?