Hey Sduibek, is this thread for bug-posting and other ideas, or it's that other Fixt thread?

Anyway I've just finished whole game and I have to say, with that kind of alpha version like 5.2, You don't need to release beta version before releasing final version of the mod.
1) I've got a same problem during installation as DanielCoffey, because I'm using Win7 64bit, anyway I didn't noticed anything (very) wrong in game.
2) You should really check some restored content - third elder of Shady Sands, that one in Garden part of town, told me to kill radoscorpions, and when dialogue ends, I found leather armour and hunting rifle in inventory. And no other quest in pipboy. And I have that nice conversation with her before I even asked Set about showing the way to cave.
At Khans there was a prisoner from Junktown, after I wiped out all raiders, there was no proper dialogue option to told him he's free (or maybe something just didn't triggered, who knows). Freed slavegirls' floating text was displayed in red. Shouldn't be in green?
3) My favourite kind of errors - memory errors. One time in random encounter with merchant - talked to me with errors. After failed pickpocket attempt, reload, then game crashed with nice pop-up window with memory error each time I tried to talk to him. Nevertheless, I've just left the location.
4) As someone mentioned, "medicine man" in Hub (oh how I lol'd when I read it) is bugged. Game didn't crashed when I talked to him two times, but all dialogue options was errors. So second time I clicked something wrong and have to kill him, but hey, I took all his stuff from his dead body, including something about 30x Rad-X, so finally I could travel to Glow without worries.
5) And Glow, yeah, well, it was a bit strange, all of my buddies (Dogmeat, Ian, Tycho) were immune to radiation. I've never played with huge party before (yeah, that's weird when I think about it) (or at the late game stage they're already dead since long time), and didn't noticed it before.
6) Childkiller - when You killed just one kid, no one gives a flying f*** about this. I ended game as a Childkiller and Champion with 83 reputation. Maybe changing it, that everyone would finally noticed that Childkiller who killed only one kid is still a Childkiller, is a good idea? (I killed "flower child" in hospital in Hub. Decker said no witnesses, so...)
7) One small quest broken in Brotherhood? Michael told me to get EMP grenades from Vree, but didn't noticed I brought them - he just asked for them again.
8) It will be a nice, new feature, if player could report that Skulz told him to stole urn, because each time I stole it, Neal knows that I stole it, and when I and Junktown guards appear at Skum Pitt to kill Skulz, Neal attacked me, so I have to killed both Skulz and all other people, including him and Tycho. After several reloads, I've completed this quest by talked to Lars that Sherry would testify against the Skulz, without even tried to join them or do anything for them, but it was too easy way.
8) After I completed the game, my character died. Yeah, just after end-game screens passed, I saw my character just lying in blood before Vault 13 gates, in a cave. Weird. So I didn't have a little and final chit-chat with Overseer.