Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

tokisto said:
Hi Sduibek!

I´ve been here long time ago, when the FIXT was starting. Was away for a time, and see that the job is improving, well done. A question, didnt find anything mentioned to it: I have the 4.1 installed. To put the new version to work, how do I do? Thanks and continue the work (seems the most problematic "troubles" with Fallout had been fixed, resting just minor bugs, nice!)
Hi! Thanks for playing 8-)

You can just install 5.3 on top of 4.1 (in other words, install to whatever folder you have FIXT 4.1 currently).

A quick warning though, I cannot guarantee that the transition will be without issues. A lot has changed since 4.1, so you should be able to use the same character but you may get issues and/or crashes.

If you're willing, best thing to do is make a new character.

Salk said:
I am chiming in to comment on what Sduibek said in reply to Nibiru's post above.

To not disagree with a statement about Fallout FIXT creating more bugs than it removes is a big mistake (if it indeed is not true, as we are all lead to believe by reading the mod's read me file and wiki entries).

Supporting such a claim goes well beyond the realization that some bugs are still in the game even after FIXT is installed.

People would not have any reason to install FIXT (apart for testing purposes) and play Fallout with it.

Please Sduibek consider changing that, making it clear what the real situation about present bugs is with the 5.3 release.

Fair enough, thanks for that. Good points.
I appreciate your support and insight 8-)

Updated the post.

EDIT: I just counted, and the wiki currently has 100 entries under bugs (yikes), however it's *extremely* important to keep in mind that:

- Some of these issues have existed since Per wrote the guides (back in 2001-ish, years before TeamX released their newest version) thus weren't fixed by TeamX before I began work on FIXT.
- Some of these issues have probably already been fixed (at least 10 of them if not more), I'm just leaving them there until I'm 100% sure they're fixed.
- Some of these issues are graphics issues that TeamX's patches were never meant to address, almost all of which are from the original game, or introduced by f1res or ddraw.
- Some of these issues are with the installer itself, not with gameplay or the game.
- Some of these issues are issues with the engine that have nothing to do with me, and will be fixed when my conversion to the Fallout 2 engine is complete.
- This wiki is a new thing for Fallout 1 so it might look longer than it "should" for a while (see below)

Another thing to remember is that as far as I know, there's never before been a wiki-style database of Fallout 1 bugs, except for what Wasteland Ghost and TeamX kept track of internally (i.e. not available to the public) and while we have a thread of Fallout 1 bugs here, it's a lot of work going through all those posts and comparing to available data on which of them still exists. So part of the reason there's so many bugs on the wiki page (if this is only what Nibiru was referring to) is that we're simply rebuilding the list that TeamX and that thread here already had. Thus, many entries have absolutely nothing to do with FIXT.
Thanks for this, Sduibek.

It's no good to belittle the importance of your own project as, even in the present state, I am confident about FIXT being the best possible way today to play Fallout.

Our hope is of course that it'll get even better.

Thanks again for your work.
Hey Sduibek, first I want to thank you for this great mod, job well done.

Now I have a question for you. When installing the mod I get this notice:

"!!!WARNING!!! If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, and you have Fallout installed directly in Program Files (e.g. C:\Program Files\Fallout), you may experience issues, due to Microsoft's User Account Control. So, don't install it there. Reinstall Fallout 1 in a different location, then run this installer again.

This does not apply to the GOG or Steam versions."

And it lists the GOG's path as being:
C:\Program Files\GOG.com\Fallout

However when I installed my GOG version, it installed it to
C:\GOG Games\Fallout

Is that an okay place or will I experience problems?
Mr.Fable said:
Hey Sduibek, first I want to thank you for this great mod, job well done.

Now I have a question for you. When installing the mod I get this notice:

"!!!WARNING!!! If you are using Windows Vista or Windows 7, and you have Fallout installed directly in Program Files (e.g. C:\Program Files\Fallout), you may experience issues, due to Microsoft's User Account Control. So, don't install it there. Reinstall Fallout 1 in a different location, then run this installer again.

This does not apply to the GOG or Steam versions."

And it lists the GOG's path as being:
C:\Program Files\GOG.com\Fallout

However when I installed my GOG version, it installed it to
C:\GOG Games\Fallout

Is that an okay place or will I experience problems?
That path works just fine.

Thank you I'll update the documentation for the next version
drawnacrol said:
Does anyone know if this mod will work for the GOG MAC version?
That's a really good question that I've been wondering about. Would you try it and let me know? If you'd be willing to run it and let me know if it works I'd appreciate the help. You can consider yourself a beta tester :D

EDIT: alpha tester actually, ha.
I'm having a problem with Irwin's farm with 5.3. He doesn't recognise that the raiders have been killed, and if I ask him to take me back the raiders have all re-spawned. Is this a bug in FIXT?
Johnathan Crow said:
I'm having a problem with Irwin's farm with 5.3. He doesn't recognise that the raiders have been killed, and if I ask him to take me back the raiders have all re-spawned. Is this a bug in FIXT?
I think I found what is causing this. I'll update it in the new version. EDIT: Yeah we should be good, just tested and everything seems OK. I left it in the Bugs wiki just in case.

Do you by chance remember how they all died? Were any of them not killed by you or your party members?

In other words, did one of the raiders accidentally kill another raider with a missed shot, that sort of thing.
I don't remember for sure, but I'm pretty certain that it was either me or a member of my party that killed each of them rather than their own missed shots.

Any idea when the next version will be released?
Johnathan Crow said:
I don't remember for sure, but I'm pretty certain that it was either me or a member of my party that killed each of them rather than their own missed shots.

Any idea when the next version will be released?
Okay, thanks. Well either way I changed the code so it should be fixed. (fingers crossed :lol:)

Not sure about release date for 5.4 - I have a little more free time until the second week of January so that's possible. I think something will definitely be released by the end of March.
Is there a version of FIXT where this bug might not have been present? Or is it introduced by one of the installation options that I could disable whilst installing FIXT?
Johnathan Crow said:
Is there a version of FIXT where this bug might not have been present? Or is it introduced by one of the installation options that I could disable whilst installing FIXT?
Ehhh I don't think so. It's probably been around for a while, maybe like alpha 2 or 3. I mean it's not common or I'd be seeing lots of reports, but the code for those raiders hasn't changed in a while.

Put these in [Fallout FIXT]/DATA/SCRIPTS, say Yes to overwrite, go kill all those dirty squatting raiders again and let me know if everything works this time:

Johnathan Crow said:
Ahh, thanks a lot. I'm going to start a new game soon, so I'll try it out and let you know.
Okay. It should work with your current character as well.
dudejo001 said:
I think he was high on those gasses he was talking about :P

BTW, I also sent an e-mail with pictures concerning the merchant around Shady Sands and his error texts.
Yeah don't ask me why Wiki spammers do that stuff, I don't get it. Now inserting links to their scam websites, that I would totally understand. But random blocks of text? Huh.

And thanks. Even if I don't respond directly, I do always keep records of all that stuff.

I'm excited to start some work on this again :) I don't have much free time until end of Dec / beginning of Jan but I'm going to do my best to release some kind of patch by the second week of January.
drawnacrol said:
Does anyone know if this mod will work for the GOG MAC version?

Any news on this? I just started playing Fallout on my Mac and would love to use this mod, but I'm at a total loss on how to install it (I put it in the directory with all of the other files... but it doesn't seem to be activated in any way.
I recently began playing Fallout (GOG version) + FIXT a5.3 mod, and
I'm having strange graphical glitches ...at night a strange brighter spot appears on the ground with darker center, or some objects are
entirely white.

Can this be fixed in any way? Maybe by installing Hi-Res mod 4.0.2?
irsmert said:
drawnacrol said:
Does anyone know if this mod will work for the GOG MAC version?

Any news on this? I just started playing Fallout on my Mac and would love to use this mod, but I'm at a total loss on how to install it (I put it in the directory with all of the other files... but it doesn't seem to be activated in any way.
I can see about making a Mac-friendly installer version. No ETA but I'm willing to do it.

warning077 said:
I recently began playing Fallout (GOG version) + FIXT a5.3 mod, and
I'm having strange graphical glitches ...at night a strange brighter spot appears on the ground with darker center, or some objects are
entirely white.

Can this be fixed in any way? Maybe by installing Hi-Res mod 4.0.2?
Yes please install 4.0.2 and let me know if that fixes it.
It seems that Hi-Res patch 4.0.2 fixes this issues.

One other thing, the included NPC mod is version 3.4. or 3.5?
Namely, the 1st page of this topic lists v3.5, however, the readme
file in the installation lists v3.4. Also, I failed any notice that an NPC
(Ian) has gained any level (so far I'm at Level 6).

I downloaded the latest v3.5 and the Data/Vault13.Gam file is 38k, and the installed file is only 36k.

Is there any way to really determine which version is installed in
alpha 5.3?
warning077 said:
It seems that Hi-Res patch 4.0.2 fixes this issues.

One other thing, the included NPC mod is version 3.4. or 3.5?
Namely, the 1st page of this topic lists v3.5, however, the readme
file in the installation lists v3.4. Also, I failed any notice that an NPC
(Ian) has gained any level (so far I'm at Level 6).

I downloaded the latest v3.5 and the Data/Vault13.Gam file is 38k, and the installed file is only 36k.

Is there any way to really determine which version is installed in
alpha 5.3?
Yes, I could determine that fairly quickly by looking at the script file source code. I can do that this coming weekend. (20th)

At what level were you when they joined your party? It only starts counting levels from when they joined your party.