Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Sduibek said:
Those who have tried the Hardcore AI option, what do you think? Feedback please.

There's a Hardcore AI option :shock: , I didn't realise. What happens? (sorry I don't have the time to play just right now :look: ).
.Pixote. said:
Sduibek said:
Those who have tried the Hardcore AI option, what do you think? Feedback please.

There's a Hardcore AI option :shock: , I didn't realise. What happens? (sorry I don't have the time to play just right now :look: ).

Change Log said:
Hardcore AI; Enemies don't flee from combat and will mob you. (from a technical standpoint, this means that min_to_hit and min_hp are set to zero for all AI Packets, as well as removing all entries from hurt_too_much, and setting all packets' Aggression to 100/100)
As to if it works, no idea. I haven't really tested it. :whistle:

Optional of course, selected during install. Once I release the loader this will be able to be changed at any time.
While I haven't really tried it, I'd say this would make the game a lot less frustrating for melee builds. Reason is, the enemy won't start running off the map boundaries the second they have a booboo.

Let alone the fact that you won't need to waste all your AP just chasing them down. You also need less skill points in your combat skill that you would otherwise need to score reliable criticals on their legs.

A more appropriate name would be "Stop-running-like-a-crybaby" AI :)
Happy belated birthday indeed!

Sorry to pester you with more questions Sduibek:

In the Brotherhood, is it now possible to keep doing stat-increasing surgeries until every stat is 10?

I didnt remember being able to do that in vanilla but I could be wrong...

Also did you receive the savegame I sent?
bozyn said:
Happy belated birthday indeed!
Thanks ;)

bozyn said:
Sorry to pester you with more questions Sduibek:

In the Brotherhood, is it now possible to keep doing stat-increasing surgeries until every stat is 10?

I didnt remember being able to do that in vanilla but I could be wrong...
Not a problem. You are correct, that's not in Vanilla. In most recent version of FIXT I've set it up so user can increase each stat 3 times, with increasing cost each time of course. In future I will make this addition optional as I'm sure some don't agree with it.

bozyn said:
Also did you receive the savegame I sent?
Yes, thank you. What version is it from?
Just a comment about the alternate weapon perks I sent earlier.

After running numbers a bunch of times, I've come to the conclusion that, at least, armor stats should be adjusted to favor DT a lot more than they do right now.

If armor DT is too light, Penetration-perked weapons aren't as useful as they should be.
dudejo001- Okay, thanks. If you continue to play around with that feel free to add the info to the Suggestions section of my Bug Reports wiki, or somewhere else if it's more appropriate elsewhere.

Salk- thanks! :)
I've got a rough batch for the new weapon+armor stats. I basically jacked-up armor DT for armor up to standard Combat Armor double their old values. I also tweaked the Penetration-perked weapons as needed.

Plus, most of the critters were also adjusted.

I'll send you the files by e-mail.
Hi there! I wanted to ask, will my saves from vanilla fallout 1 work if I install Fallout FIXT alpha 5.3?
Czaro said:
Hi there! I wanted to ask, will my saves from vanilla fallout 1 work if I install Fallout FIXT alpha 5.3?
Unfortunately not. The game will refuse to load them actually, because of the difference on the number of global variables.
dudejo001 said:
I've got a rough batch for the new weapon+armor stats. I basically jacked-up armor DT for armor up to standard Combat Armor double their old values. I also tweaked the Penetration-perked weapons as needed.

Plus, most of the critters were also adjusted.

I'll send you the files by e-mail.
Got it the email, thanks.


What the fuck? An edit was just done to Fallout FIXT Bug Reports wiki with the following:

Very well written piece. As an oragnic chemist, I have always felt CO2 and methane got a bad rap. I have no way to confirm it, but I believe they focused on the higher infrared absorbance only and did not factor in the specific heats of the gases for their computer models. CO2 and methane require about 25% more energy to heat than the other atmospheric gases, so the different physical properties may combine for a zero net greenhouse effect. Water vapor is the real greenhouse gas, but it seems arrogant to claim we can control weather when they are not even that good at researching it. Well done.

Um..... :crazy: :?
I think he was high on those gasses he was talking about :P

BTW, I also sent an e-mail with pictures concerning the merchant around Shady Sands and his error texts.
Hi Sduibek!

I´ve been here long time ago, when the FIXT was starting. Was away for a time, and see that the job is improving, well done. A question, didnt find anything mentioned to it: I have the 4.1 installed. To put the new version to work, how do I do? Thanks and continue the work (seems the most problematic "troubles" with Fallout had been fixed, resting just minor bugs, nice!)
I am chiming in to comment on what Sduibek said in reply to Nibiru's post above.

To not disagree with a statement about Fallout FIXT creating more bugs than it removes is a big mistake (if it indeed is not true, as we are all lead to believe by reading the mod's read me file and wiki entries).

Supporting such a claim goes well beyond the realization that some bugs are still in the game even after FIXT is installed.

People would not have any reason to install FIXT (apart for testing purposes) and play Fallout with it.

Please Sduibek consider changing that, making it clear what the real situation about present bugs is with the 5.3 release.
