Excellent, thank you. With a save it should be fairly easy to fix. 

Sduibek said:- Combat freezing, are you in Windowed mode? If so, this is also fixed in next release (it's a bug in f1_res and next release includes newest version of f1_res)
Sduibek said:Hollow Point, I updated the scripts in Patch 6.3 after some changes that I think should fix the teleportation issue, could you please try again and see if it is fixed?
Okay thanks, I'll check it out. I think it's from using a character from an old version (always a possibility that it'll cause glitches) but I'll check it out.Perkyguy said:After installing 6.3 patch on top of 6.1, the water guard completely disappears from the 3rd level of the vault, the gun runners wont acknowledge you stopped the deathclaws if you killed the mother before talking to them,
It's a feature of the original game. If you pass a Luck check, they confuse you for Garl's father (who happens to be dead).Perkyguy said:If playing a male char ,all raiders call me "death hand", even tho i havent done anything on that map yet
These are oversights in the alpha 6.0/6.1 installer itself, so I can't get them fixed until the next full installer release unfortunately.Perkyguy said:, and i can neither flirt nor get charisma treatments from Lorri.
I still cant turn in bob to the police and i dont get my titles in the chat window when leveling
This.Perkyguy said:or just extract and overwrite?
No that shouldn't matter because my files include patches 1.1/1.2/1.2.1/1.3.5 anyway.Perkyguy said:My fallout installation is not GOG but its installed as v1.1. Is that a problem?
Sduibek said:Awww dammit, I didn't realize the aim blocked bug still exists. I don't understand what's causing that one.What do you mean by "constant" though? As in, you move around but it still says aim blocked?
Would you be willing to play the game more and try some testing for me? I'd like to send a version of the script that disables flare's level light override code, and see if that fixes the targeting issue.
Correct.Mirak said:So if I'm playing 6.4 version, I can't turn Iguana Bob in?