Fallout Haiku

Morpoggel said:
Oh look, flashy pen
Now let's annoy that Deathclaw
Spine... ripped... out... gurgle...
I read the haiku before reading the topic, and my first thought was "Someone proposed a "How Roshambo vatted me [cause I acted like a retard]" topic?"
Shadowbird said:
I read the haiku before reading the topic, and my first thought was "Someone proposed a "How Roshambo vatted me [cause I acted like a retard]" topic?"

Get them for Tandy
A geeks Birthday Present, Yes
Or trade for some Jet?

Next: Wooz of the Harp
i take wooz also since zioburosky13 didnt say what to include in a poem:

wooz sells cards and booze,
only good thing he has to tell
is a story about hell

Dreams where your might,
Cafe where you shall stand,
To add a dog to your band.

NEXT: Magneto-Laser Pistol(MLP) upgrade. Or somethings like that.
Laser pistol is not enough,
we need some dense electro magnetic field,
making laser pistol deadlier to wield!

next: Little Jesus Mordino
Do any of you guys know how to write a Haiku?

5 syllables,
7 syllables,
5 syllables.


I've read this mag thrice,
My skills never increase due
to me being teh best...

Yeah not my strongest, but I'd like to hear other's Haiku's on this topic...
pictures of guns are neat,
and while getting up from toilet-seat,
i blush when i flush. :o

(DUH! reading on a toilet!)

next is STIMPAK
the desperado
is a real crazy mofo
i know i got shot

My first one i've done my whole life,and i think it came out good.

EDIT: forgot the next one. :post apocalyptic rain
Well it's a pass :wink:

Well done

Acid rain hurts me,
Too bad it does not exist,
In the fallout world...

Badly done... Continue on this toopic of Acid Rain... or Apocalyptic rain... or whatever...