But best title ever!
The fan film Fallout: Lanius, directed by Wade K. Savage, and funded by a successful IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign, has finally been released. As you can guess by the title, it covers the origins of Lanius, the Legate of Caesar's Legion at the time of Fallout: New Vegas, and the final boss of the title for all non-Legion-aligned playthroughs.
You can watch it embedded here and make up your mind on its qualities:
<center><iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/WCrM1_7wnDU" frameborder="0"></iframe></center>
You can watch it embedded here and make up your mind on its qualities:
<center><iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/WCrM1_7wnDU" frameborder="0"></iframe></center>