Fallout: Lanius fan film released


But best title ever!
The fan film Fallout: Lanius, directed by Wade K. Savage, and funded by a successful IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign, has finally been released. As you can guess by the title, it covers the origins of Lanius, the Legate of Caesar's Legion at the time of Fallout: New Vegas, and the final boss of the title for all non-Legion-aligned playthroughs.

You can watch it embedded here and make up your mind on its qualities:

<center><iframe width="480" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/WCrM1_7wnDU" frameborder="0"></iframe></center>
Excellent props, kinda weak acting. The fight scenes seemed properly choreographed, but the execution isn't that good. Looks like they recorded it slow and then sped it up.
The looks were spot on, though.
A little cheesy here and there, but I still think it's not bad. Felt a bit too crowded, though, but with less than 20 minutes playtime kind of to be expected.

The slow-mo jump from a cliff made me lol a bit, because it is exactly like in the Spartacus tv show, where the actors had to jump from a higher ground onto enemies in slow motion at least once per 10 minutes.

Wondering now if they want to make another short. The credits could hint at that and I wouldn't mind.
Overall I liked it, good props, maybe not GREAT acting, but it worked well. But those dogs were too cute to be the Legion Mongrels XD
The action scenes were well done, except for when he has the mask on, because it's obvious that he can't see well with that thing on, so his moviments are more sluggish and with more zoom ins.

Still very good for a fan film.
I thought it was okay. I liked the cinematography for the most part, some shots felt a bit too dark but I felt there was some nice eye for lighting, how to frame characters, etc., keeping in mind it's a short fan film made on a low budget.

Acting was mostly mediocre, I liked the guy that did Caesar, he gave the character a certain scheming quality and charisma that the original Obsidian NPC lacked, but the rest of the performance were mostly forgettable.

The idea of using the game soundtrack and sound effects was.. interesting, but the transitions between tracks felt a bit jarring and the sound effects didn't always feel like they were "in the environment" so to speak. Mitch Lewis did a good job voice acting and the guy who played Lanius physically had the right presence, but again, juxtaposing a voice acted character with a booming voice with actors that aren't that experienced with using their voice (and seemed to be lower in the mix too) was a bit jarring.

I liked the choreography of the action scenes. I mean, they weren't perfect? Sure. But they were still nice to watch and interestingly shot IMO.

Overall, I don't regret watching it or backing it, though it felt very uneven.
Not bad given the budget. I don't understand why they dubbed in Laniu's voice instead of just having the actors voice for himself. Some of it was cheesy, but not bad. I was thinking about how cool it would be to see a burned man one, then I saw that several others agreed.
Thanks for the upfront feedback, guys. I'm totally aware it won't work for everyone. I could tell you every fault I have with the film over, but in the end of the day - I love it and I'm so proud of it. There are a hundred things I would do over, but in the end it is what it is. I wanted to thank the NMA community for taking the time to watch it.
The movie is very well filmed, I especially like the quieter moments, you made a really good job. I just can't wrap my mind around that this is supposed to be something related to "Fallout". Then again, that's not your fault. All in all good job. ;)
WadeKSavage said:
I could tell you every fault I have with the film over, but in the end of the day - I love it and I'm so proud of it.

As you should! As I said before, I think it was far from perfect, but it's still an impressive effort from an independent on a shoestring budget.
I rather want to see Fallout: Raul the ghoul if someone made it.
Lanius' story is strange, every person says different story so it feels like there aren't any true story about Lanius.
but movie itself is....wow....
How much do you think Danny Trejo costs to hire? because if you could get him it would be awesome.
WorstUsernameEver said:
WadeKSavage said:
I could tell you every fault I have with the film over, but in the end of the day - I love it and I'm so proud of it.

As you should! As I said before, I think it was far from perfect, but it's still an impressive effort from an independent on a shoestring budget.

Thanks very much. I learned a lot whilst making it. Despite that, the response have been pretty amazing. Hoping to be given better assets and resources in the future (time and money!).
Well, looks like i will be the unpopular vote. :V

This was terrible. Couldn't hear most of what was being said because of the music, combat was all shaky cam, which made my eyes physically hurt, some camera angles were very weird, either being too close or not centered on the actors.
I liked the addition of game music, but it wasn't placed in the right scenes and was added less because of emotional drive and more because it was the rhythm the actors were going.
Oh, i know, fan project, little money, you do better. Excuses, excuses. When something is bad, it is bad. Money guarantees better quality, not quality, which depends on the makers.

Long story short, hated it.
Khan FurSainty said:
Well, looks like i will be the unpopular vote. :V

This was terrible. Couldn't hear most of what was being said because of the music, combat was all shaky cam, which made my eyes physically hurt, some camera angles were very weird, either being too close or not centered on the actors.
I liked the addition of game music, but it wasn't placed in the right scenes and was added less because of emotional drive and more because it was the rhythm the actors were going.
Oh, i know, fan project, little money, you do better. Excuses, excuses. When something is bad, it is bad. Money guarantees better quality, not quality, which depends on the makers.

Long story short, hated it.

Hey, fair enough. Thanks for the taking the time to watch. I might not agree with what you've said - but the feedback matters. Keep in mind you've not taken into the account the kind of logistics this kind of film takes. Also, when you discuss rhythm - do you mean pace?
Yeah, my wording can be wonky sometimes.
The music isn't placed right and instead of complimenting the atmosphere it sounds like it demands all the attention to itself.
My initial point about the pace was most noticeable during the masking scene.
Khan FurSainty said:
Yeah, my wording can be wonky sometimes.
The music isn't placed right and instead of complimenting the atmosphere it sounds like it demands all the attention to itself.
My initial point about the pace was most noticeable during the masking scene.

Oh, cool - fair enough. My intention for that particular scene was to add a sense of foreboding doom to the whole scene. But, if that didn't work for you - that's cool. I wanted the music to play a big part, and carry the audience a little. It's pretty subjective.