Fallout: London

You know it's good to see this mod FINALLY come to fruition, we've got 3 months left until its official release. Is anybody excited for it? Are you check it out once its out? :confused:
Modern interpretation of ' Crooks and Coronets ' I would guess. Aristo's versus cockney spivs. The army Tommies need to mutiny or stay faithful to the status quo.
I just want to tame a shrew then arrange a fight with ' Boo' Winner takes all. :P
I'm very interested in this mod and looking forward to trying it out, however I gotta say, I really dislike the fact that many factions in the mod big or small is too gimmicky. The factions are interesting enough in concept, but it's taken a way too far when they all exude exactly the aesthetic they're based on.

For example, the NCR military uniform's design also takes it's base inspiration from the WWI British uniform, however looking at the uniform you can clearly see that it's a unique uniform designed by the NCR specifically for their desert climate.


Same with the Brotherhood of Steel taking clear inspiration from Arthurian legend. Arthur Maxson, the boy ward who would become Elder and unify the BOS by Fallout 4. The Prydwen airship named after King Arthur's ship. The names of the ranks within the faction such as Knight, Lancer, Scribe, Paladin, etc. Even in Fallout 1, the map for the BOS bunker is clearly modeled after a medieval canticle sheet.


The closest thing I can think of to this mod's way of portraying a faction in Fallout is the Kings of Freeside. Clearly to their core they're inspired by Elvis and run around in Jailhouse Rock costumes and talk like Elvis. It's silly, even stupid looking.


Now of course this doesn't speak to the writing of the Kings, which is very good. There's enough engaging worldbuilding, quests, and depth to the faction that it takes a silly concept and makes it interesting.

And perhaps the factions in London are all really interesting and engaging, however unlike the Kings which is one tiny street gang in an otherwise full world, most factions in London suffers the silliness of the Kings from a baseline level.

-The Gentry are fine I suppose, since they're the actual remnants of English royalty and would probably want to keep a tradition of looking presentable amongst their peasant subjects. I do think the 1900s Bobby Policeman uniform is a bit much however. Contrast this with the Riot Police gear of the LAPD that make up the NCR Veteran Rangers or the SLCPD uniform Joshua Graham wears that clearly show the police of pre-War Fallout weren't just 1950s cops.

-The Tommies however, are literally just WWI Western Front British soldiers thrown into Fallout, both in name and fashion. I have to wonder why the mod authors didn't come up with a new uniform for them based on what the British military uniform might've looked like in the Resource Wars rather than from 300+ year old war by the time the mod is set (2237). It would be like if the Gunners of Fallout 4 wore Civil War uniforms.

-The Camelot faction feels like if you took the Brotherhood of Steel's design and stripped it of any subtlety, the video shows one of them in full makeshift plate armor from head to toe wielding a flaming sword. The website describes them as based on the Legends of King Arthur as well as WWII British Commandos, and again, I have to wonder why they're based on WWII British Commandos and not what Commandos might've looked like during the Resource Wars.

-The Vagabonds are just post-apocalyptic Peaky Blinders. I don't see why post-nuclear wastelanders in the 2230s when this mod takes place would know or care about some small-time street gang from the 1920s, much less model themselves entirely after them. And this can be said for a bunch of the other smaller factions of this mod.

-The Isle of Dogs are just post-apocalyptic British mafiosos, with 1960s suits and all.

-The Pistons subfaction is neat, they're inspired by 1980s British punk and anarchy counterculture, which actually fits within the Fallout universe with it's political strife during the Resource Wars, and especially considering the Gentry are still alive and ruling with an iron fist well after the bombs fell. This faction is one who's blatant inspiration actually makes sense within the overarching setting.

-The Roundles subfaction again suffer from being directly inspired by a very niche pocket of subculture from the 1960s that shouldn't be common knowledge or even cared for much in 2237, 160 years after a nuclear war. I think the concept of scooter/biker gangs in the wasteland is neat, just look at the Great Khans or the 80s Tribe. But this feels less like the Khans and more like the Atom Cats of Fallout 4, which I dislike for the same exact reason.

-Miller's Gang, similar to the Pistons, I actually like. They're based off the 1980s Skinhead subculture of Britain, which I think fits the aesthetic of a post-nuclear wasteland well and aren't too in-your-face like the Roundles are.

-The Jack Tars look absolutely ridiculous. Once again I have to wonder why this small-time wasteland street gang would even care about the history of the British Royal Navy in the first place, and why they don't wear Resource War era uniforms at the very least. This time its even worse, as rather than WWI or WWII uniforms which were already cartoonish looking, they dress exactly like the British Navy from the 1700s. Contrast this with Caesar's Legion who model themselves after the Roman Empire, but wear football/sports gear cobbled with whatever other armor they could find as it makes sense in a post-nuclear wasteland. Hell, even the Minutemen soldiers in Fallout 4 wear common wasteland clothing and scrap armors compared to Preston who looks like an idiot. I really dislike this faction's design.

-The Hooligans finally look like how your average post-nuclear wasteland raider gang ought to. Not much to say, they use sports gear similar to the Legion, but in a way that makes sense as they do it for armor and weapons. I approve of their design.

Overall, the faction designs seem like a hodgepodge of gimmicks, lending them to look like theme park actors rather than believable factions vying for power. I truly hope that the writing for these factions don't rely heavily on the way they were designed. The worst thing I can think of is coming across a group of Jack Tars who calls me a scallywag or something, and just completely take me out of a believable world.

Now that all that criticism is off my chest, I still am very interested in this mod. I am hoping for the best as I love seeing what the community comes up with. It's kinda fucking awesome how this mod project got the voice talent of Astarion from Badlur's Gate 3 and the 6th and 7th Doctors from Doctor Who. Looking forward to it's release.
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The biggest problem of Fallout London team is their entirely not paying attention to the female curves~ FFS!
I don't think it was intentional, the mod project clearly decided to drop their thing consecutive with the release of the Fallout TV show, which Bethesda probably had this planned for the same exact reason way before.
So far, the game feels like Fallout 4 with way more skill checks. Story isn't the best, but the world is taken more seriously in a sense. Still a lot of world building issues. Voices aren't all too bad quality wise, but acting is sometimes flat as a board. Lots of crashes for me, something they need to sort out. Thankfully the game doesn't throw a million weapons and armors at you from the get like Fallout 4. Something I really like so far is that the main character is a blank template, so far there hasn't been any forced background and the MC is unvoiced so.. anyway. The fish people are a bit stupid, but nowhere near as stupid as the Frontier snake people. They just really have no cause for being there considering they're basically just nu-Ghouls. World map looks alright, in terms of aesthetics I can forgive the ugly Fallout 4 architecture for some buildings in London more than Boston since the map of London actually looks gothic. I've only met the Vagabonds, Themsfolk, Isle of Dogs, Jack Tars and Tommies so far. I don't like that every faction needs to resemble a theme from history rather than be their own thing. Vagabonds are meh, just wannabe Peaky Blinders, Isle of Dogs are meh, wannabe Cray twins, Tommies are silly, waltzing around in WWI uniforms in the 22nd century, and even worse for the 17th century LARPing Jack Tars. There's something I hate seeing in mods projects like this and that's real modern world parodying. There's quite a few, actually. There's Vaulzon, which is a lazy and on-the-nose reference to Amazon, there's Fesco which is just a lazy and on-the-nose reference to Tesco, and there's Play Foundry which is a lazy and on-the-nose reference to Games Workshop. I can't stand when mod projects insert shit like that, and I get Nuka Cola is literally just a lazy Coke reference, but that wasn't even a big aspect of Fallout until Bethesda started jerking Nuka Cola off like it was a staple of the franchise. But I digress. Not the best, not the worst. I'm having fun with it. Nuff said.
How are the skills perks implemented?
Is it just copied 1:1 from 4 or did they make some changes?

Any interesting quests so far or just "Kill, Loot, Return"?
How are the skills perks implemented?
Is it just copied 1:1 from 4 or did they make some changes?

Any interesting quests so far or just "Kill, Loot, Return"?
So far, it’s been look/kill/return sadly. Skills are implemented similar to New Vegas, but of course the skills are only tied to SPECIAL since FO4 doesn't have actual skills.
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