First time out of the vault

Well.. editing one of the pre-made characters, or the default is possible if you really want it.. but there are better ways than screwing around with dat explorer..
You see the best option for you would be to make a character in the character creation scene, and save it to a file ( there's an "options button for a menu to save/load a custom character file. just create one in character creation screen, and save it. After You save it, you quit the character creator and the game. Next go to your game folder, open data folder, and there should be your character file (<Yourname>.CGD) or something like that, you may hex edit it with a hex editor of your preference, google for the offsets.. oh yeah some of our guys also made a character file creator, but nothing beyond special and skill points could be specified set there.
Thanks for the reply! Yes I'd only be interested in skill points, and special points. I don't think I'm interested in messing around with the hex editor to change anything else. Do you happen to have a link to the character file creator that someone made?
And perhaps a link to the latest version of the game? I was given a link to my lower version, and told that it was the latest version. So someone was wrong.