Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Well.. editing one of the pre-made characters, or the default is possible if you really want it.. but there are better ways than screwing around with dat explorer..

You see the best option for you would be to make a character in the character creation scene, and save it to a file ( there's an "options button for a menu to save/load a custom character file. just create one in character creation screen, and save it. After You save it, you quit the character creator and the game. Next go to your game folder, open data folder, and there should be your character file (<Yourname>.CGD) or something like that, you may hex edit it with a hex editor of your preference, google for the offsets.. oh yeah some of our guys also made a character file creator, but nothing beyond special and skill points could be specified set there.

Thanks for the reply! Yes I'd only be interested in skill points, and special points. I don't think I'm interested in messing around with the hex editor to change anything else. Do you happen to have a link to the character file creator that someone made?

And perhaps a link to the latest version of the game? I was given a link to my lower version, and told that it was the latest version. So someone was wrong.
No I don't have any links, actually after i saw how little the program could do, i deleted it and got back to hex editing anyways, it's not too hard anyways, just need the right offsets from the wiki.

as for the latest version of FoNevada go to _Pyran_'s archive as explained by me somwewhere in this subforum not too long ago. _Pyran_ usually has the latest stuff..

as for why Latest Sfall5 is not available to english speaking audience ask Mr.Stalin.. He's got some grudge towards the western pople ( namely Americans) and pulled His fancy programs to not be used by Americans.. beats Me why, but that's what He did.. perhaps folks producing a release are aware of that, and don't put sfall-extended later than into their releases...

Anyways _Pyran_ should have the latest stuff there is.
I also have another question - Maybe someone can tell me if this is a quest bug:


When you place the bugs in Bertolini's office, you're supposed to go see Mr Chase directly afterward, correct? Nobody else first? I placed the bugs but Chase doesn't say anything different. All you can do is blackmail him, ask more about the job (he won't help), or say you're just making sure he's ok.

Once the bugs are placed, is chase supposed to say anything different?
I also have another question - Maybe someone can tell me if this is a quest bug:


When you place the bugs in Bertolini's office, you're supposed to go see Mr Chase directly afterward, correct? Nobody else first? I placed the bugs but Chase doesn't say anything different. All you can do is blackmail him, ask more about the job (he won't help), or say you're just making sure he's ok.

Once the bugs are placed, is chase supposed to say anything different?
Lenny My boy..
Perhaps You haven't placed enaugh bugs?

check your inventory if you have any leftover bugs...

they should be placed:
Desk, pool cue, air vent near the closet
Remember that chase changes place of residence when he gives Yo u this quest. he's seposedly waiting upstairs in one of the rooms for you to finish the job..
Lenny My boy..
Perhaps You haven't placed enaugh bugs?

check your inventory if you have any leftover bugs...

they should be placed:
Desk, pool cue, air vent near the closet
Remember that chase changes place of residence when he gives Yo u this quest. he's seposedly waiting upstairs in one of the rooms for you to finish the job..

Hmm I was only give 2 bugs. I placed one in the vent, and one in the desk. Go to see chase, and do dialogue for quest completion. Odd. Maybe my quest is broken.

Which is terrible because now I can't complete enough quests to buy the slave for Uranium city, from Luciano. Wright told me where to get him, but I can't access him. Machete has no dialogue for that and neither does the boss. I'm assuming he'll let you do it once you complete a few quests for him.
Anyone know how to kill the reaper of souls?

The first time I just bypassed him and blew up the vault. This time I'd like to actually kill him. Is it possible? I tried using the flamer but it didn't have the desired effect.
Anyone know how to kill the reaper of souls?

Alien blaster from Vegas (you can get extra ammo in Area 51), Gauss gun and the special rocket from the encounter with ghoul storyteller are all reliable even without high Luck. Just shoot him in the eyes (watch out as he can heal crippled limbs). The rocket is insta kill (you can shoot it with one of the launchers you find in the Vault).

With high Luck, More and Better Crits you can use anything which can pass through his armor (I did it with Power Fist).
Alien blaster from Vegas (you can get extra ammo in Area 51), Gauss gun and the special rocket from the encounter with ghoul storyteller are all reliable even without high Luck. Just shoot him in the eyes (watch out as he can heal crippled limbs). The rocket is insta kill (you can shoot it with one of the launchers you find in the Vault).

With high Luck, More and Better Crits you can use anything which can pass through his armor (I did it with Power Fist).

I shot him in the eyes many times with the Gauss gun, but he still regenerates and gets his hit points back. Even though his limbs were never damaged. Are you saying you have to get a high enough crit, that it kills him before he can regenerate? I believe that would need to do over 200 points of damage.

As for the rocket, do you mean the "Tactical rocket"? I never found the Alien Blaster, not really sure where to get it.

EDIT: Yes you get him down to a lower level of hit points, right before he's about to regenerate. Shoot him with the tactical rocket, it does insane damage and kills him.
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I shot him in the eyes many times with the Gauss gun, but he still regenerates and gets his hit points back. Even though his limbs were never damaged. Are you saying you have to get a high enough crit, that it kills him before he can regenerate? I believe that would need to do over 200 points of damage.

Shots in the eyes can stun him for 1 turn or knock him out which prevents him from regenerating. Groin has a similar effect, but much lower chance.

I never found the Alien Blaster, not really sure where to get it.

Casino in Vegas. Near the gecko track you can talk to the guy in baseball cap who talks about being probed by aliens. You can lose or gain some Karma depending on what you say to him.

He has a key to hotel room you can steal (or lockpick the door). It's the one with UFO "I want to believe" poster. On the table lies broken blaster. You lose Karma for stealing.

You can repair it with high Repair, Science and Energy Weapons at workbench.
I shot him in the eyes many times with the Gauss gun, but he still regenerates and gets his hit points back. Even though his limbs were never damaged. Are you saying you have to get a high enough crit, that it kills him before he can regenerate? I believe that would need to do over 200 points of damage.

As for the rocket, do you mean the "Tactical rocket"? I never found the Alien Blaster, not really sure where to get it.

EDIT: Yes you get him down to a lower level of hit points, right before he's about to regenerate. Shoot him with the tactical rocket, it does insane damage and kills him.

as for the earlier post about chase.. you need to either talk to him downstairs or upstairs where he actually gave you the job ( although he is at both places at the same time.. weird i know...

as for the reaper he has
hitpoints, his isual breakpoint below which he regenerates is around

this is a lot tho take down for a single shot, especially without sniper perk or more criticals. eye shot criticals are good if you score instant death critical that is if he dies even if the damage dealt is lower than his remaining hit points. but it's trial and error. eye shots have a +60% crit chance and only a small chance, and depending on what the reaper has in the crit table set for the 6 class of roll as most severe damage to the eyes, you may ormay not score instant death critical.

I usually go with big guns and a minigun ( either from Biker leader or from the goverment vault somewhere. ammo can be crafted from ammo parts and ammo press if you have them. the most important thing is to change the bullet spread modifiers in ddraw.ini just switch it from 1/3 and 1/2 to 3/1 and 2/1. this way every bullet in burst goes towards the main target, although it's a double edge sword since you'll have to take down any bursting oponents in first turn or they'll one shot You. when aproching the reaper either save before fight and count on a lucky crit on one of earlier bullets or somehow aquire more ap fast shot and bonus rate of fire to have 3 bursts per turn. this wil solve everything even without crits ( provided you have enaugh ammo). with sniper perk and lk 10 this can be achived even in single burst, depending on severity of the crit, without sniper and lk1 this depends on how early in the burst the crit occoured (as all subsequent bullets in the burst will be crits) if crit occours on bullet no1 aand damage roll will be good you may also have a chance to 1 shot him, however if crit occours on bullet 40 or not at all the chances to kill him on a single shot are slim. either way you should have 10AG 2x Action boy and bonus rate of fire to have two bursts which may or may not save your ass.
@LennyBava I put some info about Fallout 1.5 from the Fallout 22 thread in this post. If you want to join in and post about the games you can do that in the Fallout 22 thread that Alphons linked. That project will continue in 2023.
I played through this mod before. Thinking of going through it again via the extended version. Any idea if the extended version has any extra content? What separates it from the other versions?
If we are talking about Fo1.5:Res(extended): An extended soundtrack, 1 new location (easter egg), a mod for food and the destruction of weapons.