Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Don't know about changelog, I guess they took the fixes from unofficial community repacks and made them official.
Раньше на сайте был архив с игрой и патч отдельно, сейчас объединили. Переименовали некоторые карты (ModBrah->LovBrah, SFCHINA->SLCCntr и т.д.), перенесли текст english->russian и прочие мелкие изменения.

Previously, the site had an archive with the game and the patch separately, now they have combined. Renamed some maps (ModBrah->LovBrah, SFCHINA->SLCCntr, etc.), moved the text to English->Russian and other minor changes.


Previously, the site had an archive with the game and the patch separately, now they have combined. Renamed some maps (ModBrah->LovBrah, SFCHINA->SLCCntr, etc.), moved the text to English->Russian and other minor changes.
Thanks. So how much of a difference in the number of bug fixes between this patch and the one in the latest Fixed/Extended versions?
Что именно исправляли неизвестно. 13 скриптов различаются, плюс в диалогах визуальные изменения. Никаких глобальных правок по сути нет.

What exactly was corrected is unknown. 13 scripts are different, plus visual changes in the dialogs. In fact, there are no global edits.


What about with this version?

Fallout: Nevada (Expansion Version) 3.0

[mod] Installed sFall v.5.0.4 (by Mr.Stalin).
[mod]Inventory filter v.2.1.1 (by Mr.Stalin) has been installed.
[mod] Installed "Key Mod by Foxx" (F5 - quick save, F9 - quick load).
[mod]You can give Wesker the form and the disk or just one thing.
[mod]Some money has been added to sellers.
[mod] Installed partners mod v.1.1 (by Foxx):
> partners are now disconnected when the GG participates in fights in the ring and in a fight with Mike.
> edited characteristics for partners.

[fix]Fixed a bug with Stapleton in the SLS; upon inspection, his reputation in the city increased.
[fix] An adjustment has been made to the tagged skill “Hacking” with the bonus for the status “Bughunter”.
[fix]Fixed dealer girls, it was impossible to talk during inspection.
[fix]Fixed a script error in the description of the boy at the Cotton Club (Reno).
[fix]Robin's mom in SLS doesn't call him Robert anymore.
[fix]Fixed two duplicate lines for Norman (Vegas).
[fix]Fixed the cut-scene when redeeming Norman's receipt from David (Vegas).
[fix]Fixed the “Victims of the Apocalypse” and “Lynching” encounters.
[fix]Fixed a bug in increasing reputation in the Gate (Rino) script.
[fix]When treating Tony with a nut solution, the script referenced another item (Uranus City).
[fix]Fixed the logic in Tibbetts' script; when apologizing, he still left a bad review (Vegas).
[fix]In the dialogue with Farber about pizza, an adjustment has been made to the character’s gender (Vegas).
[fix]Stagecoaches are brought to Jerlak, previously they were brought to Black Rock.
[fix]Rats and ants are displayed correctly in the description.

I hope @Foxx knows an answer to this one, or maybe some other Nevada knower - what stats can you raise in Fallout Nevada and how?

From the translated wiki FAQ I got this list:

  • +2 Endurance - Become champion of the New Reno and Las Vegas fight clubs
  • +1 Strength - Train four times with the Unarmed coach in Las Vegas
  • +1 Luck - Earned perk "Businessman" (also gives +5 to trade), conclude four deals for the distribution of Nuka Cola from the soda factory in Salt Lake City
  • +1 Intelligence - Earned perk "Private Detective" (complete several detective/information gathering/mystery solving quests: Patrick's quests, several New Reno quests, improve bikers reputation quest, Las Vegas mayor, archivist, and caravaneer quests, quest to find lost keys at SLC soda plant; you don't need to complete every single one so don't stress too much if you skip a few)
  • Empathy Perk - Purchased from a technician at Hoover Dam (pipboy modification)
  • + 5% Critical Chance - steal a briefcase from one of the guests at the Hard Rock Cafe in Las Vegas
  • +1 charisma (+25 max HP and +5 Healing rate) from Pretty & amp Glamor Body Care Kit
  • +1 Luck - Cheyenne chief's reward amulet when held
  • +3 Strength - Power Armor when worn

however there on the page it says the list is incomplete. What's missing?

Apart from that, the one that I'm most interested in is the +1ST in Las Vegas from the coach - will he train you if you already have like 100% Unarmed? And then you miss out on the stat bonus if your skill is to high? What's the cap above which he'll refuse to train you? :confused:
Perk that increases your Initiative
In SLC in afternoon the crowd will gather to watch a fake execution. Watch it until the end and ask executioner to hang you.

The training cap is 100%.

Damn woody, I'm begining to see that Sonora Polish=>English translation joint venture in not so bright colors.. I always thought that this karmic triat raised a secondary stat called *Sequence*, I am unaware of a *Initiative* stat in classic Fallout...
Damn woody, I'm begining to see that Sonora Polish=>English translation joint venture in not so bright colors.. I always thought that this karmic triat raised a secondary stat called *Sequence*, I am unaware of a *Initiative* stat in classic Fallout...

Damn, I have been definitely playing too much Pathfinder Kingmaker.
Thanks @Alphons, do you know by any chance after which Raider quest it's no longer possible to kill them off and get the reward from the Cheyenne?
Thanks @Alphons, do you know by any chance after which Raider quest it's no longer possible to kill them off and get the reward from the Cheyenne?

I don't think you can do any of them.

If you just talk to Louis and get recruited but don't go to Hawthorne yet, then you have the option to convince the Cheyenne that you're just pretending to get closer to Raiders (you might need 5 or 6 Charisma), but I think this option dissapears after Hawthorne.

The specific tribal who has this dialogue is Gekkek- you might check in the game.
I don't think you can do any of them.

If you just talk to Louis and get recruited but don't go to Hawthorne yet, then you have the option to convince the Cheyenne that you're just pretending to get closer to Raiders (you might need 5 or 6 Charisma), but I think this option dissapears after Hawthorne.

The specific tribal who has this dialogue is Gekkek- you might check in the game.
It's been a while since I played Nevada but IIRC the option was still available even after you've done the first few Raider quests, especially if you completed all other quests for the tribals (not sure if that affects it at all or not though). I'm doing a new run right now so I'll definitelly test it.
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It's been a while since I played Nevada but IIRC the option was still available even after you've done the first few Raider quests, especially if you completed all other quests for the tribals (not sure if that affects it all or not though). I'm doing a new run right now so I'll definitelly test it.

I think I've killed them only once, so please let me know how it works once you test it.
You can cease speaking to tribals, doo all the quests for the raiders, and after solving the main quest in another town, which would mean solving a quest for hard rock cafe as well, there is a chance to look for a musician for the club. you can put big Louie there, if you asked him about Louis Armstrong before. Big Louie will be grateful. Come back to raider base at top floor, one bandit will want you to take out Louie. go to Big Louie and he'll give an counter offer. You can kill al the raiders then, although cheyenee tribe will get fucked anyways, in the ending slides
You can cease speaking to tribals, doo all the quests for the raiders, and after solving the main quest in another town, which would mean solving a quest for hard rock cafe as well, there is a chance to look for a musician for the club. you can put big Louie there, if you asked him about Louis Armstrong before. Big Louie will be grateful. Come back to raider base at top floor, one bandit will want you to take out Louie. go to Big Louie and he'll give an counter offer. You can kill al the raiders then, although cheyenee tribe will get fucked anyways, in the ending slides

Can you still get the Luck amulet? I remember that they get pissed when you get the Cheyenne Raider perk.
Can you still get the Luck amulet? I remember that they get pissed when you get the Cheyenne Raider perk.

It sure is possible to get the cheyenee amulet, however you need to accept Louie's counter offer, and waste not only the raider on top floor, but all other raiders..
Also i can't remember now, but it amy require to use a line that requires CHA of 8 or something similar with the chieftain. I had empathy perk and the Nevada specific clues perk, or however it was called, that shows req for specific dialogue lines, however this was a blue line from empathy perk, hence why i don't remember clearly. The main thhing is i already did things this way and got that "rabbit's paw luck charm" a couple of times. No idea why Louie and the cheyenees got fucked in the end slides, by going this route though.

Oh almost forgot..
The cheyenee Bandit/raider perk should be gone, after you wipe the floor with all the bandits on the map, the main thing i was always sad about was Louie and his quest exp, hence why i always chose this route.. especially that I also have the "Polish Fo:Nevada walkthrough" guide by Szponix, that significantly helps in this process.
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Wait, so you should do the Raider quest line FIRST with "retiring" Big L in Vegas, kill Ripper and the rest of the Raiders, you then lose the Raider reputation titile and only then talk to Cheyenne and you can do all of their quests PLUS get the reward from Oghima for killing of the Raider gang? Am I understanding this correctly?

Can you do it in two parts? As in, do some quests for the tribals first > full quest line for raiders where you become raider/lose the karma tag > get the Luck charm for killing them off? :confused:

You're gonna make me do so much testing fml
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You basically need to have a good standoing with cheyenee before joining the raiders and doing quests for them, you loose faction standing with cheyenee when becoming cheyenee raider so to speak, so in order for the chief not to scoff at you after joining and betrayoing raiders you need to do all of the cheyenee quests except killing the rainders first. then you can join the Big Louie gang (remember karma<250 or that CHA 10 karma perk (sorry forgot it's name)), do all Louie quests, ask him about Louis Armstrong during last two quests, solve Las Vegas main questline ( this means You sloved hard rock cafe part of main quest in favor of cafe owner), get permission to look for new musician for the cafe. offer the job to Big Louie, go to cafe ask Louie how it's going, go to raiders and talk to Ripper, hell sent you off to kill Louie. go to louie and talk to him about the bounty while backstage, he'll counterofer. Kill all the raiders, and You can go to chief of cheyenee, he should thank you for killing the raiders..

the most important thing is not to speak with any cheyenee after joining the raiders but before killing them.. this is especially true for Ogima.
I'd like to ask for a little help.
I've installed the latest version of Nevada from here, Fallout: Nevada - Complete mod. I choose the english version, and the majority of the game is in english, but the inventory item names and their descriptions are all in russian. Anyone have any suggestion to fix this?
hi, I am new here. just downloaded the extended edition and chose English, but it is still run in Russian? did I miss something?

i reinstalled couple times, but still the same, checked the nevada.cfg the laungage is set to English.
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