Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

What am I goddamn Johny mnemonic?!

but the answer to your question is: no,there isn't one. Some books are sold in few shops but they mostly don't restock on them, and there is one Librarian in SLC that will trade any book in the game, for certain stuff like old newspapers or heart pills.. i don't remember what else he did request..

though heart pills and old newspapers come in limited quantity
Hi guys, I have two questions based on my current playthrough:

1. Is there any source that documents all the possible endings of particular locations well? Or at least somehow documentation.
2. Is it technically possible to achieve an Idolized reputation in Gerlach? My progress:

- I saved Steve from execution.
- I repaired the water pump.
- I didn’t move the community to Vault City.
- I completed Gecko Hunting: Trial Lesson.
- I completed Gecko Hunting: Egg Collection.
- I killed the Legendary Radscorpion.

Thank you for your feedback and help.
Hey @Foxx would it be too much to ask for you to include the English language translation in your Fallout: Nevada (Expansion Version) repack as well? Many thanks for all of your hard work :salute:
Hi guys,

I have already encountered Hardy's caravan, and I want to meet him again for testing purposes. Which GVAR must be cleared? I'm unable to find it by the specific GVAR name because I can only see the original F2 GVAR names via F2Explorer.

Thank you for your feedback and help.


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Hi @Foxx,

I checked GVAR_SPECIAL_ENCOUNTER_HARDY (118), but this GVAR was never set in my case (I checked all my savegames via F2Explorer), so it must be something else. What’s really strange is that in F2Explorer, I only see GVARs related to the original Fallout 2, and I don’t see any GVARs related to the Fallout: Nevada mod. I'm playing the Pyran build "Fallout Nevada - Extended v2.0.3.4". Could you help me identify where the problem might be?

EDIT 1: What I realized is that the developers of Nevada clearly reused the original F2 GVARs but without renaming them. I don't know why they did that. However, in this situation, it is very difficult to determine what each GVAR is related to. @Foxx, do you see the same thing as I do? Simply put, I don't see any GVAR related to the Nevada mod from a naming convention perspective.

EDIT 2: @Foxx, I compared all GVARs before and after Hardy's caravan random encounter, and everything is the same. It must be another mechanism in the game that controls the occurrence of this random encounter.

Thank you for your help.


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"Special,Map:HardyCaravan, If(Global(118) < 1)"

Here is the description of GVAR, only in Russian: Link
Hi @Foxx, thank you. This GVAR mapping excel is definitely very handy. I was able to reset, for example, GVAR_ENC_WIND_REKRUT_DEAD, mapped to GVAR_MOORE_STATE with the condition ENC_WindRekrutRdrs, If(Global(320) < 1) (for testing gaining reputation for the Wind of Wars location via this special encounter repeatedly).

However, in the case of Hardy's caravan, GVAR_SPECIAL_ENCOUNTER_HARDY, mapped to GVAR_MODOC_SLAUGHTER_BESS_TIME, I'm still not able to reset the right flag or find another mechanism that controls this random encounter. It definitely isn't GVAR number 118.

1. GVAR_MODOC_SLAUGHTER_BESS_TIME doesn't exist in the game's GVAR list. The only relevant one is GVAR_MODOC_SLAUGHTER_FLAG.
2. Even when this flag GVAR_MODOC_SLAUGHTER_FLAG was cleared throughout the game and never set (even after the first Hardy's random encounter occurred).

As I mentioned in the previous post, I compared all GVARs (via savegame in F2Explorer) right before and right after Hardy's caravan random encounter, and everything remains the same. Unfortunately, there must be another mechanism in the game that controls the occurrence of this random encounter.

@Foxx Simply put, when Hardy's caravan random encounter occurs for the first time, unfortunately, no GVAR is set to 1. Nothing changes in the entire list of 700 GVARs in the game. Do you have the opportunity to test this issue? I just need a step-by-step procedure on how to reset Hardy's random encounter so that I'm able to meet him again.

Thank you for your help.
perhaps a stupid question, but what GVARs are you editing exactly? the ones in Vault13.gam or the ones in your savegame slot?

the ones in Vault13.gam are only working if starting a new game, you need to edit the ones in your savegame.. i don't know how Fallout Explorer handles theese, your best bet is to use ol F12se
Has he only appeared once? I do not know what is in the Pyran build. I'll test it in mine.
@Foxx I'm not sure but based on what the guys on the Nuclear City forum said, he appears only once with a 90% chance in Pyran versions from v2.0.3.X.
perhaps a stupid question, but what GVARs are you editing exactly? the ones in Vault13.gam or the ones in your savegame slot?

the ones in Vault13.gam are only working if starting a new game, you need to edit the ones in your savegame.. i don't know how Fallout Explorer handles theese, your best bet is to use ol F12se
@gustarballs1983 Yes, I think so. F2Explorer works with specific savegame files. I also tried F12se with the same result, and as I mentioned, for example, resetting GVAR_ENC_WIND_REKRUT_DEAD works correctly, so the editors used shouldn't be the problem.
@Foxx I'm not sure but based on what the guys on the Nuclear City forum said, he appears only once with a 90% chance in Pyran versions from v2.0.3.X.
I downloaded version, maybe the reason is WORLDMAP.txt
enc_12=Chance:50%,Counter:1,Special,Map:HardyCaravan, If(Global(118) < 1)

In my version of the build. If I remember correctly, then you can meet five times.
@Foxx Great, you found it. Now, is there any way to change this counter, or do you know of any other workaround that would allow me to meet Hardy's caravan again? I'm able to open the file worldmap.txt via F2Explorer, but it seems to be in read-only mode, as any changes I make are not saved, so they aren't persistent.
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1. Put it in a folder DATA\DATA\WORLDMAP.txt
2. Before starting the game, delete DATA\worldmap.dat

I don't know if it will help or not.
@Foxx That doesn't work, but I found another workaround. F2Explorer has a functionality called "Add portal to any map," which allows me to move to any map of my choice. This is a sufficient solution for me for now. Thank you for your help, though.

@_Pyran_ I encountered a bug related to the "Solve the Case of the Missing Dog" quest in SLC. Specifically, when the quest is activated, the dog with the tag does not appear on the map. I checked using F2Explorer and found that the dog is positioned in the upper-right corner of the map. I had to manually move the dog onto the map using F2Explorer in order to complete the quest. Could you please confirm if this issue occurs on your side as well? Thank you for your feedback.

Hi guys,

after 6-7 in-game years, all merchants stop restocking. Is this normal game (v2.0.3.4) behavior?

Thank you for your feedback.