Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

How can i heal the injured boy in Lovelock? I got permission because high enough doctor skill, but i have to answer questions, which i can't undertand because i am not perfect in english. What are the numbers of the correct answers?
You'd probably do better with some sort of a walkthrough, since you have a language problem perhaps look for a walkthrough in your native language. If You're lucky You may find some.

As for operating on Makkon there are several skill and stat checks in those dialogs concerning wether the shaman allows you to operate and the operation itself. So eigther a walkthrough or do alt-tab out of the game and do a quick google translate. the game does indeed require You Yourself to have basic knowledge of human anatomy in order to proceed this way. But it's more fun to actually use your brains instead of spoonfeeding yourself via walkthrough is it?
Thanks, i managed to heal Makkon, i was very surprised with the 5000 xp, this is very generous in this part of the game.
I still can't find the mail man for Black Rock, i searched all places i can in Reno. Any suggestions where can i find him?
Thanks, i managed to heal Makkon, i was very surprised with the 5000 xp, this is very generous in this part of the game.
I still can't find the mail man for Black Rock, i searched all places i can in Reno. Any suggestions where can i find him?

Speak with his wife to learn about his distinctive shoes and then with the gravedigger.
I stuck in the main storyline. I am at Hawthorne base. Somehow i have to use the signal jammer. But i can't use it. I read that i have to use in the building at turrets second floor. But no options to use and meet Jay. Something screwed up. I was already at Lovelock radio station and have the documents
I figured out i have to go to the vault at Stryker's base first. But down there is locked door with password. Where is the password?
Just discovered the mod.its a great whole new game.I got two questions if anyone has an anwer
1.i wanna help the makers of the mod somehow do they have a patreon or something like that in order to help them.
2. how can i find the machete at the train staiton,i think in order to work for luciano u have to find that damn machete.
Discovered the mod recently which seems to be good as there is a complete English translation already :D So far it is pretty good, been playing for hours and barely scratched the surface although it is partially because I am just trying to figure things out as I go. Not much of an idea of where to go first and what to do in certain quests:D So far I like the interaction with the world through various items the most as thats something that was pretty much missing in original fallouts.
Anyway, anyone managed to find some walk-through in written form? That would help me a ton with various quest I have trouble figuring out + various other stuff. Found some gameplay videos but honestly I am not a fan of going through hours of videos to find the solution to a quest I have trouble with.
Also anyone can tell me where I can obtain metal detector? :D Seems like something which should be available fairly early but so far no luck finding it :D
Also anyone can tell me where I can obtain metal detector? :D Seems like something which should be available fairly early but so far no luck finding it :D

I have the same problem, I sank many hours into exploration and completing quests but no mention of a metal detector anywhere. Everybody here is casually mentioning as if you get it way early. I even caved and placed it in my inventory using the save editor but when I'm using it, it says that it does nothing.
Also anyone can tell me where I can obtain metal detector? :D Seems like something which should be available fairly early but so far no luck finding it :D

I have the same problem, I sank many hours into exploration and completing quests but no mention of a metal detector anywhere. Everybody here is casually mentioning as if you get it way early. I even caved and placed it in my inventory using the save editor but when I'm using it, it says that it does nothing.
Quest in Reno at Essie Gate.

When you add an editor, it will not work!
Quest in Reno at Essie Gate.

When you add an editor, it will not work!
Thx finally got it.
Now I need to figure out how to solve that stupid shooting quest in Reno where the only thing I know is where it happened, ppl dont really know anything. Hoped I could find some evidence like a bullet or something with the metal detector but so fatr no luck with this annoying quest :D
Thx finally got it.
Now I need to figure out how to solve that stupid shooting quest in Reno where the only thing I know is where it happened, ppl dont really know anything. Hoped I could find some evidence like a bullet or something with the metal detector but so fatr no luck with this annoying quest :D

Talk with the injured guy (he sits in one of the smaller rooms of Thompson's bunker) and then check the streetlights near Eldorado.
I have a question about the mod's development.

What is Fallout Nevada 2.0? I found the PDF on the website. Was there a plan to remake the mod that's since been abandoned?
I think there are no plans by the original creators, but some people keep releasing bundles with various changes/fixes/additional mods.
Hi guys, I'm sorry for asking a question which has already been covered, but I got lost with all the updates and fixes: What is the latest procedure to play Fallout Of Nevada in English?