Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Gone the time when games were played without the help of the Internet I hope it will come back
This is idealism. Before the internet you played games with the help of gaming magazines and help of local fellow gamers.
This is idealism. Before the internet you played games with the help of gaming magazines and help of local fellow gamers.
Really? This is the first time I heard of it.

I do have an experience of looking up a physical guide, but only because I happened to notice it being sold in a local store. The games that got this treatment from me can be counted by fingers, though.
Really? This is the first time I heard of it.
We speak the same tongue and (I suspect) grew in the same country, where gaming magazines were THE source of information before internet have become an ordinary thingie. Some of them printed tips and walkthroughs. Imagine a walkthrough of Fallout 2 printed in a magazine, this must have such concise language to define a straight pathway through this game.

I suspect it's a legacy of totalitarian sovok, printing classic literatue for a cheap price per book and wide selection of subscribitional paper - the most reading nation ever.
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Ah, yes. In that case, I can understand your predicament, so here https://fnevada.bgforge.net/Прохождение#.D0.92.D0.B5.D1.82.D0.B5.D1.80_.D0.92.D0.BE.D0.B9.D0.BD.D1.8B translate to English if you can't understand Russian. Be mindful, though, only open it if you really, REALLY hit a wall hard you can't see anything.

This is great! Thank you for sharing.

That's exactly what I was looking for. I mean sure the translations are sometimes off and the new weapons/items section is not done, but it's a great help for not getting stuck. I mean for example that missing brahmin quest, if you fail to nothing 1 little tiny thing you miss out of a series of missions that give a lot of experience (not to mention game enjoyment).
We speak the same tongue and (I suspect) grew in the same country, where gaming magazines were THE source of information before internet have become an ordinary thingie. Some of them printed tips and walkthroughs. Imagine a walkthrough of Fallout 2 printed in a magazine, this must have such concise language to define a straight pathway through this game.

I suspect it's a legacy of totalitarian sovok, printing classic literatue for a cheap price per book and wide selection of subscribitional paper - the most reading nation ever.
That's nice, the way I see it. Meanwhile, I'd say the primary reason for how gaming as an industry fared in my country is due to our status as a third world country. Gaming might have been big now but it's still mostly digital. Physical form of video games are uncommon nowadays, more often than not relied on online shopping to get a physical copy, but a rarity back then to the point of ALL my childhood gaming experience came from sailing the Seven Seas.

I mean for example that missing brahmin quest, if you fail to nothing 1 little tiny thing you miss out of a series of missions that give a lot of experience (not to mention game enjoyment).
Eh, missing a series of content in RPGs aren't a bad thing in and of itself. If anything, it's part of what makes RPGs the best genre of video games out there. But a lot of people, which I'd assume including you, hates missing a chunk of content, this means RPGs, especially the ones like Fallout 1&2, are a niche of a niche.
How can I fix the rusty machete that I found in the railway station in New Reno? It lists "puke" as one of the ingredients for the repair, but I have no idea if this is just a bad translation. If it really means puke, I have not seen any. :puke:

Also, I never managed to find that hidden stash some thief was supposed to have dumped near the caravan parking lot in Reno either.
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How can I fix the rusty machete that I found in the railway station in New Reno? It lists "puke" as one of the ingredients for the repair, but I have no idea if this is just a bad translation. If it really means puke, I have not seen any. :puke:

Also, I never managed to find that hidden stash some thief was supposed to have dumped near the caravan parking lot in Reno either.

Puke- Rot Gut (one of those radioactive alcohols)

Have you used the metal detector? It's hidden near the tires.
Thank you! Never would have figured out Puke means Rot Gut. Don't think I ever heard that name used for it before. Have to say that I am loving the game so far, despite sketchy translation work and the occasional bugs and crashes. The main plot has been getting rather obscure and difficult to follow, but the side quests have been very enjoyable, and I love how there are multiple solutions to most problems.
Couple of quick questions that probably don't affect the main story, just curiosity. Still might be considered SPOILERS though.

1) In New Reno, there's an old man standing outside of Wright's house shouting at one of the guards. Whenever I talk to him, he only responds with angry floating text and doesn't have a dialogue. Will he respond ever or is he interactive only with certain character builds?

2) In Stryker's bunker, where the hell is the keycard!? It says that it's "in the bunker", but I've searched all over and found nothing. I got the piece for the Warehouse in VC, and contacted the Bikers already, so as far as I'm concerned I'm done with the important stuff and it's just for 1 crate box of loot.

3) Finally, New Reno is absolutely huge and there are a lot of top levels in buildings that are not accessible. The stairs have those sign barriers. I got a feeling that those levels are not just there for no purpose other than looks. Is there something to be done to remove those signs?

Thank you all.
Couple of quick questions that probably don't affect the main story, just curiosity. Still might be considered SPOILERS though.

1) In New Reno, there's an old man standing outside of Wright's house shouting at one of the guards. Whenever I talk to him, he only responds with angry floating text and doesn't have a dialogue. Will he respond ever or is he interactive only with certain character builds?

2) In Stryker's bunker, where the hell is the keycard!? It says that it's "in the bunker", but I've searched all over and found nothing. I got the piece for the Warehouse in VC, and contacted the Bikers already, so as far as I'm concerned I'm done with the important stuff and it's just for 1 crate box of loot.

3) Finally, New Reno is absolutely huge and there are a lot of top levels in buildings that are not accessible. The stairs have those sign barriers. I got a feeling that those levels are not just there for no purpose other than looks. Is there something to be done to remove those signs?

Thank you all.
ad 1. i have no idea.
ad 2. keycard is in a container next to a computer but to find it you need to sniff with metal detector
ad 3. walkthhrough i have does not mention anything about unlocking any stairway those baricades are probably to inform player one can't get past them.
Couple of quick questions that probably don't affect the main story, just curiosity. Still might be considered SPOILERS though.

1) In New Reno, there's an old man standing outside of Wright's house shouting at one of the guards. Whenever I talk to him, he only responds with angry floating text and doesn't have a dialogue. Will he respond ever or is he interactive only with certain character builds?

2) In Stryker's bunker, where the hell is the keycard!? It says that it's "in the bunker", but I've searched all over and found nothing. I got the piece for the Warehouse in VC, and contacted the Bikers already, so as far as I'm concerned I'm done with the important stuff and it's just for 1 crate box of loot.

3) Finally, New Reno is absolutely huge and there are a lot of top levels in buildings that are not accessible. The stairs have those sign barriers. I got a feeling that those levels are not just there for no purpose other than looks. Is there something to be done to remove those signs?

Thank you all.

1) He's Salvatore, his family is one of the 4 mobster families in Fallout 2. You can't do anything with him.

2) Use metal detector. If you find the spot with keycard, but can't find it invest some points in outdoorsman.

3) They're for aesthetics. Buildings look better with more floors, but you can't access most of them.
Another quick question that's not related to the plot:

In several locations, I find those little 'Newspaper Stands' and when hovering over them they present the 'hand' sign. The thing is, when I use them, nothing happens. I tried to use Repair, Lockpick, Steal, and even Science on them but nothing happens. I don't even think it's a skill level issue because I have the 'Hints' perk that tells me the % chance for using those skills on objects.

What am I missing? I mean having the hand sign isn't some sort of bug, is it?
Try to use some sort of "tool" on them eigther pilers or super tool kit. not all of them are usable. AFAIR two or three of them have usefull stuff inside, like cash or old newspapers which you can exchange for more usefull literature at a certain antique collector in Salt Lake City. Please don't ask me where to find the correct ones, as this info is spreaded all over the walkthrough I have, and one would have to read top to botom the whole thing at once with patience not to miss the details, in order to get info needed. Just to calm your expectations this walkthrough is *not* in English.

On a side note
Hints perk works only in conversation window.


Almost forgot:
AFAIR.there is a certain newspaper machine that you need to use cash on, in order to get books out of it. it is in front of police building in Las Vegas near the hamburger Lady
Using Pliers or the Super Tool Kit only increases your 'Repair' skill by 10% and 20% (when using them), also the Hints perk work in the bottom left panel to describe the success chance in percentage needed or skill level required to unlock/repair/science/trap items. In the case of the Newspaper Machines, nothing is displayed. I have repair at 80% already and even when using the Super Tool Kit, nothing happened. Obviously I haven't tried it on all of them, but I tried those at New Reno and no success. Feels like I need certain requirement that I'm missing, may be Perception or Intelligence (I have both at 8), or learn this skill like Gecko skinning.

I'll keep on trying anyway. I'm at Salt Lake City now and will be looking for that 'antique collector' may be he has something to do with learning this skill.
Using Pliers or the Super Tool Kit only increases your 'Repair' skill by 10% and 20% (when using them), also the Hints perk work in the bottom left panel to describe the success chance in percentage needed or skill level required to unlock/repair/science/trap items. In the case of the Newspaper Machines, nothing is displayed. I have repair at 80% already and even when using the Super Tool Kit, nothing happened. Obviously I haven't tried it on all of them, but I tried those at New Reno and no success. Feels like I need certain requirement that I'm missing, may be Perception or Intelligence (I have both at 8), or learn this skill like Gecko skinning.

I'll keep on trying anyway. I'm at Salt Lake City now and will be looking for that 'antique collector' may be he has something to do with learning this skill.

I wouldn't count on every single machine giving something. Most is just empty. When you encounter a noteworthy machine You'll be notified in some way (mostly the descripton window) about it.

Pliers and tools in nevada have bonus purpose. They tend to be used for stuff where hands and fingernails just won't cut it, for example old rust-locked screws which are impossible to be removed by hand. You need a screwdriver which is a part of a set of those McGyver multitool (pilers) and come as a part of Super Tool Kit.

One example of pilers and super tool kit use are those slot machines in hawthorne cantina map. You won't get anything out of them without some tools (although in this case sledgehammer works too AFAIR (although don't quote me on this one). I don't remember if one can get anything from them with just a repair skill.

There are about 3 or 4 old newspaper machines total i game that you can get anything usefull out of. One just sells one of each book for tons of cash. one or two have pre war cash in them and one or two has old newspapers. Old newspapaers and parts thereof are also found elswhere in the game and all of them are exchanged each for a book of your choice by a guy in SLC that collects pre war books. Antique collector might be a too big word to describe him since he's more of an antiquary than antique collector.
Hi, I've had a blast with this mod so far, but today I was raiding Area 51 and now I die instantly after 24 hours or so. Seems like radiation poisoning, but:
1) I have no stat loss
2) I tried different methods of using save editor to reset my radiation count to 0, setting it to 0 in the save and spawned myself 20 radaways and Rad-Xs and consumed them all but it didnt help shit, i'm still toast if i try to leave.

I have some earlier saves for backup but i spent hours doing Area 51 and I'd rather nor lose all the progress because of what I consider bullshit.

Attached: my latest save.



Yeah, you're right. Some specific incidents require using a tool and even 100% Repair skill will not be enough. The thing is, it will be given as a hint or description that you need a tool and can't use your hands only.

My problem is having the 'hand sign' when hovering on them with the mouse. According to the game mechanics this means you can do something with this object. I was wondering if there is a requirement I was missing. Seems not, as I've tried several ones already, with high Repair and using tools but still nothing. Shouldn't give the 'hand sign' in my opinion because it's deceiving, but it's just an inconvenience and I don't think it qualifies as a bug.


You can measure exactly how much radiation you have with a Geiger counter. I think if it goes over 300 a 'Radiated' red label will appear in the bottom left corner (where it notifies for gaining a level). Even then I don't think it can kill you in 24 hours (not really sure). I'm sure though that it will first decrease your Strength (affecting your carry capacity - that's how I noticed actually).

In this game though there is another important factor, which is Infection. Your character can get infected and you need to treat that. I don't think there is a way to measure it, but it is displayed in the Karma tab of your character (by simply saying 'Infected'). You can treat that yourself on a camp fire if you have the requirements, or you can go to a doctor to heal you. If you can't go back all the way to VC, then there is one in Wind of War (very close to Area 51). He will charge you money, and the amount increases depending on your condition, but he can cure all illnesses.
Hi!. I am playíing through the game second time, and i can't solve a quest. Black Rock: Investigate disappearance of mail man/courier. Where can I find this man? This is one of the quest that i couldn't solve in my first playthrough. And a second thing: how can i do quests for Thompson in city hall in New Reno?