Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Just ona side note. Because i had crashes in the past too, however I've noticed ddraw.ini for Nevada fixed edition has number of sound buffers set to 16. although most of todays soundcards meet the requiremets for this setting, the sfall function itself has some serious memory leaks as noted somwhere on kochegarov forums where Sduibek asked Crafty about disabling this by default in Crafry's sfall for Fo1. Crafty said it's because of memory leaks in this function. And indeed switching this off by semicollon before the function in ddraw.ini significantly reduces crashes for Fo1 and almost completely removes them from Fo2 engine Fallout games.
switching this off by semicollon before the function in ddraw.ini significantly reduces crashes for Fo1 and almost completely removes them from Fo2 engine Fallout games.

Thanks gustarballs1983! I am very ignorant of those manipulations, could you enlighten me on how to switch off the function in the ddraw.ini?
open ddraw.ini (notepad) - NumSoundBuffers=16 to ;NumSoundBuffers=16 or NumSoundBuffers=4
but this has no effect, crash remains (on your saves).
Replacing sfall2 by Crafty, same ....
i meant ratherddraw.ini ;NumSoundBuffers=0 or whatever because of semicollon 0 lswitches off the function anyway and leaves buffer count at default 4 NumSoundBuffers=4 still creates a memory leak.

anyways If game is saved with memory leaks it will sooner or later keep crashing. same way as using vad's savegame editor in order to change anything in Nevada Fixed Edition.

Game has to be started fresh with ;NumSoundBuffers=0 and it should be fine, although ocasional crash can happen here or there. For example entering new reno stadium (stryker's teritory) yealds one if game hasn't been saved for a longer time.
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;NumSoundBuffers=0 - this will turn it off, no matter what value is set. It should be NumSoundBuffers=0. But for modern sfall, it doesn't matter. The information is outdated and there is no leak
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it seems, these types of ammo are already included in the FE (2.0).
He may be referring to Crazy Edition's modification that allows the breakdown of ammo into raw materials, in order to change calibers and type (AP vs FMJ).

If anyone has a working near-endgame save to upload here I'd appreciate it. I've already done 2 playthroughs, one up to the train ride home and if it's really that sound buffer bug, I'd rather not have to start another from the beginning.
Well, actually that bugs triggered me to again start playtesting FE with female char, and so far i have exactly 0 crashes. Soundbuffer is set to default. I really don't know what you did with you saves, people. Gonna try riding the train, will post the results.
I had occasional, almost frequent CTDs in version 1.0, since that's all I knew existed at the time, but the only one I couldn't get past was when exiting the government vault.

Now I'm getting a similar one in 2.0.1, but slightly later when starting the train. No crashes in 2.0.1 up to that point, and I've just about 100%ed the other cities/quests.

One thing I noticed after the upgrade from 2.0 to 201 was a longer conversation with the overseer. In both runs I was able to pass a speech check to get extra information from the reaper. It is possible to sneak past him and the clones, rescue the driver, and escape through the tunnel, but I killed everyone anyway.

One point of curiosity: in none of my runs did I keep that snow-globe looking device that the biker dropped. It weighs 10lbs so I left it in Vault City in the warehouse crate.
Nevada Fixed Edition - latest v2.0.2
Fixed mod - latest v2.0.3.2 (new sfall & eng.lang)

  • Memory leak: 2 years passed, the leak was fixed.
  • Crashes: error - scripts refer to incorrect coordinates. I don’t know the solutions.
  • Clean 2.0.2 or - there were no complaints or crashes.

Waiting for a report from Keyboard Gecko.
Version - updaterd
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So, finished the game, female char, created from scratch - not a single crash. Made a ton of fixing in dialogues though. Also, that beautiful quest with Ted Bundy - did it for the first time.
Apologies, my version #s were inaccurate in my post above.

I see an update posted Feb16 so I will give it a try with a fresh install and try my late-game save again.
Apologies, my version #s were inaccurate in my post above.

I see an update posted Feb16 so I will give it a try with a fresh install and try my late-game save again.
If your saves are from another version, for example 1.02 or crazy edition - they may not be compatible. You can load them, but a big chance to get errors.
No, my saves were from a playthrough started on a fresh 2.0.3 install. I updated in place first to, and then to the version whose .exe is named Nevada Mod Us, dated 2/4/2020, but doesn't list its version on the menu. I believe it's the initial version of before your most recent translation fixes.
The CTD error is still instruction at 00414a24 for memory at 0000001c.
I'll report back after doing a fresh install of your 2/16 version and possibly go back to before starting the train for the first time.
No, my saves were from a playthrough started on a fresh 2.0.3 install. I updated in place first to, and then to the version whose .exe is named Nevada Mod Us, dated 2/4/2020, but doesn't list its version on the menu. I believe it's the initial version of before your most recent translation fixes.
The CTD error is still instruction at 00414a24 for memory at 0000001c.
I'll report back after doing a fresh install of your 2/16 version and possibly go back to before starting the train for the first time.
Unfortunately, I can not help in solving this problem; Version 2.0.3-1-2 compatible; Try load the game before first visiting the location with the train; To reproduce this problem during the passage also fails. :(
I installed version 2.0.3-1-2 but when I try to play I get "You're trying to use sfall with an incompatible version of fallout Was expecting "Fallout 2 v1.02 US"

fallout2.exe was an unexpected size. Expected 0x122800 but got 0x190600

Btw I had no problems with the previous version of 2.0.3-1-1

Using Windows 10.