Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

I've just finished my playthrough and must say that with latest English patches/translation, it's flawless experience in comparison with google translated version from 2012 or so.

So thanks a lot to everyone involved!

I've encountered only single bug and that was wrong dialog file in general Wesker quest lines for getting rid of Deathclaws from the vault (Wind of war). Both dialog and pip boy lines were showing just "Error". The quest could be completed though if you clicked it through...

Other than that I got one save file corruption in Salt lake city but after rollbacking to previous save everything was ok, so i assume it's one of these infamous fallout 2 engine bugs as I did not save in combat etc...
I've just finished my playthrough and must say that with latest English patches/translation, it's flawless experience in comparison with google translated version from 2012 or so.

So thanks a lot to everyone involved!

Thank you so much!

I've encountered only single bug and that was wrong dialog file in general Wesker quest lines for getting rid of Deathclaws from the vault (Wind of war). Both dialog and pip boy lines were showing just "Error". The quest could be completed though if you clicked it through...

Yeah, we fixed it just after the initial release, along with the similar bug about telling Evan the trapper about killing legendary scorpion.
The latest mod installer has these quests working. The download link is the same.
Yeah, we fixed it just after the initial release, along with the similar bug about telling Evan the trapper about killing legendary scorpion.
The latest mod installer has these quests working. The download link is the same.

Also what came to me as quite strange was that player with equipped laser rifle was using "small guns rifle" animation instead of "big guns" animation. Not sure if that was intention or not... but plasma rifle is using big guns animations. Played with hero appearance mod as punk girl.
They are actually pretty busy with like 5 other projects minimum at any given time)) But they are reading this, I can assure you. I take notes anyway)
Aah, alrighty.

Here is another batch.












I decided to explain all directly in screenshots. Easier for me to do it this way also posts will be less bloaty. I recon that very few people who visit this thread are interested in seeing loads of texts of bug reports.

Is it ok to cut out conversations with grammar errors and just put them all on one image? Will it be too hard for you to find them in your editing tool that way? As you can see there are loads of tiny typos so posting screenshots of whole screen is like killing flies with cannon.
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Is it ok to cut out conversations with grammar errors and just put them all on one image? Will it be too hard for you to find them in your editing tool that way? As you can see there are loads of tiny typos so posting screenshots of whole screen is like killing flies with cannon.

I'm fine with finding stuff in text, don't worry. Do it as you like.

Went fixin'
Played with hero appearance mod as punk girl.

Yeah, that's the controversy right there - the appearance mod is somewhat gamebreaking, because the default character's sprite in Nevada is redrawn, while these ones are not. And because the mod is made for the original fallout 2 game, it seems that all animation flaws are not because of FNevada issues.
Yeah, that's the controversy right there - the appearance mod is somewhat gamebreaking, because the default character's sprite in Nevada is redrawn, while these ones are not. And because the mod is made for the original fallout 2 game, it seems that all animation flaws are not because of FNevada issues.
Anyway this happens in vanilla power armor animation as well which is afaik not modified by hero appearance mod. And isn't it so that flag which is telling whether weapon should use small guns rifle animation or big guns animation is in weapon PRO file?
Check out this ridiculousness, haah. It's all one picture and all from conversation with only one NPC.
Now when I think about it I should have just point you to her and maybe give you save instead of making tower of an image.

I really don't like my build, will start over with new character. Mind sending me latest translation files so I don't re-report already fixed stuff? I delete these screenshots in less than a day after posting them.
Ahh, Marylin. The least tested character in the game. Okay, got it.

I can give the files themselves, but as master.dat is packed, you'll need some additional action points to make them work.

Usually, Pyran creates the actual installer version, as now new versions are pretty compatible with each other. I can give files to him in some time today, then it's up to him to build an installer, then you can re-download it - the link is always the same.

So, choose an option.
It's ok, I'll just grumble to myself a bit and continue with this character after all. I would probably loose will and stop playing if I have to do all this again.
Something is seriously wrong with Nevada Fixed edition from 24.02.2020 uploaded at 21 hrs. Downloaded it today and stumbled upon some issues.
First of all it uses sfall eXtended 4.2.2 from 2019 not the latest 4.2.3. Secondly when choosing a skill to use the cursor vanishes from the screen. I'll take a wild guess but i think special 'nevada' mouse cursor icons are missing in this release. the installer wheights 648678kB which is less even from by few hundred kB
Something is seriously wrong with Nevada Fixed edition from 24.02.2020 uploaded at 21 hrs. Downloaded it today and stumbled upon some issues.
First of all it uses sfall eXtended 4.2.2 from 2019 not the latest 4.2.3. Secondly when choosing a skill to use the cursor vanishes from the screen. I'll take a wild guess but i think special 'nevada' mouse cursor icons are missing in this release. the installer wheights 648678kB which is less even from by few hundred kB
Official build only 2.0.2
I ment ofcourse the Nevada Fixed Edition 'Mod'. Anyways did a clean install of recent and only sfall eXtended is outdated (v4.2.2.) all cursors are present. It would seem that installing over a previous version is a bad idea..

updating sfall eXtended to v4.2.3. removes video colour glitch in sfall dx9 mode.
I ment ofcourse the Nevada Fixed Edition 'Mod'. Anyways did a clean install of recent and only sfall eXtended is outdated (v4.2.2.) all cursors are present. It would seem that installing over a previous version is a bad idea..

updating sfall eXtended to v4.2.3. removes video colour glitch in sfall dx9 mode.
Не было версии :)
I don't know. My builds are distributed only here

It has not been maintained for more than two years. Personally, I forgot about it.
well I wouldn't even try to download it as those are probably pirated versions and not to mention via torrent.. It's illegal over where I live to *even look* at such things not to mention anything about trying to download it :p

Torrent downloads are closely monitored via local ISPs and such logs often reported to authorities.
well I wouldn't even try to download it as those are probably pirated versions and not to mention via torrent.. It's illegal over where I live to *even look* at such things not to mention anything about trying to download it :p

Torrent downloads are closely monitored via local ISPs and such logs often reported to authorities.
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