First time out of the vault

I know no Russian and no programming, but I'm a professional editor in English (also, I played the mod all the way through on your last version and loved it).
First of all, a huge thanks to the translators for making Nevada playable. This mod is an incredible accomplishment and testament to the cult following the classic Fallout titles still deserve. I wanted to give my 2 cents on the recently released translation, since I feel like a lot of the immersion is lost as I/others run into major dialogue errors.
I'll edit this post as I find more major issues. I'm only an hour or so into the game so far. The mod could definitely could use some seasoned English editors to comb through some of the rough patches. Sorry I don't have much initial feedback to offer.
1. Mr. Chase and Bertolini have some painfully flawed dialogue (New Reno). The conversations between both are consistently odd and confusing.
Dialogue Example (Mr. Chase):
2. Jay's Message (Pip Boy) displays in Russian
3. Larry Geller in Las Vegas Dead Hotel displays Russian convo options.
4. Salt Lake City Underground Communications - Switch near terminal displays Russian text
5. Salt Lake City Ghetto (Family Shelter below ground) - Trapped Man's note is in Russian
6. Broken Diligence (caravan attack site) - Encrypted Holodisc is in Russian
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