Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

That is the main problem of this mod. The ending seems a bit rushed. Translation doesn't help either to understand plot.
hello im playing the latest crazy edition and i have some questions

-how to make horsekiller poison?the shaman doesnt speak to me.do i have to have higher reputation with the tribals for the shaman to speak with me?
-when its the best time to poison the raiders in lovelock?i have finished all the big loui quests and he sents me away.
best for tribals is to poison them not shoot them correct?

also lvling outdoorsman will net me good items with the metal detector?
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sorry for the double post,i went to the poseidon power plant and got heavily radiated.then went to doctor in the vault and he healed me but the the stat decrease due to the radiation poisoning remained (lost 1 strength).i got the rad suit as soon as possible but still i received heavy amounts of rads.
hello im playing the latest crazy edition and i have some questions

-how to make horsekiller poison?the shaman doesnt speak to me.do i have to have higher reputation with the tribals for the shaman to speak with me?
-when its the best time to poison the raiders in lovelock?i have finished all the big loui quests and he sents me away.

You make it at a campfire with 2 radscorpion tails, 2 nightshade berries, and a syringe. Now that you've done all of his quests, now is a good time to poison them.

I don't know the answers to your other questions, sorry.
So, I have reached the end of this great mod. However, I get absolutely destroyed by the endboss and his army of clones. I am level 17, have the power armor and a laser rifle with 110% energy weapons. I just take way too much damage. So, I can only finish the game by cooperating with him. Is this normal? What can I do to actually beat him? I don't have a lot of open quests left.
Also, I am very confused about the story. Is there a summary available somewhere?
Who exactly is the soul reaper?
What is the device?
What is Jay's part in all this?
How did Jay get me in the first place? I know he used me to get at the device, but why did he even try it?
How does any of this tie into Fallout 1?
Automatic weapons are the best way to counteract his regen abilities, but that might not work for you because the gatling laser is the only automatic energy weapon I recall, and I don't think it exists in Fallout: Nevada. In fact getting an armor-bypassing critical from a burst attack can instantly kill him due to the exorbitant damage done, even from a P90. Leg shots are also good for crippling him and reducing his movement, and if you can knock him unconscious, it's easy to get close and kill him with some eye shots. I was souped-up for the final fight though, but I could have taken the fight at level 20 or earlier - I was level 23 going in and had gotten every stat bonus possible (all SPECIAL and skill increases), like +1 luck from successfully negotiating nuka cola deals with all applicable bars and +1 intelligence from solving enough of what are considered detective quests, and I read every skill book there was to find. I had 135% small guns...And I also had 10 Luck and Sniper, which probably helped the most.

But to make the fight much easier, you can draw the clones out one at a time - go into sneak mode and move far enough away after attacking, and make sure to try to end combat after each enemy is dead. Most of them can be killed this way, but the soul reaper might be alerted when you attack the clones near him, in which case you can move far enough away (if you have the action points) and end combat, then plan your next attack.

The soul reaper was one of the president's aides, who went his own separate ways from the rest in the government vault sometime after order collapsed and the former president took control of vault systems. His dialogue about the U.S. government being still alive spells out that he's an Enclave agent, so it can be said that the Enclave are the main antagonists, but they're intangible and something you're only beginning to tread the surface of by the end of the game compared to their open presence in Fallout 2.

I might be wrong about some of this or maybe a lot of it as it has been a while since I completed the game, but the SoS is needed for authorized access to the cloning machines.

I wasn't really sure either what Jay's part was, and I don't think it's revealed who hired him. Jay did use some weapon that caused you to lose your memory of yourself, which can be learned with sufficient science skill on Wilmuth's computer.

The main story is more related to Fallout 2 than 1 because you're witnessing events perpetrated by the Enclave, and not just a branch, but those on the oil rig who used the clones from your vault to sustain themselves, let alone that much of the territory in Fallout: Nevada overlaps with that in Fallout 2.
I have encountered a bug, which prohibits completion of the game (at least in my version of the game/mod). After killing soul ripper and his clones and freeing train engineer I go back to the train. In the dialogue window, I choose going back to slc and - after about 1 sec of loading window - game crashes. In uplodaded images you can read what message I get everytime I choose this option. I've got 1.02 HD version of the mod and 1.7.0 of sfall2 (if I am not mistaken).

I would be grateful for some piece of advice :)


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am play second time and surprise me that shops now have grenade launcher and ammo for it, maybe because this time I choose big guns? from previously play I learn that machine guns make higher critical than shoot somebody by upgraded plama riffle in eye!, so now I pick fast shot perk etc different character

I today found out this mod. I downloaded version 1.02 HD and translation v2.92. Everything works great. But after some time playing the game I noticed that advanced user interface is missing. I tried to figure out why but I found no answer. I see a lot of screenshots or game videos without the advanced UI. Isn´t advanced UI included in HD version? I am total noob. Do someone know how to show it in the game?
Ugh. I killed the Black Caravan guys in Vegas way too early, only to learn from the dealer that they were going to tell me where the lab was. Is there any other way to find the location of the lab? I assume I need to in order to resolve the quest.
Need to play Crazy Edition ;)

Screen of beta version.

Ok. Thank you for answer. I found rat trap in west part of Vault City. Is there any way how to set rat trap on the ground? It should be done by trap button but without advanced UI can you somehow?
Ugh. I killed the Black Caravan guys in Vegas way too early, only to learn from the dealer that they were going to tell me where the lab was. Is there any other way to find the location of the lab? I assume I need to in order to resolve the quest.

Try using radio around their carts, but I don't know if it will work when they're dead.

Ok. Thank you for answer. I found rat trap in west part of Vault City. Is there any way how to set rat trap on the ground? It should be done by trap button but without advanced UI can you somehow?

Put it in your hands and use. It should place it one tile in front of your character.
Hey! Just discovered this, and it has been a breath of fresh air :) Congratulations to the authors, this seems like an amazing piece of work!

A question though, in the Silver Hotel in Reno, I managed to progress the gambler "quest" (I think it's unmarked) up to the point where I figure out the formula that the machine uses for inducing losses. My character says "I'll get to the bottom of this", and then... Nothing. Mordino upstairs doesn't have a dialog option for it, using Science or Repair on the machine doesn't seem to work, and I don't know who to talk to. Any ideas?
I've made it to Salt Lake and I want to poison the Nuka-Cola plant by request of the Provo raiders.

I'm in the basement of the factory, but I can't seem to interact with the power generators. It just says I can't get there. Am I bugged and can't complete the quest, or is there somewhere else I dump the poison into?
I've made it to Salt Lake and I want to poison the Nuka-Cola plant by request of the Provo raiders.

I'm in the basement of the factory, but I can't seem to interact with the power generators. It just says I can't get there. Am I bugged and can't complete the quest, or is there somewhere else I dump the poison into?

In the crazy edition i did this ;

Nuka Horse.jpg
(This screenshot has messed up colors ; this is no representation of how the game actually looks)
I started playing and I like Fallout Nevada, I noticed some small flaws that you might be able to fix.
With Translation FN v2.92, the possibility that a player looks different will be lost ... I do not think that's good.
Clothes lose a white picture on the back when the player stops moving.
When a player is not wearing armor and a player falls to the ground, the player's clothing becomes light blue and has number 13 on his back, I could not record it.


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I started playing and I like Fallout Nevada, I noticed some small flaws that you might be able to fix.
With Translation FN v2.92, the possibility that a player looks different will be lost ... I do not think that's good.
Clothes lose a white picture on the back when the player stops moving.
When a player is not wearing armor and a player falls to the ground, the player's clothing becomes light blue and has number 13 on his back, I could not record it.
Not correct. You need a lot of animations for a black suit to draw.