Fallout: New Vegas' bugs due to its size

Why are people trying to excuse the game by saying stuff like "I played 20 hours and I got only 3 CTDs"? I've logged about 40 hours and have had, I think, 7 CTDs and 1 freeze. You know how much too much that is? It's exactly 7 CTDs and 1 freeze too much.
^ ALL games CTD at some point. Sometimes it's not the game's fault either... But well, you are right that CTDs shouldn't be "acceptable". I think what most people are getting at though, is that NV is getting all this shit for stuff that was kindly overlooked in the Bethesda release. So they're pretty much blamed for being unable to fix all of Beth's bugs. I'm yet to encounter an issue that I haven't seen in FO3.

So, if there's anyone you should blame for statements like that, it's the game press who set the double-standard in the first place. A game that crashes once every 1-2 hours and gets 9-10 reviews (FO3) sets a standard that leads people to believe that's normal. Then you get all the review complaints and people are confused as to why.

I know Bethesda is not popular here,but NV is much more buggy (360) this time around ...at least for me

I think that's because many people here seem to play the PC version, and that version looks a lot more stable compared to FO3 PC release.
Brother None said:
Why are people trying to excuse the game by saying stuff like "I played 20 hours and I got only 3 CTDs"? I've logged about 40 hours and have had, I think, 7 CTDs and 1 freeze. You know how much too much that is? It's exactly 7 CTDs and 1 freeze too much.

Upgrade to the very last graphics card driver. It's magical, both New Vegas and Fallout 3 loose the CTDs and become smooth as butter.
Honestly I get tired of the Obsidian bashing. NWN was, on release, one of the buggiest games I ever played. And the fabled DM client didn't even work. Yet Bioware didn't get ripped for the buggy, lousy-plot, no DM client release.

Yet when NWN2 comes out, after a complete over-haul, and the bug list (I kept them) was half that. And yet every reviewed bashed them for it. Even though the bug list was half the length as the bug-list from even more developed products like NWN:HOTU. I finally got so ticked at the whining that I posted the side-by-side bug lists (Bioware keeps many of the patch notes on their site, the info is there) to prove my point.

Anyway, I feel a rant about hypocritical double-standards coming on and I'd rather not...

So, yeah, New Vegas is a bit buggy. But so are Bioware games. So are Bethesda games. And people just need to get over it. It's not like they're releasing something along the lines of Pool of Radiance -- Ruins of Myth Drannor.
Why are people trying to excuse the game by saying stuff like "I played 20 hours and I got only 3 CTDs"? I've logged about 40 hours and have had, I think, 7 CTDs and 1 freeze. You know how much too much that is? It's exactly 7 CTDs and 1 freeze too much.

To expect no CTDs or freezes from a computer game seems rather silly, esp coming from a game reviewer/tester? :P

I'm not sure I would call it excusing, it just seems like people are complaining so much about bugs and glitches and constant crashes and all that and a lot of us haven't seen any of it after dozens of hours of playtime. Some are stark raving mad on various forums, and me and others only experience the very occasional crash. I suppose the problem must mostly be down to poor hardware and people using consoles but not specifying that they are.

To me it seems like Fallout New Vegas on the PC is more bug/glitch/crash free as Fallout 3 with years of patches. So all the complaining feels like it is coming from no where

If this was as good as it was gonna get stability wise, I'd be perfectly fine with it.
Briosafreak said:
Upgrade to the very last graphics card driver. It's magical, both New Vegas and Fallout 3 loose the CTDs and become smooth as butter.

Aren't the newer drivers for Nvidia at least causing some problems? Seen it as a reason on a few crash threads.
It has a fair share of bugs, as many recent games, but the difference is that Obsidian has a fame of "buggy" developer, so any bug in their games are magnified.
Bugs are just something that are associated with Obsidian entertainment, so whenever people see any bugs at all in an Obsidian game they have a knee jerk "Here we go again..." reaction, when in reality they are blowing it out of proportion.
No crashes or freezes in 16 hours of play. Considering myself lucky. Have had a lot of glitches, framerate drops, one of the major Goodsprings quests wouldn't start, some NPCs randomly died, and clipping issues with my guns disappearing when in first person view, though. Oh and I noticed the names of the entries on the Mayor's computer in some town should be swapped, seems they got mixed up.
I played for 35 hours and the only bugs were typical gamebryo bullshit that were in Fallout 3. I think people are blowing it out of proportion because it's obsidian.
sampson70 said:
bhlaab said:
New Vegas is no more or less buggy than Fallout 3 was and games journalists were somehow able to ignore it then
I know Bethesda is not popular here,but NV is much more buggy (360) this time around ...at least for me

I've put a lot of time into Oblivion and Fallout 3 and I never really encountered that many bugs. Honestly, I haven't encountered that many in NV yet either... I had one save that would freeze when I tried to load it. Other than that, sometimes my gun model stays "up" for a second when I crouch sometimes. Oh and during the Come Fly with Me quest the head ghoul got stuck repeating the same line over and over.

Are most of these bugs on the PC versions?

I haven't had the misfortune of running into something game breaking luckily.
TwinkieGorilla said:
My only REAL complaint is the stutter when there are too many npcs walking around.
These two tweaks here improved my framerate by about 100%:
It's a bit of a hassle to type in the temo command every time you start the game, but it completely solved the NPC stutter issue for me.
Alternatively, you can try the dll replacement in the first post of that thread, it works too, but disables transparency anti-aliasing.

It's funny that many of the reported bugs were present in Fallout 3, but people are somehow only starting to notice them NOW...
Brother None said:
Why are people trying to excuse the game by saying stuff like "I played 20 hours and I got only 3 CTDs"? I've logged about 40 hours and have had, I think, 7 CTDs and 1 freeze. You know how much too much that is? It's exactly 7 CTDs and 1 freeze too much.

Exactly. You guys are understandably trying to excuse Mr. Avellone because he is an original FO mastermind. The fact of the matter is FO:NV is a lot buggier than FO3 and didn't represent a finished product imo.

So I'll make some logical excuses for him since he created maybe the best RPG of all-time; Planescape:Torment. :D

1. I'm not sure how the timelines work out, but at a glance, it would appear Obsidian had around 15-18 months to take on a completely new project using another dev's base code and put out a finished product. That's a very ambitious timeline, so we can blame Bethesda for rushing it out.

2. The engine this game runs on is a stone age piece of shit. Starting the development on a new engine probably would have pushed the development back a year or two, but damn, one must wonder what Obsidian could have done if they were able to. As I said above, NV is buggier than FO3, but FO3 was still very buggy in it's own right. I blame the engine just being garbage.

3. I know he has stated otherwise, but there is no possible way Chris and his dev team weren't aware of these bugs. I'm guessing they were told to ship the product anyway and use the time between the code going gold and the releases date to try to come up with updates to resolve it. Obviously they were a bit late on this, but again, I think we can logically use the "Blame Bethesda" line here as well.

All in all, I sincerely hope the turbulence created by this release doesn't cause Bethesda to take development on future Fallouts back. The franchise is in infinitely better hands with Obsidian and I shutter to think what they could do with a little more development time and an engine that isn't crap.

My .02.
Brother None said:
Why are people trying to excuse the game by saying stuff like "I played 20 hours and I got only 3 CTDs"? I've logged about 40 hours and have had, I think, 7 CTDs and 1 freeze. You know how much too much that is? It's exactly 7 CTDs and 1 freeze too much.

i can understand your point, but i've also never seen a game from black isle/troika/obsidian that was bug free at launch.
11 hours so far, no bug, no CTD, no freeze.

Hell, it does not even crash on exit, which both Oblivion and Fallout 3 did.

I started playing on friday when two patches and dll fix were already out. Besides that dll fix I am also using MTUI.

The only thing out of normality is the usual gamebryo stuff like Radscorpion stuck in the ground, that happended twice so far (but it unstuck after I killed it, putting it out of its misery).

To me, this is the most polished Obsidian game so far, which is incredible considering its expansiveness, shitty engine and short dev time.

Of course, it is entirely possible that next time I fire up the game, everything will go to hell...though I doubt it. If it does, I will be pissed :)
Blackfriar said:
So, yeah, New Vegas is a bit buggy. But so are Bioware games. So are Bethesda games. And people just need to get over it. It's not like they're releasing something along the lines of Pool of Radiance -- Ruins of Myth Drannor.

Or Fallout 2. Or Darklands 2, which I still haven't gotten to work.

That said, there's no objective measure of level of buginess. Bug list length surely isn't it because bug lists contain both rare and small errors as well as large ones. Having an enemy glitch into a wall isn't exactly equivalent to the game resetting my quicksaves and losing me 3 hours of game progress.

Goweigus said:
To expect no CTDs or freezes from a computer game seems rather silly, esp coming from a game reviewer/tester? :P

Is it? My computer is falling out of date but I keep it meticulously clean when it comes to drivers, software, registry cleaning and the like. Dragon Age: Origins? No CTDs. Drakensang? No CTDs. Mass Effect 2? No CTDs. Even Alpha Protocol had no CTDs (or maybe one, I don't keep a great log), though it did have a bunch of annoying bugs. Minecraft?! NO CTDS! Well ok that one is not as impressive.

Goweigus said:
If this was as good as it was gonna get stability wise, I'd be perfectly fine with it.

You would. The people who can't even get past the menu but for a crash might not.

Elhoim said:
It has a fair share of bugs, as many recent games, but the difference is that Obsidian has a fame of "buggy" developer, so any bug in their games are magnified.

And Obsidian fans use this reputation as if it's some kind of defense. It's not though, their reputation is based on fact. Arguing that BioWare and Bethesda should also have this reputation doesn't change that.
Goweigus said:
Why are people trying to excuse the game by saying stuff like "I played 20 hours and I got only 3 CTDs"? I've logged about 40 hours and have had, I think, 7 CTDs and 1 freeze. You know how much too much that is? It's exactly 7 CTDs and 1 freeze too much.

To expect no CTDs or freezes from a computer game seems rather silly, esp coming from a game reviewer/tester? :P
I think it's pretty reasonable to expect something like that. mean, we all payed good money for this and it is their job to deliver a game that actually works.
Would you pay money for a car that breaks down every other mile, locks you out of it from time to time and sometimes dives through the street?
Somehow the gamers got used to the crappy treatment they get from the developers and are now happy if they "only" encounter a few CTDs and bugs.
Chocolate ration's up 1 gramm, doubleplusgood, eh?
rehevkor said:
Just how buggy is it really? I've played it for pretty considerable time (not hit Vegas itself yet). And found it no more or less buggy than F3. The full crashes I had grown accustomed to in F3 are a lot less frequent in NV.

Am I just lucky?

[PC btw]

Boh? I'm playing the PS3 version and so far (15 hours) works better than FO3. Some Gamebryo weird stuff like corpses floating in the air but that's it. So far the only technical flaw is that sometimes the game freezes for a moment when roaming the wasteland. Problems with data streaming?

lmao said:
I realize that the console versions are much buggier, but that's what you get for playing on a console.

Uh...? They are? I thought that as a general rule console versions are more stable and with less bugs, FO3 and F:NV included.
Brother None said:
I don't make a habit out of letting my drivers fall out of date, but thanks anyway.

For NVidia the last one, starting the 3xx.00 series, is magical. All the 2xx either bring problems or don't do nothing special, but this last one has more impact in F:NV (and Fallout 3) as I've never seen before in any game.

I wished it was around during the launch of Oblivion and Fallout 3, had a lot of CTDs in those days.