Fallout: New Vegas' bugs due to its size

I think I have a solution that will solve everybody's problems with bugs, console or PC alike:

Play through the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.
justin8776 said:
I think I have a solution that will solve everybody's problems with bugs, console or PC alike:

Play through the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.

I imagine Fallout New Vegas murders S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

It looks to be a fun FPS but at least Fallout still retains vestiges of its RPG roots (reactively branching mission structure, SPECIAL system, etc).

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. has great world ambiance but, under the hood, it's still a FPS.
Lexx said:
I only play in english. Will not touche the german version, because it's horrible.
"Töte Pulverbandidten für die RNK um dir Kronkorken zu verdienen!"

Worst. Translation. Ever.
I have been burned by Oblivion and FO3 already, I'll never buy a localized game again :D
Vic Ious said:
Lexx said:
I only play in english. Will not touche the german version, because it's horrible.
"Töte Pulverbandidten für die RNK um dir Kronkorken zu verdienen!"

Worst. Translation. Ever.
Absolutely. I do so regret getting the german version... But I was shopping at Media Markt for CDs and couldn't resist :D
I think I have a solution that will solve everybody's problems with bugs, console or PC alike:

Play through the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.

Completely different games and genres, bad comparison. Each is good at what it does, but I don't see why you'd bring it up.

There have been a lot of non-buggy games released on the GameBryo engine, blaming the engine is just a cop-out for Bethesda's and Obsidian's incompetence.

Care to name a few? I really haven't played one yet.
Briosafreak said:
Anyway this driver baby is great, work with them and the CTDs will be out, at least that's my experience.

I'm happy for you, but you need a bit of a reality check on the magic of updated drivers. I have kept my drivers up to date including this one, and it still crashes. And freezes. That's life. There are no magical fix-alls.

Care to name a few? I really haven't played one yet.

You sure? There's tons of Gamebryo games. Like Pirates! or Warhammer Online.
Ausdoerrt said:
I think I have a solution that will solve everybody's problems with bugs, console or PC alike:

Play through the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.

Completely different games and genres, bad comparison. Each is good at what it does, but I don't see why you'd bring it up.

I think what he's saying is that the bugs in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. make the bugs in every other game pale in comparison. Not that I agree with that, if that's what's being implied.

Care to name a few? I really haven't played one yet.

There's also Divinity 2: Ego Draconis, though they've since dumped it and remade the game with a new engine.
Brother None said:
Briosafreak said:
Anyway this driver baby is great, work with them and the CTDs will be out, at least that's my experience.

I'm happy for you, but you need a bit of a reality check on the magic of updated drivers. I have kept my drivers up to date including this one, and it still crashes. And freezes. That's life. There are no magical fix-alls.

Care to name a few? I really haven't played one yet.

You sure? There's tons of Gamebryo games. Like Pirates! or Warhammer Online.

Then you have the dreaded DX problem. I'll let you know a secret, if you do a clean install of Fallout 3 before you install New Vegas you'll get a few DX9 files in your system that will fix things up.

Still the New Vegas oriented 260.99 was released today, that might help you out too.

And if the Gamebryo version of New Vegas comes from Bethesda, how is that Obsidians fault? Faulty logic fail.
Makagulfazel said:
Same here - CTD every one in a while. 1 every 4-5 hours, I'd say. But, New Vegas does have the extra bonus of the console crashes and the whole steam cloud quicksave/autosave screw up.
The PS3 version of Fallout 3 is apparently a fucking mess so I'm not so sure...

Goweigus said:
Pretty sure Kotor 2 had those problems because their publisher didn't give them enough time to even finish most of the content or bug test the game.
KotoR 2 had those problems for the same reasons most of their games do, they were over ambitious for the timeline. It just so happens that they overextended themselves more than usual on that project, thus ended up with more problems than usual. EA should have pushed back the timeline in order to help but Obsidian has pants time management and I doubt they'd argue with that. Personally, I'm pissed when a game crashes regularly, it's completely unacceptable in any game out of beta.

Brother None said:
Why are people trying to excuse the game by saying stuff like "I played 20 hours and I got only 3 CTDs"? I've logged about 40 hours and have had, I think, 7 CTDs and 1 freeze. You know how much too much that is? It's exactly 7 CTDs and 1 freeze too much.
Agreed. While I think that Obsidian getting all of the blame for preexisting problems is a load of crap, crashes shouldn't happen, especially if they are as random as they seem in New Vegas.

hagren said:
Besides, no one said that Bethesda is not guilty of the same thing. But exactly this is why it's not acceptable anymore. The Gamebryo engine has been buggy and unpolished ever since Oblivion.
Not sure why now is any worse than before, especially considering that it's a different developer with a more limited time schedule working with an engine they had never worked with before. Bethesda deserved far more shit regarding bugs with the engine on Fallout 3's release given their history with the engine. What's worse is Bethesda's ambivalence in the matter, the community did most of the leg work on patching Oblivion, releasing 14 patches to Bethesda's 2 or 3. That's all the more reason to complain about Obsidian not dedicating a team to working out all of the engine bugs.
Personally I've had hardly any issues with New Vegas. Playing on the 360 FWIW.

In my last playthrough of Fallout 3 GOTY - which was as patched as the game is ever going to get - I still had a number of hard crashes. But so far in New Vegas, no hard crashes and the worst glitch I've come across is a Deathclaw getting stuck in the ground (which would have actually saved my life if it wasn't for the fact that he had 3 other buddies just over a hill). No issues at all since the patch.

I'm also very pleased with the general quality of the game - after Fallout 3 this really feels like a proper Fallout game, like it was made by people who actually understands what made the original games great.
Ixyroth said:
Ausdoerrt said:
I think I have a solution that will solve everybody's problems with bugs, console or PC alike:

Play through the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series.

Completely different games and genres, bad comparison. Each is good at what it does, but I don't see why you'd bring it up.

I think what he's saying is that the bugs in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. make the bugs in every other game pale in comparison. Not that I agree with that, if that's what's being implied.

Yes, that is what I was implying. For the record, I loved all three of those games, and played through them to the end. Was just trying to make a joke, I guess.