Fallout: New Vegas' bugs due to its size

Im impressed by the game, and so far its what I hoped for. It feels so different from F3. I m really happy with this game... for me its going to be the best since vampire bloodlines and F2, I hope.
Im playing on the xbox 360, had two freezes ( just arrived at the strip) and nothing more to report except good fun.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
lmao said:
I realize that the console versions are much buggier, but that's what you get for playing on a console.
Uh...? They are? I thought that as a general rule console versions are more stable and with less bugs, FO3 and F:NV included.

As a rule, yes, but New Vegas' console releases were fairly shoddy. A lot of hard crashes on the Xbox 360, which I would guess is what the majority of day 1 reviewers played it on.
Another plus: Thanks to steam, they can update the pc version much faster.

The minus: It can happen that pc players are used as bug tester now, before the patches are released on the console.

Anyway, game runs fine for me and I am happy that I just needed to lower my audio hardware acceleration in order to remove all blue screen crashs. Could have been far worse, I'll guess.
Im having quite the low framerate(in combat while strafing) from time to time (even with the fixes offered by obsidian) but otherwise havent had single crash in 2 days yet.
Lexx said:
Another plus: Thanks to steam, they can update the pc version much faster.

The minus: It can happen that pc players are used as bug tester now, before the patches are released on the console.

Anyway, game runs fine for me and I am happy that I just needed to lower my audio hardware acceleration in order to remove all blue screen crashs. Could have been far worse, I'll guess.
Can happen? I think that since most people have high speed internet, the publishers tend to release incomplete games and then try to fix them with patches and DLCs.
Or, in case of GSC Gameworld, they just don't give a shit and let the community fix it.
Btw Lexx, do you have the german version or do you tend to get the german version?
I don't care about the blood&gore, but the synchro is really bad this time. Also, the translation sucks. "Karminrote Karawane" or "Karmesinrote Karawane", depending on what translator sat on it at that time? Awful. I really shouldn't have bought the german version...
I only play in english. Will not touche the german version, because it's horrible.
Wow, are all news posts here this bitchy?

My roommate & I have been playing a few hours a night since launch & have had one single freeze, a few graphical glitches & some weirdly non-hostile Vipers between us on the PS3. There's no doubt this is a buggy game, but this is leagues better than the crap I had to slog through in the GOTY edition of 3.
I have played he game for 8 hours total and haven't had a single crash yet nor have I experienced any bugs. Call me lucky.
choic said:
Wow, are all news posts here this bitchy?

My roommate & I have been playing a few hours a night since launch & have had one single freeze, a few graphical glitches & some weirdly non-hostile Vipers between us on the PS3. There's no doubt this is a buggy game, but this is leagues better than the crap I had to slog through in the GOTY edition of 3.
When people report some serious bugs and youre really surprised about them bitching ? Com on. Letz not be silly here. BN already explained that while someone might NOT experience issues that doesnt mean others are not runing in to them. And when you payed some money for a game you have every right to be frustrated from crashes, freezes and such. Doesnt mean the game is broken. THough I cant comment on that since I dont have it ~ But its clear that both Bethesda and Obsidian really have a bad habit of releasing buged software ... and now as Obsidian started working with a buggy engine/game in the first place, a very very dangerous combination.
I don't have the game yet (My reason being that it'd be far to buggy until patches arrive).

For those of you that do, given that this is a game by Obsidion using Bethesda's hillariously glitchy engine, is New Vegas more or less buggy than you expected?

If less, well, isn't that a worrying trend?
Crni Vuk said:
choic said:
Wow, are all news posts here this bitchy?

My roommate & I have been playing a few hours a night since launch & have had one single freeze, a few graphical glitches & some weirdly non-hostile Vipers between us on the PS3. There's no doubt this is a buggy game, but this is leagues better than the crap I had to slog through in the GOTY edition of 3.
When people report some serious bugs and youre really surprised about them bitching ? Com on. Letz not be silly here. BN already explained that while someone might NOT experience issues that doesnt mean others are not runing in to them. And when you payed some money for a game you have every right to be frustrated from crashes, freezes and such. Doesnt mean the game is broken. THough I cant comment on that since I dont have it ~ But its clear that both Bethesda and Obsidian really have a bad habit of releasing buged software ... and now as Obsidian started working with a buggy engine/game in the first place, a very very dangerous combination.
I'm not talking about the comments, I'm talking about the OP.

I got a laugh out of it, but using a quote to take potshots at a dev is hardly "news".
choic said:
Wow, are all news posts here this bitchy?

My roommate & I have been playing a few hours a night since launch & have had one single freeze, a few graphical glitches & some weirdly non-hostile Vipers between us on the PS3. There's no doubt this is a buggy game, but this is leagues better than the crap I had to slog through in the GOTY edition of 3.
I think if one has seen and played as many RPGs as Brother None did, I think he's entitled to express his disgust when Obsidian gains another entry in their "buggy games" list.

Besides, this attitude is much, much better than the biased and almost religious brown-nosing you see at some fansites these days.

If you want things to be successfully changed, you basically have to bitch in order to stop the release of buggy RPGs.

Besides, no one said that Bethesda is not guilty of the same thing. But exactly this is why it's not acceptable anymore. The Gamebryo engine has been buggy and unpolished ever since Oblivion.
hagren said:
choic said:
Wow, are all news posts here this bitchy?

My roommate & I have been playing a few hours a night since launch & have had one single freeze, a few graphical glitches & some weirdly non-hostile Vipers between us on the PS3. There's no doubt this is a buggy game, but this is leagues better than the crap I had to slog through in the GOTY edition of 3.
I think if one has seen and played as many RPGs as Brother None did, I think he's entitled to express his disgust when Obsidian gains another entry in their "buggy games" list.

Besides, this attitude is much, much better than the biased and almost religious brown-nosing you see at some fansites these days.

If you want things to be successfully changed, you basically have to bitch in order to stop the release of buggy RPGs.

Besides, no one said that Bethesda is not guilty of the same thing. But exactly this is why it's not acceptable anymore. The Gamebryo engine has been buggy and unpolished ever since Oblivion.

There have been a lot of non-buggy games released on the GameBryo engine, blaming the engine is just a cop-out for Bethesda's and Obsidian's incompetence.

Also, I'm pretty sure that Bethesda has been using an outdated version of the GameBryo engine since Oblivion was released.
I didn't mean the Gamebryo engine in general, that's why I wrote "since Oblivion". Ie, what I meant is, that under Bethesda (and now Obsidian) a myriad of issues arose with their usage of the engine and haven't been resolved ever since they surfaced during Oblivion. Which means that no, there is no excuse for it.

Just look at how BioWare tweaked the UE3 engine. The PC version of Mass Effect had audovisual bugs, frequent crashes, performance issues etc, whereas ME2 ran smooth and prettily as butter. They even fixed that damn UE3 texture pop-in that not even the original engineers could and plagued every UE3 game ever since. That's how product service should look like.
sea said:
Briosafreak said:
Brother None said:
I don't make a habit out of letting my drivers fall out of date, but thanks anyway.

For NVidia the last one, starting the 3xx.00 series, is magical. All the 2xx either bring problems or don't do nothing special, but this last one has more impact in F:NV (and Fallout 3) as I've never seen before in any game.

I wished it was around during the launch of Oblivion and Fallout 3, had a lot of CTDs in those days.
Uh. There is no 3xx.00 series. Latest official drivers are 260.89 and there is no 3xx series beta available as of yet.

You are right, I'm using 260.89, was tricked by the filenames when I downloaded the thing. Anyway this driver baby is great, work with them and the CTDs will be out, at least that's my experience. Of course if you don't have DX9 files together with your DX11 you'll also get into trouble...
Briosafreak said:
You are right, I'm using 260.89, was tricked by the filenames when I downloaded the thing. Anyway this driver baby is great, work with them and the CTDs will be out, at least that's my experience. Of course if you don't have DX9 files together with your DX11 you'll also get into trouble...

I am using these with my gtx280, I have the dx9.dll from nexus, game works great, although I have very..weird flicker sometimes, like white..it is almost invisible. I read it is caused by these drivers and nvidia is working on it, and that disabling AA works, but I will gladly take ocassional flicker over lack of AA.

But yeah, 16 hours in and I have not had a single crash or freeze - this game is rock solid for me.Totally different from Fallout 3 (but maybe FO3 would be stable too now, with this driver).
I just know I've been playing it since release day, and I am totally enjoying it. Dare I say, Fallout Is Back!

I have been pleasantly surprised.
hagren said:
Just look at how BioWare tweaked the UE3 engine. The PC version of Mass Effect had audovisual bugs, frequent crashes, performance issues etc, whereas ME2 ran smooth and prettily as butter. They even fixed that damn UE3 texture pop-in that not even the original engineers could and plagued every UE3 game ever since. That's how product service should look like.
Well, you know I am the last one which will jump on developers and bashing them when I see a few bugs, they apologize and its the first time they work with some engine. Considering the preasure they have sometimes and only a very small time frame to work with the software this can be quite problematic. BUT when you consider for how long now Bethesda is working on the Gamembryo engine its not even funny anymore. The time it was a "joke" is long gone. Now its just downright embarassing in my eyes. They literaly worked with the code and engine since Morrowind and thats quite some time. A lot of modders managed to get huge projects out on engines with much shorter time and with a full time job on the othe side not working with games as professionals and yet Bethesda didnt managed with F3 to release a robust game ? Ah well ... but at least they are not alone in the buisness. A lot of companies share this kind of habit. And it seems it has become quite the norm that you either get a "day 1 fix patch" or some kind of "corection package" which is 500mb big or such stuff.
I'm not disagreeing with you. While I only really had audiovisual issues with Oblivion and Fallout 3, I know of a lot of people who had crashes, broken quests and the like, which, as the inferior models and animations, simply should not be in the final products after all their experience with the engine.
I thought I had found a bug today... but it turns out that after having several complete system failures my Xbox red-ringed. Shame really... However, this would make for a fantastic bug if it indeed killed my Xbox.