Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

Blackened said:
By the way, when I played Fallout 2 for the first time, I thought that it's a Fallout tradition to introduce a better Power Armor in the game with every game.

Uuuuuh...since it happenend once it's a tradition? o_O
Forhekset said:
Damn unkillable children. Is Obsidian bringing back groin shots, at least?


Well maybe some special attacks with melee weapons are to the groin, but I doubt it.
Well, Chris Avellone said that the player can kill everyone except one person. So, I assume that there is one child? Unkillable children is no big deal really.
it is in my eyes cause it shows 2 things. But thats just my oppinion of course.

1. is. They dont have the balls to simply do it. But thats not a complaining from my side. You probably just cant get away with it that easy anymore like it was in the past.

2. It sadly takes away a lot of moral aspects of the game when you cant kill children. You could do a lot of moral dilemas around that. Or challange the player in some way with it. And I dont mean simple black vs white choices.
I know you can cause the death of a kid in Army of Two: The 40th Day.

You don't kill him directly, but sending him to pick up a sniper rifle while you're being pinned down by a hail of machine gun fire isn't conducive to the health of the child.

I really wanted that sniper rifle though.
You can cause the death of kids in plenty of games, including Fallout 3 (blowing up Megaton).

But seriously expecting a game developer to put in killable children in an AAA game in this day and age is folly, which was verevoof's point and which is why what Crni is saying is valid but not relevant as criticism to this specific game. It's relevant as criticism to the industry, but not to Bethesda or Obsidian.
It's not as if I really NEED to be able to kill children. I don't have some urge to kill children that I need to satisfy through games. It just bugs me that I can't, because I could in the original games. It gives the game much more of a wide-open feel where you can do damn near anything you want, so long as you're prepared to deal with the consequences. It is a lawless wasteland after all. Anyway, beating a dead horse here.

FYI you can kill a kid in Dragon Age, but he's possessed by a demon and it happens off screen.