Fallout: New Vegas E3 previews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
A handful more previews have surfaced. GayGamer has a brief take that can be first-hand or second-hand, dunno.<blockquote>My favorite new feature however, is the hardcore mode. If you find the game a bit to easy for a seasoned campaigner like yourself, simply turn on this mode and things will be made much harder for you. Ammo will now add to the weight you carry. Food and drink are required to stay alive and you must be sure to get enough sleep every night. This lends the gameplay a much more realistic feel.</blockquote>GameSpot.<blockquote>Our time in New Vegas also allowed us to meet some of the seedy characters that call it their home. You can't take normal weapons into casinos, but Mister Holdout wanders around on the streets, trying to sell concealed weapons that can help you avoid detection. Chairman Greeter is the man that introduces you to the Tops Hotel and Casino--the place that you're going to be staying during this section of the game. We were told that this bit was from around 20-30 percent through the main story. </blockquote>G4 TV.<blockquote>Leaving the neon confines of Vegas provides a much more hardcore experience. Out in the Nevada countryside, life isn’t about card games and show girls. There’s a grim war in progress. Two factions are fighting over the Hoover Dam and the control of the power it provides. I don't know for sure, but I imagine you're going to be in the middle of that conflict. If that wasn't enough, there's a whole slew of radiation mutations onhand to ruin your day. The demo featured fearsome fire geckos -- gigantic lizards who will char you to cinders if you're not careful -- and super-mutants, ghouls and raiders will be around to fill you full of lead.</blockquote>
A handful more previews have surfaced. GayGamer has a brief take that can be first-hand or second-hand, dunno.

My favorite new feature however, is the hardcore mode. If you find the game a bit to easy for a seasoned campaigner like yourself, simply turn on this mode and things will be made much harder for you.

uh... no comment.
comscar said:
A handful more previews have surfaced. GayGamer has a brief take that can be first-hand or second-hand, dunno.

My favorite new feature however, is the hardcore mode. If you find the game a bit to easy for a seasoned campaigner like yourself, simply turn on this mode and things will be made much harder for you.

uh... no comment.

Who else read this with a feminine gay voice? "and things will be made much harder for you, girlfriend."
[reads the GayGamer preview]
Damn, I hate gays now. (j/k)

If they made geckos out of mirelurk (king) models, I'm going to divorce J.E. Sawyer!
yeah yeah guys, this is no place for homophobia. GayGamer is good people. Solid, dependable coverage of their own, unique angle.
I wonder why you would need weapons in the casino, except if you want to start a shootout. Maybe we will see some raid from other NPCs on a casino, while player is inside? I am curious. Or not. But I still think there must be something more, if players get the option to take weapons in there secretly.
Do quests like assassinations? Just in case (you may get attacked or something)? Own that guy who bans you from gambling for cheating when you didn't cheat?

P.S. I'm exceptionally gay-tolerant. Maybe because I know a cool guy who is gay.
Ausir said:
The reskinned mirelurk kings (cavelurks?) are a separate creature.
Yep. Geckos were one of the first things we saw.

Also, I went to IGN and watched their demo. Well, listened. Feed was laggy. Apparently the wheeled robots are called Securitrons. I'd have to watch it again to remember any more details.
Brother None said:
yeah yeah guys, this is no place for homophobia. GayGamer is good people. Solid, dependable coverage of their own, unique angle.

I always find logic like this a little off...

What ''unique angle'' do homosexuals have when it comes to gaming? I dont really think their sexual orientation has a huge effect on how someone enjoys computer games but there we go.

Meh each to their own.
Radman said:
Brother None said:
yeah yeah guys, this is no place for homophobia. GayGamer is good people. Solid, dependable coverage of their own, unique angle.

I always find logic like this a little off...

What ''unique angle'' do homosexuals have when it comes to gaming? I dont really think their sexual orientation has a huge effect on how someone enjoys computer games but there we go.

Meh each to their own.

Well he said "their" angle, as in that of GayGamer, not that of gays in general.
"40% more dialog than Fallout 3". Interesting. :>

Also as the quality of the video is much better than the other ones, you can see the surroundings a bit better and I have to say, it looks much better than Fallout 3 to me.

/Edit: Seems like the Fallout 3 plasma rifle is named "Multiplas Rifle" now?
best video so far. sure, same old information we've heard several times now. but this video showed off more stuff than the others.

and the Anti-Material Rifle is already my favorite gun. I'm gonna build a character entirely based around the use of that gun. it's the kind of weapon I've been missing throughout the entire Fallout saga. you know, for those occasions when the ordinary sniper rifle just isn't enough.
This is a good interview / demo of the game, the best one so far anyway I think. It further confirm's a mafia faction which run's the gentlemens club 8-). The faction is called the Omerta's nice :D


Planting C4 on multiple people in a town then blowing them all up :lol:

Edit: That is my favorite vid so far of New Vegas actually for sure